Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 845: drop you rom

"Lovely little brother~ It really makes me emotional~" Elsa replied with a chuckle, her eyes never leaving Mu Hantian's body for a moment: "Although it's a pity that you can't see the elf's intestines, but little brother, your color It should be fine."

"My intestines can't be given to you, not to mention it's too wasteful to just take a look at it, why don't you use it and eat it with your waist! Or it would be good to use it to make fat intestine powder." Mu Hantian crossed his hands to speak. Refuse.

"All in all! Give up, I want to keep the intestines to cook by myself! At most, I'll eat it for you below!"

While talking about dirty jokes to Elsa, Mu Hantian shouted to Lai Yue Ang: "Hey, that dead fish-eyed Zhan Wu scum over there, stay away, and then bring the old man and the little thief cat to the place. Safe area. Also, I'd appreciate it if you stayed with this eldest lady."

"That can't be done! This is the old man's territory, so you can't be alone." The tall giant grandfather came over with a mace.

"I don't need your help, let's go." Mu Hantian grabbed Lord Rom's corbel-thick arm, and threw the huge body out with one hand under everyone's dull eyes.

Drop you Roma!

"That woman is strong like a monster, don't you be careless?" Not caring about Mu Hantian's contempt for his own fighting power, Lai Yue Subaru hurriedly pulled the silver-haired girl and Feirut to hide in the corner.

"Sa, it's Showtime next." Mu Hantian smiled and walked slowly towards Elsa.

"Ah, you annoying little brother, I'm going to teach you a lesson." Elsa said with a smile. And she also exuded an astonishing murderous aura, obviously she did not intend to let Mu Hantian go.

"Mu Hantian, be careful!" Feirut's eyes widened. Although she knew that Mu Hantian had superhuman strength, she was still a little nervous when she saw that Mu Hantian dared to provoke Elsa over there.

The silver-haired girl is also a little worried. She doesn't know how powerful Mu Hantian is. Although she and Mu Hantian have only met twice, (well, adding just now in her memory, there are two sides in total.) But she does not want Mu Hantian Injured, even bloodshed, for what he did.

"Oh?" Mu Hantian looked at Elsa who had disappeared, without any panic or surprise on his face, but raised the corners of his mouth with some enthusiasm.

Well, how can you not have a good fight when you come to this world?


A sound of breaking through the air sounded behind Mu Hantian, and Elsa appeared behind Mu Hantian at some point, raised the machete in her hand, and slashed it hard.

"Haha..." Mu Hantian just smiled and said nothing.

Taking a step forward, he easily dodged Elsa's sneak attack.

"Cut." Elsa showed a look of surprise. She didn't expect this kid to react so quickly.

And when Mu Hantian escaped his sneak attack, Elsa felt a strong oppressive aura while thinking. Just when she wanted to evacuate quickly, a mocking voice sounded in vain.

Mu Hantian looked at Elsa with a smile on his face, and a malicious look flashed in his eyes. Said: "This is the end? It's really not good. Then... it's my turn next!"

Hearing this, Elsa was taken aback and cried out in her heart. The right foot stomped hard and jumped backwards.

Mu Hantian stepped forward and ran, and in the blink of an eye, he came to Elsa, and before the other party could react, he aimed a kick at her abdomen.

"Pfft!" Taking such a terrifying kick without any protective gear on her body, Elsa vomited a mouthful of blood. Before she could feel the pain of shifting her internal organs, her body flew out like a cannonball.

boom! !

Elsa, who flew out at high speed, smashed the thick wall in an instant, and was buried alive by the scattered stones.

"Ah? This is the end?" Mu Hantian clapped his hands, a little dissatisfied, he didn't expect his opponent to be so weak.


Everyone present silently looked at Mu Hantian, as if thinking in their hearts, is this person still human?

"Haha, what's the matter. With a blank expression on his face." Mu Hantian laughed and came to the lost Roma, and said with a sigh, "Isn't it dead. Old man?"

