"It's great that each other is fine, you're not injured, right? Well, even though you say that, it seems that only those three people were injured." After the three people disappeared completely, the young man smiled and asked back.

"It looks like you have nothing to do with those three people."

"Well, yes. I'm not Your Excellency's enemy." Reinhardt smiled politely.

"Perhaps." Mu Hantian curled his lips: "But a sword saint who has never been masked suddenly came to him, no matter what he thought, he couldn't just come to say hello, right? Especially for a newcomer who has just arrived. You said That's right, Your Excellency Sword Saint."

"This is really... nerve-racking..." The young swordsman was a little distressed. After all, as Mu Hantian said, a swordsman suddenly found him, no matter how he thought about it, it couldn't be anything simple. I'm not sure I'm taking myself.

But things are really that simple.

Reinhardt could even swear that he just happened to hear a stranger dressed in strange clothes and was blocked by gangsters when he was on patrol, so he was ready to come and see, after all, what is going on in the capital now It's very important, because there will inevitably be spies from some hostile forces sneaking in.

But even if you say so, will the people in front of you believe it? Not sure myself.

"I'm the guard here."

After some entanglement, Reinhardt decided to explain first. Although the other party believed that his possibility was minimal, he still felt that he should do it.

It's not about the spirit of not giving up and not giving up, but just perseverance.

"Are you a guard? I can't tell at all." Mu Hantian looked up and down at the young swordsman in front of him, and then gave a negative answer.

"Whether it's your behavior or whatever, you don't look like a guard."

"But I'm really a guard."

Reinhardt spread his hands with a wry smile, while Mu Hantian, who saw him like this, pouted.

The biggest factor that makes Reinhardt look like a guard is that his temperament is far from that of the **** and sweaty grassroots. It is better to say that it is impossible if every guard is as personable and elegant as him. .

"Forget it, these have nothing to do with me. Since you are not my enemy, then goodbye." Mu Hantian waved his hand and left the alley directly under the latter's gaze. All he had to do now was to find a place to live.


After being separated from the so-called 'Juggernaut', Mu Hantian went directly to a hotel.

"Open the room!" After kicking the door panel, Mu Hantian shouted domineeringly at the little brother at the counter, facing everyone's eyes.

The little brother at the counter was stunned for a moment, thinking to himself whether he should call the police or something, after all, Mu Hantian really didn't look like he was staying in a hotel, but more like he was here to make trouble.

However, his long-term experience reminded him that the younger brother took out a book that looked like it was used to register residents, and then asked politely, "What type of housing are you going to want?"

"It's better, it's better to be clean." Mu Hantian replied.

"Okay, you can go..." The little brother let out a sigh of relief, and then told Mu Hantian the location of his room, while taking out a bronze key from the counter, which was the key to the door without any accident. .

Mu Hantian took the key and went straight to the bedroom.

Using the key to open the door, Mu Hantian saw the companion he was going to be with in the next few hours—the hard wooden bed frame was covered with a layer of cloth, which was supposed to be a bed sheet that was used as a cushion.

Is this better? It's shabby, but fortunately clean. Mu Hantian thought silently.

With a hook on his toes, he closed the door, and then Mu Hantian fell on the mattress.


The next morning, Mu Hantian, who had eaten breakfast, came to the place where he met the girl, Feirut, who had been waiting for a long time, but Mu Hantian was a little strange, why was she panting?

"Yo, little brother, I didn't expect you to come."

"Well, don't say that, I'm a trustworthy person. Here, I don't know if this is enough." Mu Hantian shrugged and handed over half of the money he 'earned' yesterday. Feirut.

"Enough is enough, brother, you are really a good person." After taking the money, Feirut nodded.

"I don't need a good person card, then, since it's all right, I'll..." Before Mu Hantian finished speaking,

"Catch that thief!"

A voice came from behind Mu Hantian, and it sounded a little rushed.

Feirut was a little flustered when he heard the voice, and ran away, leaving behind Mu Hantian with a confused expression.

After a while, a young girl ran up to Mu Hantian. She has waist-length silver hair, blue-purple pupils full of charming colors staring here, and her soft facial features are gorgeous and moving, making people feel a noble charm.

She is dressed in a gorgeous white dress, which is simple in shape but sets off her own sense of existence. The only thing that stands out is the pattern on her robe, which adds a sense of solemnity.

Before Mu Hantian spoke, the girl spoke first: "Please, that is very important to me, please return it to me."

Hearing the girl's words, Mu Hantian was dumbfounded. Am I a thief? I don't even know myself.

"Wait, the amount of information is a bit large, I want Jingjing, don't ask me who Jingjing is."

Mu Hantian covered his face and waved his hands in thought.

The silver-haired girl in front of her was the owner. If she kept chasing after the thief, there was no one else around, and Felt's performance just now. So there is only one truth! Feirut ran away and I was taken as the mastermind behind it.

"That...I probably know who the thief is. If you don't mind, can we go together? After all, I was framed." Mu Hantian said indifferently.

"Is that so, um, yes." The girl pondered for three... seconds, then nodded.

"Master, this girl should be the heroine of this world." Xiaoguang's voice suddenly sounded.

"Xiaoguang, are you sure this girl is the heroine of this world?" Mu Hantian asked in his mind.

"According to the information from your Jiyouyi, this girl and the Feirut just now are both protected by the will of the world, and they have a 95% probability of being the heroine. But they are very weak now. , should be related to the disappearance of the will of the world."

"I see, I know what to do." Mu Hantian smiled and looked at the girl.

"Okay, then let's go. But you can keep up with me." Mu Hantian smiled and ran forward, the girl chasing after him.

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