Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 846: come to my house

"Oh, everyone is fine." Lord Roma sighed and accepted the fact that his house was gone.

"It's over." Mu Hantian raised his arms and moved his body.

"Thank you. Mu Hantian." Covering the corners of her mouth with her hands, the white cheeks flushed red, and the girl with swaying silver hair smiled.

It is not a self-sacrificing smile, nor a short-lived illusory smile, nor a pathetic smile with consciousness. It's purely out of joy, a pure and incomparable smile.

Putting away her smile, the silver-haired girl seemed to remember something again, and turned her eyes to the tired and panting Nazuki Subaru.

"That, thank you too. And...that?" If Elsa hadn't warned her when Elsa came, she might have died under Elsa's machete long ago.

However, when the silver-haired girl wanted to express her gratitude, she found that she didn't know the name of this person at all, which made her a little embarrassed.

Seeing the silver-haired girl suddenly looking at him, Laiyue Subaru shuddered and stood up as if he had forgotten his exhaustion, "Laiyue Subaru. My name is Laiyue Subaru."

The silver-haired girl just let out an 'oh', and then walked towards Mu Hantian's direction with brisk steps.

"Uh..." Looking at the silver-haired girl who didn't even care about herself, Lai Yue Subaru was directly petrified in place.

"My name is Emilia, and I really thank you for what happened today."

"So that's your real name, but there's no need to thank you."

Mu Hantian shook his arm and continued, "I'm neither out of a sense of justice nor out of chivalry. You're just helping me because I value commitment, and there's nothing I can do here."

"Looks like it's late?"

"Reinhardt?" Subaru Laiyue, an unqualified adc who played soy sauce throughout the game, looked at the person in surprise.

"It's right here. Subaru, we meet again. I'm sorry for being late." Looking back at Subaru, who was sitting on the ground, the red-haired young man——Reinhardt smiled apologetically.

"It's not like it seems, but it's really late." Mu Hantian said lightly: "I've finished the enemy here and started chatting. You're late, and the efficiency is too slow."

"Ashamed to say, if I hadn't felt the power here, I might have been late." Reinhardt smiled wryly and spread his hands to Mu Hantian.

Looking at the interaction between the two, Leyue Ang breathed a sigh of relief, and then turned his gaze to Amelia beside Mu Hantian. After untold hardships and death three or four times, I finally saved this girl

"It's not easy, it's not easy..."

Just as Lai Yue Subaru was sighing that he had finally succeeded, out of the corner of his eye, the waste material that was thrown aside by chance flew up, and a dark shadow appeared underneath.

Shadow's black hair rose, dripping blood and striding out to speed up his body. Holding the deformed Kukri machete tightly, it was Elsa who was running silently.


"Ah? You can still move after such an injury. It's really a strong body." Mu Hantian didn't even look at the black shadow that came, he waved his hand, and a barrier appeared out of nowhere, blocking Elsa's way.

"One day, I will cut open the stomachs of everyone present. Until then, you have to take good care of your intestines." After saying the cruel words that the villain must say, Elsa blushed from someone in her upper body. He took out a smoke bomb from the gap, smashed it **** the ground, and then escaped far away through the smoke.

Mu Hantian, who did not expect to open up the battlefield again, decided not to catch up. Anyway, this woman's way of doing things is not like the kind of person who will make small tricks. Who is afraid of who?

"Hey, Emilia, I saved you again."

"Thank you."

"Well, goodbye then, it's time for me to look for a place to stay, although I may not be able to find it."

Emilia glanced at Mu Hantian, and said slowly, " said you don't have a place to live, right? I want to invite you to stay in the mansion for a while." Speaking of which, Emilia blushed slightly. Explained: "Don't get me wrong, it's not what you think. It's just to thank you for helping me fight off that woman and regain my important badge..."

"Thank you then."

"It would be great to have Hantian to protect Emilia-sama. Besides, Emilia-sama..."

Quickly approaching the contented Emilia, Reinhardt knelt at her feet and lowered his head. There is no stagnation in every movement, every movement is perfectly in accordance with etiquette.

"Because of the immaturity of this time, Emilia-sama has spent a lot of hard work, and I am willing to bear any punishment for this gaffe."

With the sword on his waist in front of his standing knee, Reinhardt apologized for his gaffe. It was the Cavaliers' way of expressing their greatest apology. Moreover, Reinhardt is prepared to accept no matter how big the punishment is.

However, the silver-haired girl waved her index finger and pouted unhappily. "Don't worry about it, the things have been taken back anyway, and this is because of myself."

"Understood," Reinhardt replied.

"Reinhardt, I hope you can keep this matter a secret." Emilia said after putting away the badge.

Looking at Emilia's pleading gaze, Reinhardt said with a smile: "Of course, I'm not the kind of talkative person, I'll keep this a secret for you."

"Alright then, let's go, Han Tian."

"Ah." Mu Hantian nodded and followed Amelia's footsteps.

Leyue Ang, who was ignored by the side, gritted his teeth, as if he had made up his mind.


The matter came to an end, and the slums that few people cared about once again returned to the original loneliness and tranquility.

Walking with Emilia on the road, the strong wind at night blew Mu Hantian's hair.

"The moon tonight is beautiful." Emilia couldn't help but sigh.

Looking up at the sky from his hair, the sky above the royal capital that has been soaked in twilight - the bright moon shines high. I do not know when the dark clouds have dissipated, and the bright moon buried under the dark clouds reappeared.

"Yeah! In fact, many times, the night is more beautiful than the day, perhaps because the **** of the night is a woman." Mu Hantian said half-jokingly.

In an instant, Mu Hantian put away his smile and showed an interesting expression. Then he came to the front of a house, and under Emilia's shocked eyes, he raised his foot and kicked it hard.


Countless cracks appeared in the wall of the house that was kicked, and then it began to shake violently, as if it was facing a terrible earthquake and began to collapse.

"Wow!" A scream came from the uninhabited dilapidated house, and then, under Emilia's puzzled look, a slightly familiar figure quickly ran out of it.

With black hair and a set of black and white sportswear, this slightly embarrassed figure is Lai Yue Subaru.

"Hey, do you want to kill me? If you were slow just now, I might have been crushed to death." Lai Yue Subaru glared at Mu Hantian and pointed at the ruined house.

Hearing this, Mu Hantian shrugged and said indifferently, "Tell me, what's the matter with you following me?"

"This is..."

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