"Oh, this is the butler's uniform... Although it's a little stuffy, but it seems to be role-playing. To be honest, I haven't worn it yet." In front of Rem, who was apologizing in a low voice, there was Mu, who was dressed as a butler. cold day.

Seeing Mu Hantian looking at the housekeeper's uniform with great interest, Rem showed an incredible expression.

Perhaps it was because of Mu Hantian's broad shoulders and thin body, butler style clothes looked particularly good.

"You really are a strange person, guest." Rem expressed his own reflection.

"Haha, isn't it? It seems that a lot of people have said that since they came here." Mu Hantian shrugged and said indifferently.

"Really? That's really rude, strange guest."

"Haha, you're also very interesting." Mu Hantian responded with a nonchalant laugh, and at the same time added to himself, you're probably not a human, right?

Although he doubted the identity of the other party in his heart, his face was unmoved, and he did not express what he was thinking.

"Haha, this look is also very interesting. If you have something to say, just say it. If you don't say anything, it will be very rude to the guests." Mu Hantian, who was about to push the door out, suddenly felt that the maid was always He stared at himself intently, as if he had something to ask, but he hesitated whether to speak.

"Can I ask the guest's name?" Rem thought for a while, and then continued: "Of course, if you don't suggest that we keep calling you 'guest', then you don't have to answer Rem's question."

"Name? Didn't Emilia tell you?" Mu Hantian asked with a puzzled face.

Rem shook his head and said softly, "No, Lady Amelia went back to her room to rest last night. She didn't mention the two guests."

Listening to Rem's explanation, Izayoi first showed a surprised expression, and then smiled with interest, "Haha~ That's really interesting. Emilia brought two unidentified people back, don't you all? Don't you suspect that we are some dangerous person?"

"Lord Roswaal told us not to interfere too much with Lord Emilia's affairs." After speaking, Rem looked at Mu Hantian with a very serious expression, "That guest is a completely useless ordinary person, so it should be Not a dangerous person. But you should be."

Listening to Rem's undisguised words, Mu Hantian revealed a sincere smile and said, "Thank you for your honest answer. Also, my name is Mu Hantian, as you can see I am a very gentle person. Well, of course, that's for friends."

"Really?" Rem looked suspicious.

"It's fine if you don't believe me, but I still have to ask you for more advice. Maid sister~"

"Rem's name is Rem. Please don't call me that." Rem corrected with a blank expression.

"Understood, Sister Rem."

"Please don't call me that."

"Sister Rem."

"Please don't call me that, guest!"

"Okay okay, I'll just call you Rem. Why are you so serious, really."

"Remember, the guests who eat rice, call me Rem."


There was a loud slamming of the door, and Mu Hantian shook his head as he looked at the hurriedly leaving back.

"Well, now I'm a guest who eats rice again."


After walking out of the room, what is in front of you is a wide corridor with uniform warm colors on the walls and floor. The two passages on the left and right are continuously extending, and the end cannot be seen at all, which makes people feel terrified.

Mu Hantian, on the other hand, stared at this corridor that seemed to have no end in sight.

Mu Hantian walked in the corridor with brisk steps, and the clear footsteps broke the dead silence of the house.

Complete silence, the voice of life is completely inaudible here. If it hadn't just met Rem, one of the maids here, Mu Hantian would have begun to wonder if there was no one living here.

"Roswaal..." Mu Hantian stroked his smooth chin with his hand and whispered this unfamiliar name in his mouth.

This name was heard from Rem just now, and it is also called "sir" like Emilia.

And Emilia had said before that she also lived in this mansion temporarily. Combining the above points, this person named Roswaal...

"Is that the owner of this mansion?" Mu Hantian had no interest in the owner of this mansion, he was just thinking about another question.

First was Emilia, then the twin maids and sisters, and then the newest Mu Hantian... By the way, there was also the Laiyue Subaru who came with him.

Finally, adding this Roswaal, who has never met before, is there only six people living in such a huge mansion?

"Ah, speaking of which, I forgot to ask where the maid and sister's bathroom is?" Mu Hantian sighed heavily for his mistake, then came to a door and pushed it casually.

Then, when the door opened, what caught my eye was...


A young girl with curly blond hair squinted in front of Mu Hantian and yawned heavily. It's as cute as you want it to be.

"Huh?" She opened her eyes and looked at Mu Hantian who suddenly broke into the door. The curly-haired girl jumped up from the chair with her eyes wide open.

And the thick book lying flat on the little girl's thigh fell to the ground with a bang, making a slight sound.

"You, you..." The curly-haired girl pointed at Mu Hantian with trembling fingers, as if she wanted to say something.

"Huh? Seven people... It turns out that there is a little girl hidden here." Mu Hantian gently closed the door, then called again and waved his hand at the little curly-haired girl to say hello.

"Good morning, little girl."

"Ah! Don't close the door and re-enter at this time!" The curly-haired girl glared at Mu Hantian angrily and shouted loudly.

This room is well-suited to be called a 'book library'. Twice the size of the previous guest room, the bookshelves are so high that there is no gap before the ceiling. The books on the bookshelf are also closely arranged, and the amount of books is unimaginable.

"Well, there are quite a few books, but none of them I can understand."

I rummaged through a few books on the bookshelf at random, and couldn't find a book written in Japanese. There are also no Western European letters, many of which are pictographs seen on the streets before.

"He's really a little devil who makes people very angry..." Seeing Mu Hantian casually flipping through the books as if he regarded this place as his own study, the curly-haired girl showed a dangerous sneer.

However, Mu Hantian did not pay attention to the words of the curly-haired young girl, which contained a warning, but looked at the book here with interest.

"Don't ignore other people's warnings so naturally! You annoying little brat! ... Or are you trying to find fault on purpose? I won't show weakness in that case!"

It seemed that he finally heard the words, Mu Hantian put down the book in his hand and walked in front of the curly-haired girl with a happy smile.

Immediately afterwards, under the dumbfounded gaze of the other party, Mu Hantian stretched out his hands and kneaded **** the young girl's face.

"Although Tsundere Lolita is very loving, it's a pity that I'm not a lo*ic*n. But to be honest, you're cute."

The girl in front of her was even younger than the Felt he met in the slums, probably only eight or nine years old. There was no doubt that she was a young girl. And her lavish gown with lots of ruffles matched her lovely features perfectly.

The most distinctive feature is the long, curly hair of light cream. No one can resist her cute face if she smiles.

At this moment, this cute and foul-level little face has begun to distort seriously, and finally completely distorted.


The little girl raised her arm and slapped the hand that Mu Hantian continued to knead on her face with force, and the anger in her eyes instantly burned.

"The kid who just came is rude, so why is there another one here? And, and..." The curly-haired girl trembled at her shoulders and roared at Mu Hantian like a flash flood.

"This face-born boy needs to be more unscrupulous and more rude! To touch Betty's face with those hands... unforgivable!"

"Oh?" Hearing the young girl's words, Mu Hantian raised the corners of his mouth and said, "So has that kid been here too?"

"Death to Betty 10,000 times!" The curly-haired girl raised her right hand and aimed at Mu Hantian, her voice full of unforgivable anger.

Immediately afterwards, the originally quiet library began to whistle.

A highly destructive invisible air flow burst out from the young girl's hand and charged towards Mu Hantian with an unstoppable momentum.

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