Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 832: movie star

Ta Chenzhai narrowed his eyes, rubbed his chin slowly, looked at the person in front of him and said, "Even if it's the harbor area, it's the campus of the Star Guidance Center. How dare you sneak in here, you're really brave, 'Xingtian' Great Holy'."

"What, I still wear it." The other party opened the space window and displayed words instead of opening. Female - Arima, Qingyang took off the mask that symbolized the wolf and grinned.

"I used to be number one, but now I'm doing such a dirty thing... It's really miserable, the lackey of 'Wanwu Tianluo'."

"How dare you say that, old man. I heard that people will become smoother when they get older, it seems to be a lie." Arima didn't care about Ta Chenzhai's provocation, and smiled casually.

"But is this good? Your actions have clearly violated the Xingwu Charter. Once this matter is exposed, Jielong will not be able to eat and walk away."

Xingwu Charter strictly prohibits students from entering other campuses without authorization. Of course, from a security point of view, it is actually not difficult to invade areas other than the central part. Not to mention the intelligence officers of the intelligence agencies directly under each academy.

However, in the early days of Asterisk, due to the overheating of the intelligence war, there was a serious chaos that could affect the holding of the 'Xingwu Festival', so that each academy strictly followed this rule. Just if there are intelligence officers from other academies invading the campus, it is inevitable that they will be severely punished.

"What's more, in this incident, no matter how you intervene, your world dragon will not gain any benefits."

"Hahaha! You're still saying these stupid things even now." Arima smiled at Ta Chenzhai's warning.

"We are different from the cowards in other places, and have nothing to do with the interests of the integrated enterprise and the profit and loss of the academy. Once the 'Wanwu Tianluo' decides this way, I will only obey the orders. You are not the same? expert?"

"Hmph, how dare you say that!"

"Honestly, I'm so disappointed in you guys. None of them can stand the fight."

"It turns out that it is you who defeated the old man's men everywhere."

"But it doesn't matter. In any case, the old man can't continue to waste time on you."

As soon as Tachenzhai's words landed, several dark shadows appeared above the juxtaposed cranes. One more hit where the footing is unstable, and the situation is overwhelmingly favorable for the Shichenzhai side.

"Come on then!" Arima said fearlessly.


Although the harbor area of ​​Hoshishimakan Academy surrounds the academy, it is usually impossible to walk through it because of the waterway like a canal. If you don't consider the chaos of swimming, there are three routes.

The first is to take advantage of the water route of the boat. It is the most common route to use when transporting supplies from a satellite city on the lakeshore or an airport.

The second is the vehicle route for bringing in supplies from the Asterisk urban area.

The last one is the underground route that connects from the inside of the academy. If students want to enter the harbor area, they must use this underground route.

Mu Hantian, who joined Julis and the others, walked quickly on the underground passage alongside the automatic transport track.

"Thanks to Ye Bhui's intelligence, we were able to find this place."

"Well, but now we have to find Claudia as soon as possible." Julis nodded.

"Hey... Look, is that the exit?" Qi Rin, who was behind Mu Hantian, stretched out her wrist and pointed to the front.

Looking at Qilin's voice, there is indeed a faint light on the other side of the passage.

"Anyway, let's go and see!"

"Yeah!" Everyone nodded in agreement and began to increase their speed.

"The rain is getting heavier." As soon as she came outside, the raindrops that hit her violently made Sha Ye frown.

There was still some time before sunset, but the surroundings were already dark. Huge warehouses and gigantic cranes, as well as taller streetlights, all these things standing on the other side of the rain, like weird monsters.

"Well, although I got here, the harbor area is quite big. We are going to separate."

When Julis said this, everyone immediately jumped in all directions. Then, a huge container the size of a house fell on the spot where everyone stood just now.

"Sorry, I can't let you guys move on."

This sentence sounded out of nowhere, and then countless containers fell. However, the goal this time was not Mu Hantian and the others, but as if blocking everyone's way, countless containers were continuously stacked to form a wall.

"How is it, can you please go back now?" Not long after, a figure appeared on the wall, overlooking Mu Hantian and the others, and spoke at the same time.

However, since the figure covered itself with a windbreaker, the face could not be seen.

"I don't know who you are, but if you dare to hinder us, I won't spare you...!"

Julis glared at each other with belligerent eyes, but the figure only shrugged jokingly.

"Oops...why are words so hurtful, 'Witch Huayan'. Have you forgotten me?"

"What did you say?" Julis frowned in surprise.

"Long time no see, Silas Norman!" Mu Hantian revealed the identity of the person in front of him.

"What...!" Yulis opened her eyes wide when she heard Mu Hantian's name.

"Oh, as expected of you, you still remember me." The figure slowly took off his hood, revealing a male appearance with shining eyes.

He was Silas Norman, who had colluded with Alcant and attacked the top students in the Star Guidance Center, including Julis, one after another by hiding in the dark.

"I never thought you would be a movie star."

"I am also unwilling to do so. Since the Star Guidance Center uses me as a bargaining chip to trade with Alcant, I cannot expect freedom. If I am not careful, I will even be imprisoned for the rest of my life. I made a deal." Silas opened his slender arms and gushed.

"Oh, that's not bad." Julis replied casually while being alert.

Silas was suddenly furious. "This...this is not good! In the end, I was still put on a collar and treated as an abandoned child! Anyway, for the Star Guide Museum, my life and death are neither painful nor itchy! Although it is better than being locked underground, but I've had enough of this humiliating treatment!"

"Do it yourself." Sa Ye grunted noncommittally.

"However, it's not just bad things. I finally got the chance to avenge you, so the warning just now is just a cover. If you really go back obediently, then I will feel a pity." Silas grinned and opened his palm. , and then several containers floated in the air.

"Oh, so it's revenge? Although it's reasonable for you to hate us in turn, but you won't deal with everyone by yourself, right?" Julis raised her guard to act at any time, staring at Silas at the same time.

"No, no, I'm never that stupid. After all, I was defeated by you guys. So..." Silas said here, and figures appeared one after another on the container. All were wearing hoods and could not see their faces. There are more than ten people.

"Are they all movie stars?"

Seeing Julis' look of astonishment, Silas raised his chest and said, "To deal with the top guys, you need so many people, right? And...they are much more experienced than me."

"It seems that it is indeed an opponent that cannot be underestimated." Qi Rin held Chi Yukiri and looked around with increased vigilance.

"But, but we can't help our partners without saving...!" Julis activated the brilliant long-distance guidance armament, and a storm-like all-purpose element followed.

"Bloom it - Chi Yuanzhuo Chopping Flower!"

The scorching battle wheels fired with Julis' roar scattered and attacked Silas and the others. Brilliant long-distance guidance armament followed closely, drawing a red trajectory in the air. The second-stage multiple long-range attack is a unique trick that Julis, who is good at mastering space, is proud of.

"I'm going to force a breakthrough!"

"Hahaha! That's right!" Silas's laughter was full of evil pleasure, while using the container as a shield for defense. The other intelligence officers also dodged Julis' attack and jumped off the container wall.

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