Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 837: Anti-robbery really pays off

My name is Mu Hantian, I am a traveler, or you can call me the 'savior of the world'. My age is no longer testable, because I have forgotten it myself, but it should be eighteen, it should be.

Right now, I'm on a mission to release some shit, so I came to this world and broke down a girl's home. I promised to pay compensation, but the problem is, I have no money at all! It's not poverty, it's the kind that can't even lift a chestnut without a penny.

However, at this time of headache, three well-meaning people reached out to me with hope (laughs).

I should be able to get money from these guys (laughs).

The above content is from the first chapter of Mu Hantian's life in another world.

"Well, I'm sorry, everyone."

Mu Hantian scratched his face a little embarrassedly, and looked at the three men in front of him who exuded the radiance of 'kindness': "Although it's a bit of a guess, let's just ask, what are you going to do?"

"You don't seem to understand your own position yet." The man who should be the leader sighed, and then glared at Mu Hantian viciously, the wicked aura unfolded without pretence.

"Hand over your valuables to save yourself the pain of flesh and blood."

"Ah—it's true... ah, it's really true. Haha, it's tragic." Although he said so, there was no panic at all on Mu Hantian's face, and he even showed it. out 'Wow! Is this the legendary robbery? ' expression.

Mu Hantian looked at the men in front of him who were looking at him with contempt and ridicule. He was about twenty years old, and his inner despicableness was fully revealed on his face. Although they are not demihumans, they are by no means good.

"Master, I'll come out and make some soy sauce. According to my calculations, the probability of these three robbing you is 95%, and the remaining 5% are: the possibility of being caused by others to investigate your details. It's 4.7%, and the chance of getting a mission to kill you is 0.3%." Xiaoguang's voice sounded in Mu Hantian's mind.

"Isn't that the 100% gangster robbery?" Mu Hantian twitched the corner of his mouth.

"What is the guy muttering about?"

"I don't understand what he's talking about, but I know he treats us like idiots. Kill him."

Mu Hantian's ruthless attitude obviously made the already bad-tempered thugs even more irritable, and even made them say words that would kill Mu Hantian.

"First beat you until you can't move, then strip you bare. How dare you look down on us..."

"I'm sorry, it's my fault for ignoring you!" Mu Hantian sneered and apologized to the three angry bastards, folded his hands and bowed: "Although I'm very sorry, but I'm new here, so I don't have a dime, if possible. If so... can you lend me some money?"

"If that's the case, you can also use your fancy clothes or shoes. Go and get food for mice in the alley." The big man who took the lead pulled out a dazzling knife from nowhere, looking like he was going to kill Mu Hantian directly. Then he ripped off his clothes and went to the black market to exchange some money.

"It's really annoying." Mu Hantian said, slowly squatting down, clenching his right hand into a fist and pulling it to his waist, pouring all his strength into it.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you." As the words fell, Mu Hantian's body suddenly bounced up, and under the frightened eyes of the gangster, Mu Hantian's fist avoided the blade he was waving and pressed heavily on his chin. .

The huge force flowed directly from the chin to the Tianling Gai, and then let the big man rise into the sky against the gravity. After a while, the gang leader who successfully ascended to the sky slammed heavily on the ground under the dull eyes of his two subordinates. unconscious.

Of course, the two subordinates who were ready to run when the situation was not going well followed in the footsteps of their own bosses.

"Then we should do some shameful things next." Mu Hantian smiled faintly, and at the same time began to tear their clothes. Of course, he wasn't going to do something sleazy while it was hot, just touching a corpse. After all, being poor requires money, no, gold coins.

In the end, I successfully harvested three beautifully shaped Jin Ke La and more than a dozen cold and infiltrating copper Nima, um, that is, gold coins and copper coins.

After touching the corpse, it would be meaningless to stay here, and Mu Hantian was about to leave this alley that brought him the first pot of gold. Earn pocket money in the alley, the ancients honestly do not deceive me.


"My friend, can I ask you to wait a moment?"

When Mu Hantian was about to leave after scavenging for the spoils, a gentle but downright male voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Is there a problem?"

As Mu Hantian answered, he turned his head and found a young man standing at the entrance of the alley.

The first and most eye-catching thing is his fiery red hair. Below is a shining blue eye that is incomparable except for bravery. His perfectly normal facial features were also backed up by that mournful gesture, and just a glance knew that he was a great person.

A slender, slender figure, wrapped in a fitted black outfit, with simple embellishments hanging from the waist. It's just that there is a knight's sword that releases unusual coercion. The scabbard of the long sword is engraved with a lifelike dragon claw mark. It is estimated that it should be the coat of arms of a big family or the team emblem of a certain army. something that expresses identity.

"What do you want to do?" Flicking a copper coin with his thumb and catching it, Mu Hantian looked at the young man in front of him and said slowly.

"If possible, I would like to ask you something about the three Dun Zhenhans."

The so-called Dun Zhenhan three should refer to the three thugs who were brought down by Mu Hantian.

"Are you here to stand up for them?" Although, judging from the dress of the two sides, the youth and the three gangsters are two completely different worlds, but this possibility cannot be ruled out.

"I'll be very distressed if you're going to pull me together with them."

While talking, the young man leisurely walked through the Dun Zhenhan trio, intervening between them and Mu Hantian. Such an upright attitude made Mu Hantian unable to speak, but the reactions of the other three were quite different.

Since Mu Hantian didn't deliberately hit hard, the three thugs woke up quickly, but when the Dun Zhenhan trio saw the young man, maybe they thought it would be better if they didn't wake up, their faces paled and their lips trembled. , pointed at the young man and stammered: "Burning, burning red hair and blue pupils... and a knight's sword with dragon claws engraved in the scabbard. Shouldn't it..."

Staring at the young man with disbelief, they said in unison, "Reinhardt... Is it the 'Juggernaut' Reinhardt?"

"It seems that I don't need to introduce myself. But... the second name is too heavy for me." The young man called Reinhardt muttered to himself, but his eyes were not slack.

The three of Dun Jinhan, who were shot through by the sight, took a step back under his aura, and then looked at each other as if trying to gauge the timing of their escape.

"If you want to run away, I will let you go, and you can go back to the main road. But please don't think of boring post-mortem revenge on this friend. If you insist, let me be your opponent. "

Putting his hand on the sword hilt hanging from his waist, Reinhardt gestured with his chin to Mu Hantian who was standing behind him.

"In this case, it's three to two, and the number is in your favor. Although I don't know how much my meager power can help him, I will fight against you as a knight."

"What a joke! You can't beat one, and you have to add a Juggernaut, it's not worth it!" Reinhardt's announcement made the gangster trio panic, and even forgot to hide their weapons and went to the big Escape on the road.

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