Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 849: Love and kill with Loli

Suddenly, a violent gale suddenly hung around the position where Mu Hantian was standing. The wind was howling, and Mu Hantian's black hair kept swaying in the wind.

"Oh, magic?" Feeling the ominous wind hanging around, Mu Hantian looked at the angry Betty indifferently, and the corner of his mouth raised an interesting arc.

"Betty can't bear it anymore, it's time for you to see the tragic end that angered Betty!" Looking at Mu Hantian, who was still calm even in the face of his anger. Unbearable Betty raised her hand, and an invisible airflow rushed towards Mu Hantian.

Betty looked at Mu Hantian who didn't notice the magic attack at all and stood motionless. He snorted proudly and said with disdain, "Humph! I know Betty's greatness..."

The words came to an abrupt end, and Betty's eyes widened as if she saw something serious, with an expression of disbelief.

Mu Hantian snapped his fingers casually, and then, under Betty's stunned gaze, the extremely aggressive magic attack disappeared in an instant, and even the strong wind that hung in the room stopped strangely.

"What did you just do?" Betty asked loudly, her delicate doll-like cheeks were full of shock, and her brows wrinkled unconsciously.

"Ha... what did you do?" Mu Hantian blinked, then the corners of his mouth curled up, and said lightly, "Didn't you see clearly just now?"

This boy is not easy! Definitely can't be careless... Betty warned herself in her heart.

"Since you're done, can I go now?"

"How can I let you leave so easily! It's just smashing the mere low-level magic, and making you so complacent? Let you see what real magic is!" He said, with a wave of his small hand, Several **** of light of different colors appeared in the mid-air around Mu Hantian, flying towards Mu Hantian like a kicked soccer ball.

If she can't even clean up a mere brat, how can she continue to assume the role of the guardian of the forbidden library?

"Existence Fixed!"

"Huh?" Just as he raised his fist and was about to shoot at those **** of light, Mu Hantian was startled, and suddenly found that his body seemed to be imprisoned by something and could not move at all.

Mu Hantian looked forward and saw that several multicolored light **** had rushed in front of him, and then slammed heavily on Mu Hantian's seemingly weak and thin body.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom! ! !

Five explosions sounded in succession, and the aftermath of the explosion caused the entire library to be turned upside down and chaotic. Betty casually glanced at the books that fell on the ground, and finally settled on the dust that was lifted up.

"Hmph, rude boy. Is it time to suffer this time?" Betty snorted coldly, no matter how strong the boy's body was, it was impossible to resist so many magical attacks at the same time, right?

Taking a step forward, just as he was about to recover the kid's 'corpse' and hand it over to the two twin maids, a familiar voice came from the dust.

"You're too happy too soon."

Betty looked at the figure walking out of it with an incredible look.

Actually... Really blocked? !

Mu Hantian, who resisted the magic attack head on but was still safe, moved his body, loosened his muscles, and said with a smile, "I'll play with you."

Betty was stunned when she saw Mu Hantian, who was hit by her own magic, but still jumping around like a normal person.

Betty's dull eyes have not fully recovered, her blue crystal pupils are full of inconceivable, staring at Mu Hantian, as if to see through him, she said with a trembling voice: "Is this guy really human? ?"

The magic attack that was enough to paralyze a weak human body on the bed for a month was so easily blocked by the body of a human teenager, and it did not cause any damage.

This made a huge impact on Betty's worldview as an elf. Or, the boy in front of him is by no means a simple human species, but does not know the superposition of species?

"Who knows. You think so." Mu Hantian shrugged indifferently.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes today, if someone told Betty that there was a human being who could resist multiple attack magic with their bodies like this without being hurt, Betty would just laugh it off and take it as a joke.

However, it turns out that this kind of monster exists and is in front of her at the moment.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Hearing Mu Hantian's words, Betty said loudly with a "you're teasing me" expression.

In the blink of an eye, the same attacking magic as before appeared again around Mu Hantian, but this time the number of **** was greater and the power was even greater.

"You really have a bad temper." Mu Hantian shook his head, with a relaxed expression on his face when faced with a magical attack that was enough to blow up an ordinary person's body.

Without dodging, he smashed the ground with one foot and took the initiative to face the ball of light.

Looking at Mu Hantian who was rushing in, Betty's exquisite doll-like cheek showed a little solemnity.

After a moment of hesitation, he waved his little hand lightly. The right hand fell, and the ball of light hit Mu Hantian like a cannonball.

boom! boom! boom!

Looking up at the smashing ball of light, Mu Hantian casually turned around and swung his legs away. When the foot touched the surface of the light ball, it was shattered again without a doubt.

The shattered light spheres turned into gorgeous colorful stars and fell from the air, creating a picturesque scene.

"Then next, it's my turn, right?" Mu Hantian smashed the ground with one foot and rushed towards Betty like a bullet.

"Huh?" Mu Hantian suddenly let out an unexpected voice. At a distance of less than ten meters from Betty, a huge golden barrier suddenly appeared and surrounded Mu Hantian, which hindered his movement a little.

In the front of Betty, an astonishing huge magic wave burst out from her body. Although he couldn't see it, Mu Hantian could feel an invisible arrogance that continued to be released from her body.

"Savage and rude people should stop approaching Betty. Just stay there and accept the punishment." Betty stared blankly at Mu Hantian, who was locked in the barrier, as if she knew that the enemy was not someone to deal with easily. As usual, she was about to start moving.

"This kind of thing is useless." Mu Hantian took out Jing Jue, (The Black Furnace Demon Sword is of course reserved for the clone.) Then he slashed the barrier with a sword.


Immediately, the barrier that enveloped Mu Hantian was instantly covered with countless tiny cracks, and at the same time, a loud bang sounded in his ear, and the barrier began to shatter like glass.

"Drink!" Mu Hantian shouted loudly, and then he let the foothold under his feet crack like an explosion and began to sprint forward.

In the face of the sprinting attack that shortened the distance at an overwhelming speed, Betty didn't say anything, and there was no panicked look on her face that she wanted to escape.

"Oh, space magic? But do you really think you can beat Betty? Sao Nian, you are too tender." Betty laughed, sneering as if mocking the other's stupid behavior.

As soon as Betty's words fell, the colorful "forbidden library" was immediately stripped of its color and turned into a black and white monochrome painting.

If you want to compare it, it is like pouring ink into the air.

"Oh?" Mu Hantian raised the corners of his mouth and looked around with an interesting look.

However, the abnormal changes in the landscape are not limited to the forbidden library. Even the scenery outside the window has also become black and white, and everything seems to have stopped.

But Mu Hantian stopped sprinting because of the sudden change, standing still.

Does time stop?

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