Hearing this, the blue veins on Rom's face burst out, and he seemed to want to punch Mu Hantian in the face, but remembering his terrifying fighting power, he gave up, but he still laughed and scolded: "You Boy, can you respect the old man?"

"That's fine." Mu Hantian smiled, looked at Feirut, and took out twenty holy gold coins from his bag.

"Here, here are twenty holy gold coins, what you have in your hand is mine."

"Oh." Ferut nodded, took the gold coin from Mu Hantian, and then handed the badge in his hand to Mu Hantian.

"Hey, that... can you give me the badge back?" the silver-haired girl stared at Mu Hantian.

"Yes, after all, I made an agreement with you. Ah, you may have forgotten." Mu Hantian said lightly, then turned around suddenly to look at Lai Yue Subaru, as if he noticed something.

"Hey kid, go away!"

Lai Yue Subaru was wondering. I saw the stone flying up, and a black shadow appeared underneath. Shadow's black hair rose, dripping blood and striding out to speed up his body.

Holding the deformed Kukri machete tightly, it was Elsa who was running silently. And her target turned directly from Mu Hantian to Lai Yue Subaru, who had a bewildered face.

"At least one person must be taken away..." Elsa, who was madly galloping while clenching the deformed black machete, said coldly, staring at Lai Yue Subaru with a stunned face.

Compared to the previous face-to-face, Elsa's murderous aura was as if an ice stick was inserted into her back, and she shuddered.

As if frightened by this killing intent, Lai Yue Subaru stood there, not daring to move.

"This guy..." Feirut gritted his teeth indignantly and stared at Elsa. He clearly endured the cruel kick in front of him and was able to save his life.

"Mu Hantian..." Feirut looked at the most powerful person here, but found that the other party was no longer there.

"Well, since you don't have much power, at least don't cause trouble for people."

A very impatient voice sounded behind Lai Yue Subaru. Then a slender arm grabbed his shoulder, and Lai Yue Subaru only felt his body light up and was thrown into the air.

"And you too, wouldn't it be nice to just fall down and pretend to be dead?"

Mu Hantian shook his head and said coldly, "It seems that it's impossible not to show some strength!"

"It's you stinky brat again!" He wanted to kill one person before leaving, but saw that something bad happened to Mu Hantian at a critical moment. Elsa yelled angrily.

At this time, Elsa seemed to be overwhelmed by anger, and directly shifted the target from Lai Yue Subaru to Mu Hantian. Then he took out another machete from behind and rushed towards Mu Hantian at a very fast speed.


Mu Hantian stomped the ground with one foot, and the ground inside the house cracked into cracks that spread to the surroundings, and several broken pebbles splashed from the ground.


Afterwards, Mu Hantian shouted and raised his legs and put them on the stone. In an instant, the rubble flew out like an arrow. It was obviously a small rubble, but it was comparable to the enormous power of a cannonball.

"What? Uh..." Elsa exclaimed. Only then did I recall that the opponent's strength and speed were all superior to my own, and I couldn't help but feel a tinge of fear in my heart.

However, Elsa was not given the slightest chance to escape. boom! boom! boom! The explosion sounded around her, sending up a puff of dust.

"Pfft!" Elsa opened her mouth and spat out a large mouthful of blood again. Although she immediately began to avoid the splashing stones, the number was extremely fast, and several stones still smashed heavily on her body.

Since Elsa did not have any armor on her body, the small stone that flew out like a missile directly hit Elsa, and the blood-red blood splattered instantly.

"Oh, why bother."


The whole house began to tremble as a result of this large-scale attack. Facing the majesty of collapsing at any time, Feirut shouted in panic when he saw this scene: "Eh?! No, the house is going to collapse! Get out of here quickly!"

Everyone nodded, looking panicked, jogging towards the door.


In the end, the overwhelmed house collapsed under everyone's attention, and finally turned into a rubble. There is no possibility of repair at all, only to rebuild another one.

And something that no one could imagine, the fingers of the figure who fell in the pool of blood suddenly trembled.

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