"That's great, you are really here, this time I will never let you escape again!"

According to the directions provided by Mu Hantian, the silver-haired girl quickly came to the loot storage room. As soon as she stepped into the room, she found Feirut who stole her badge at a glance.

At this moment, she seemed to be talking to the black-haired boy opposite, but the silver-haired girl didn't care about the black-haired boy, but stared at Feirut with extremely cold eyes.

Why is she here?

It was only evening. In the first world, the entrance to the slum was not even reached in the evening, and the arrival at the warehouse should be after the sun has completely gone down.

"Could it be that without me, she could have arrived so early?" Ang thought in disbelief.

"Tsk. You woman, you have been around for a long time, how can you still find this place! Give up!" Feirut's expression was very annoyed, and his angry face began to twist.

"Forget it, I beg you, it's a very important thing. I can give up other items, but the only one that must never be lost. Please, please return it to me honestly."

Emilia looked at Feirut with a pleading attitude, and Feirut smacked his tongue with a troubled face.

"Hmph. If you want it, take the money to redeem it!"

Looking at the menacing Emilia, Felt has stepped back from the center of the room to the corner. Emilia sighed helplessly when she saw that Felt would not return it easily.

"I'm sorry, I didn't bring the money with me when I went out." Emilia said coldly, slowly raising her hand to Feirut, "If you don't want to return it easily, then you have to do it."

There was a slight cracking sound in the air, as Emilia was casting magic from the palm of her hand. She is probably good at ice attribute magic, icicles are formed in the air, and the room temperature drops.

There are a total of six icicles floating in the air, all of which are round and blunt at the tips. What is important is not the sharpness but the power brought by the weight. However, if it hits, there is no doubt that it will inflict damage that cannot be compared with a small stone thrown.

"Wow!" Lai Yue Subaru exclaimed, and then stepped back again and again. At this time, he remembered that he had never met her in this reincarnation, and of course he was also included in the scope of being attacked.

"Although I don't know if you are with them, I advise you not to act rashly. If you hand over that thing obediently, I won't hurt anyone." Emilia glanced at Lai Yue Subaru At a glance, the voice uttered a warning in a cold voice.

"Master Rom!" Feirut looked at Master Rom with a cry for help. The other party also noticed the sight here, sighed helplessly, and then took out a thick stick from behind.

"Not only did you bring back two interesting little brothers, but even the lost one?"

"Master Rom, are you sure you can repel the opponent?" Feirut looked at Master Rom and asked cautiously.

Hearing Felt's question, Lord Rom narrowed his gray eyes, stared at the silver-haired girl, and then shook his head.

"If it's an ordinary magician, it can be easily defeated even if there are a few more old men. But this one is a bit tricky..."

Lord Rom looked down at the silver-haired girl's eyes, filled with strong vigilance and awe.

"Miss... are you a fairy?" Lord Rom asked with trembling lips.

Hearing the question, Subaru couldn't help raising his head. It's only half right to speculate that she's a goblin. In his first world, Subaru heard her say his own identity.

Facing Lord Roma's question, the silver-haired girl closed her eyes for a moment, and then let out a small breath.

"Half right - I'm half goblin blood."

Subaru's brows furrowed at the tone of his painful confession.

However, the remaining two people reacted greatly to the fake Satila's confession. Felt's reaction was particularly violent, and she backed away while twisting her body.

"Half-goblin...and silver hair! Could it be..."

"It's just right!...I feel troublesome."

Although Subaru couldn't understand their conversation, he could feel the silver-haired girl's reluctance to some extent.

Felt turned his face to the silent Subaru, his red eyes filled with hostility.

"Little brother, so you're here to lure me into the bait?"

"What? Aren't you accomplices?" the silver-haired girl asked, and she was puzzled by the feud between Feirut and Ang.

"You don't have to act, it's me who lost! You hateful eldest lady, I was deceived!" Feirut grabbed her hair with a girlish attitude, staring at the silver-haired girl.

At this moment—like sliding, the black shadow moved quietly behind the silver-haired girl.

"Parker! Defense from behind!"

The sweet smile turned into a shadow and approached, attacking the white neck sprinkled with silver hair, with gentle movements as if smearing. In an instant, the girl's head flew up in the blood flower, and fell to the ground with a dull sound, her delicate face was stained by the mixture of blood and dust, and her amethyst-like eyes stared blankly. The ceiling is several meters above the ground, as if saying something...

——The original future should be like this.

A crisp sound. Not the sound of steel cutting bones, but the sound of steel breaking glass vibrating the eardrums. The silver-haired girl leaned forward slightly, and a blue and white magic circle spread out on the back of her head.

The magic light stopped the tip of the blade, barely saving the life of the silver-haired girl.

The girl jumped away and turned back. Among the flowing silver hair, stood a small gray-haired animal. The pink nose hummed triumphantly. Parker glanced at Subaru.

"It's so thrilling, it's really a close call, I'm saved."

"Thank you, Parker! It was us who were saved, thank you." Facing the cat's thumbs up gesture, Subaru also gave his thumbs up excitedly.

The sun hasn't set yet, that is to say, the strong backing of the silver-haired girl is still at work. Although he said it immediately when he saw it, Parker's protective net was stronger than expected.

Then, the attacker who was attacked by the defense said: "Elf, it's a elf. Hehe, that's great, I haven't cut the belly of an elf yet."

The fierce blade was raised in front of him, with a dazed expression on his face. A familiar murderer——Elsa.

The sudden visitor made Subaru and the silver-haired girl alert at the same time. But it was others who reacted to Elsa first.

"Hey! What do you want!" The person who shouted loudly, took a step forward and cursed, it was Feirut.

Feirut looked at Elsa with excitement, and gritted his teeth and said, "What did you mean just now, aren't you going to buy this badge from me?"

Looking at the excited Feirut, Elsa said with a sneer: "I did come to buy this thing, but I have brought irrelevant people and the owner of the thing here, so I plan to change it. I plan."

"Stolen things directly, and then kill you all!"

Saying that, Elsa flashed, and soon appeared in front of Felt holding the badge, raising her machete high.

"Feirut, get out of the way!"

Seeing that the opportunity was not good, Lord Rom pulled Feilu away, and then raised the big wooden stick in his hand and smashed it.

boom! !

The floor was directly smashed by wooden sticks, which shows how much power Lord Rom used just now.

"Wow." Felt, who was pulled away, screamed in pain and stood up with her head covered, but it was because of this that she avoided the fatal attack.

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