"You bastard!" Ang yelled at Elsa.

Elsa looked at Subaru in surprise, and Felt, Rom-sama, and the silver-haired girl were no exception. But the one who was most shocked was not the others, but Subaru himself.

He didn't know why he was so angry. Because he didn't know, he decided to let his emotions flow and spit it all out.

"What's the joy of bullying such a small child! You, a sadistic woman who likes intestines, canceled the whole table because the reservation was messed up. Are you a child? Cherish life for me! You don't know that it is possible to be cut open. How painful? I know very well!"

"what are you saying?"

"Let your unexpected sense of justice and chivalrous heart impeach the fallacy of this world! The fallacy for me is to let you do whatever you want in this situation!"

After listening to Subaru's inexplicable roar, Elsa let out a low breath with a rare tiredness. Hurt by Elsa's inexplicable attitude, Subaru shouted in a drool-like manner: "Okay, let's buy time to end—go on, Parker!"

"It's really ugly and I want to leave it for future generations to watch. Just conform to your expectations."

Subaru, who stomped his feet forcefully, responded with a fluttering voice.

Elsa was shocked and looked up. As she stood, she was surrounded by more than twenty icicles with sharp tips.

"I haven't introduced myself yet, ma'am. My name is Parker—just my name, so take it to Yellow Springs."

The interlaced icicles raised a white fog, covering the figure in the black coat in the low temperature storm.

The speed of the icicle far exceeded the speed seen in the alley, and it was barely able to catch up with the moment of the hit with the naked eye. The sharp tip can easily penetrate the human body, and the blood will stain the transparent warhead red.

And there are actually at least twenty icicles, and if they hit, they will be fatally injured, but...

"Is it done?"

"Why do you say that kind of line at this time?" The bald man who had been silent before, but interjected with the most annoying words at a critical moment.

It seemed to echo Subaru's cry.

"Fortunately, I prepared in advance. Originally, I thought it was too heavy and didn't want to bring it, but the dress is correct."

As if cutting through white smoke, Elsa danced her black hair and jumped into sight. Waving the Kukli machete and stepping on his body as light as a swallow, his body was not injured. After taking off his black coat, he was only wearing black tights, other than that he looked the same as before.

"Could it be that the coat itself is very heavy, so it becomes more flexible after taking it off?"

"It's interesting to explain that way, but the truth is simpler. My coat was woven with a technique that can only exorcise a demon once, so I saved my life." After politely answering Subaru's question, Elsa lowered her head. Posture, the knife sprints towards the front.

The blade pointed directly at the silver-haired girl who had just finished her ultimate move. The machete stabbed straight into her chest. Subaru couldn't help but cry out.


"Don't underestimate those who use elf art, it's very scary to be an enemy." The silver-haired girl folded her hands in front of her chest, unfolded a multi-layer ice shield in front of her, and easily blocked Elsa's machete. Elsa, who was blocked by a move, immediately rolled back to avoid it.

As if chasing after Elsa, smaller icicles slid into the ground one after another. The person chasing was Parker who was standing beside the silver hair, waving his arms like the commander. Then, icicles from all directions slammed into Elsa's body like a cannonball.

Countless ice cubes appeared one after another, flying freely indoors. However, in that icy violence, Elsa moves far beyond the human realm.

Rotating, sticking to the ground as if lying on the ground, and sometimes running and dodging on the wall, ignoring gravity. If you judge that you can't dodge even so, use a special knife to smash the ice cubes, smash the white crystals and make them disappear. With overwhelming technique to deal with the opponent's attack, the combat skills are unparalleled.

"You're used to fighting, obviously you're a girl."

Elsa's performance can only be expressed in magical skills, and even Parker who attacked her couldn't help but sigh.

"Oh, I haven't been treated like a girl for a long time."

"Most of your opponents look like babies to me. Anyway, you're so strong, so pitiful."

"It's really not worth being praised by the elves." Honestly, happy for the praise, Elsa's machete smashed the ice cubes that were encircling and smashed at the same time.

The number of ice cubes fired should have been close to a hundred, but apart from the initial attack, none of them could directly hit Elsa's body.

If it drags on, it will be very disadvantageous, and Parker will have to rest in a few minutes.

Just as she was about to step out, Elsa leaned forward and could do nothing. Her right foot was glued to the frozen floor.

The cracked ice pieces accumulated on the ground, completing the task of stumbling Elsa's footsteps.

"I'm not throwing ice cubes aimlessly, meow." Parker said while acting cute.

"Have you hit your mark?"

"It's a gap of experience, but I still have to give you credit. Good night."

Parker puffed out his chest, and the little body on the girl's shoulders swayed slightly.

It's almost like a nirvana posture, with both hands stretched forward, and then the maximum level of magic power that has never been used before is concentrated.

Magic is no longer in the form of ice, but is simply emitted as pure destructive energy.

The blue-and-white light freezes everything in its path, dyeing the swag library white in one go.


"Ah, great, I thought I would die." Standing up from the ice, Elsa said with her usual emphasis.

"You are a girl after all, I can't admire this kind of behavior."

The trick was dodged, but Parker's words contained no more than literal anger. His tone was pure dissatisfaction with Elsa's behavior itself.

Blood dripped on the frozen floor, slightly steaming.

The source of the blood was Elsa's right foot. Slightly deviated from the path of the ice magic, she was standing barefoot, and her right foot was bleeding a lot.

It's no wonder, after all, the sole of her right foot was completely cut off.

"I made a mistake when I was busy, and I accidentally cut it off, but it was really dangerous just now."

"Even so, it hurts."

"Well, yeah, it hurts. But it's great, that's what it's like to be alive, and..."

Under Parker's caring language, Elsa, who nodded absentmindedly, pressed her **** feet on the ice cube beside her without hesitation. The cracking sound of the air made Elsa's throat roar with a gorgeous tone, and then she slashed the surface of the ice with a knife. In this way, she blocked the soles of her feet with ice cubes to complete the brutal hemostasis method.

"It's a little awkward to move, but that's enough."

With the sound of hard footsteps, Elsa, who was wearing ice boots, laughed even more happily.

The fighting addiction, which does not shy away from self-mutilation, has shocked a certain guy who is like a dog to the point of speechlessness, but the silver-haired girl who is her enemy is the one who hits the hardest.

"Parker, are you alright?"

"Sorry, I really want to sleep, I underestimate her a bit. I will disappear when the mana is used up." Parker, who responded to the girl's low voice, lost his calmness for the first time.

Beside the silver hair, the kitten standing on the shoulders - the body glows faintly, looks blurry enough to disappear, which means that the time has come.

"Alala, it seems that I came a little late, but fortunately, no one was injured. Then, let me be your opponent. Although I don't really want to see you."

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