Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 855: cut off your horns

"Rem, how about going outside to fight with me?"


"Then keep up." After Mu Hantian finished speaking, he put Lai Yue Ang on the bed, and then quickly ran out of the manor to a hill not far away. And Rem just glanced at Leyue Ang and immediately followed.


"Boom!" Mu Hantian was also a little irritable when he knocked away the hammer that Rem attacked again.

"Sorry, I don't want to kill you, so I can only knock you out." The chains that Rem attacked were wrapped around Jing Jue's sword, and Mu Hantian took advantage of the situation to pull Rem over.

- but unexpectedly.

In the dark night, a sharp horn gradually protruded from Rem's forehead...

The wind was sent into Mu Hantian's slightly trembling nostrils, and it was the fragrant smell of Rem in front of him. Mu Hantian, who was originally smug, suddenly changed his face, and an air-breaking sound that caught him off guard came into his ears.

boom -

Like swatting a fly, Mu Hantian was slapped into the rubble by the sudden explosion of Rem.

Obviously there was no such power just now, why did it suddenly explode?

What exactly is going on? !

Don't think about it if you don't understand, Mu Hantian waved the sword in his hand and blocked Rem's attack.

"Even the speed is much faster, what's going on?"

Mu Hantian frowned and looked at Rem, and he could clearly see that Rem, who was standing there, was smiling at him.

Through the projection of the stars and moonlight, the changes on Rem's body made Mu Hantian take a cold breath.

The ferocious attack was suddenly withdrawn, and Rem's eyes gradually turned cold. Suddenly, Rem turned to look at Mu Hantian, and there was no reason in her pupils.

Against the hideous thorny iron ball, Rem's dazed smile became distorted.

On her forehead, Mu Hantian saw...

"Sure enough, is it the evolution of the ghost race?"

The wind blew away the hair, and a white horn grew on Rem's fair forehead.


The laughter made Mu Hantian frown.

"No, it must be resolved immediately, otherwise it will attract the attention of other people, then it will be difficult to handle."

Rem screamed frantically, wielding an overwhelming iron ball that swept the surrounding trees.

The gravel splashed, the soil swirled, and the debris of trees and plants swarmed together with the momentum of the air.

"It seems that your strength is rooted in the horn that grew out." Mu Hantian said, but he couldn't see the change in his face.

"Then—I'll cut it off!"

Although Rem's power has increased, it is still not enough for Mu Hantian.

Keep a slight distance from the thorny iron ball, and then quickly cut out a sword.

Feeling the strong threat, Rem raised his head reflexively, and subconsciously waved the iron ball to block.

However, in the next moment...

"Underworld God Stream - Blade of Gale!"

A powerful sword energy erupted on Rem's ghost horn, Mu Hantian put away the sword in his hand and lifted Rem's body along the way.

A wave of exhaustion and sleepiness struck Rem's mind. The next moment, Rem fell into Mu Hantian's arms.

In the high hills and mountains, the girl lay quietly in the arms of the man.

"It's over." Mu Hantian shook his head and sent Rem to her own room.

And Mu Hantian staggered onto his bed and fell asleep with his head covered.


A new morning, maybe a new beginning.

Subaru opened his heavy eyelids and suddenly felt the sensation of breathing that made him realize the beauty of being alive.

The head is a little heavy, and the unaccustomed life has just begun, but it is indescribably tired.

The sunlight was dazzling, and Subaru raised his hand to try to block the sunlight.

How - no bandages?

Subaru clearly remembered putting a bandage on his injured finger yesterday, but why not now.

And why did the wound disappear.

Subaru couldn't help but struggle with some pain.

"Subaru, are you awake? Is there something wrong?"

Following the voice, it was Ram with pink hair.

"Wait, what did you call me?"

"Subaru, what's the matter? Didn't you say you have something to do today?"

Subaru suddenly sat up, his face full of joy.

Ram remembers himself! Subaru turned over his body excitedly, wondering why there was no wound?

Was everything a dream come true yesterday?

The next moment, Subaru, who was about to get up, was stunned by the dried blood on the ground.

"This is……"

Subaru felt a faint pain in his right side. It turned out that yesterday was not a dream.

Who is it? to kill me?

Subaru's brain was suddenly clouded, and he didn't even think about why he didn't die.

"Does Subaru not know? At first, I thought that Subaru did something strange last night..." Ram's voice surprised Subaru.

"I'm not dead..."

Subaru suddenly remembered that he heard Mu Hantian's voice last night?


Subaru opened the door of Mu Hantian's room, but found that there was no one inside.

"Strange, where did Han Tian go?"

"Rem should know, but I haven't seen Rem since morning. I don't know where she went."

At this time, Ram suddenly said, it seems that she still doesn't know what happened last night.

"Is that so-"

So where did he go? And why did Rem also disappear.

Some incredible.

At this time, Betty's forbidden library.

"I said, Mu Hantian, why are you staying here? And what happened to Rem?" Betty sat on the wooden bench and looked at Mu Hantian with disgust.

"It's not what you think..." Mu Hantian ignored Betty's disgusting gaze.

He got up early today, thought about it, and thought it would be better to make it clear with Rem. So seeing Rem who was still sleeping, he didn't care about anything else and hugged him directly.

But he was afraid that Rem would wake up and go mad, so Mu Hantian brought Rem to Betty.

After all, Betty has to know a lot of things, so she can come and ask her.

"Let me tell you, Rem was drunk yesterday. He beat and scolded me at first, and even threatened to chop me... So, that's it." Mu Hantian lied without blinking.

"You cut off her horns?"


Mu Hantian asked inexplicably, "Is there something wrong?"


Betty knew that Mu Hantian was mentally retarded to a certain extent, so she didn't want to worry about this issue.

(Mu Hantian: Hey, who is mentally retarded, author, if you slander me again, I will cut you down.)


Rem's eyelids twitched, and he slowly opened his big, sky-blue, innocent eyes. What caught my eye was Mu Hantian's gentle smile without any sense of disobedience.


Rem's body softened just as she was about to stand up. The battle last night made her whole body sore, so she fell into Mu Hantian's arms again.

"Don't get excited, I have no ill intentions."

Holding the tender girl's tender body, Mu Hantian didn't have any bad thoughts.

"Don't talk for now, listen to my explanation. I know you suspected yesterday whether Subaru is a member of the Witch Cult or a spy of a hostile force, but you can rest assured. Although this guy seems to be unlucky, and his usual behavior is a little suspicious. , but it's not the spy you imagined. Besides, Subaru's IQ is not good either. Would it take so long for a spy to find out? It's already exposed, and you almost killed it yesterday, didn't it?"

"Betty can attest to this..."

Betty nodded in agreement. When Mu Hantian gave him a grateful look, he immediately changed his tune and said, "If you want to say doubt, Mu Hantian is far more suspicious than Subaru."

"Hey, don't talk nonsense, how can I look suspicious? I'm just a diners." Seeing Rem's distrustful eyes, Mu Hantian didn't know what to say.

"Okay, the guest who eats rice. Can you take me to my sister's place?"

Rem lifted the hair from her ear, and her quiet face showed her unique and strange beauty, which made Mu Hantian couldn't help but take a second glance.

"Guests who eat rice... Okay." Mu Hantian was unable to complain, but just helped Rem out of the room.

The two remained silent, and finally the silence was broken by Rem.

"Yesterday I remember I lost consciousness, what happened next?"

"Don't you remember? You had a white horn growing on your head, and you looked a little scary at the time..."

"Is it a ghost..."

After hesitating for a while, Mu Hantian continued, "By the way, I chopped off your horn at the time, so it should be fine."

Rem's body froze, and he turned to look at Mu Hantian expressionlessly. "Rem's room is here, guests please leave."

Seeing Rem's strangeness, Mu Hantian stopped answering the call and hurriedly backed out.

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