Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 856: village

For Subaru, this was his third visit to the village.

Located in the territory of Borodswar on the border, the village named Alam next to the mansion is very small, with only two hundred residents.

The number of people was smaller than that of the local elementary school in Subaru's original world, but Subaru was embracing left and right as he walked towards the village that took less than twenty minutes to circle around.

"Speaking of which, the work was completed so quickly."

"Because Ang Li has fallen to the point of disgust, I don't know what happened."

"Don't be shy, just compliment me directly, even though boasting about the latent ability that sleeps in me has come to fruition!" The content of the morning's work was highly praised, and Subaru was now complacent.

For the afternoon shopping, the work that requires a quick eye and a quick hand is going smoothly. In the past, I failed because I was too energetic, but this time I challenged with a natural mentality and the effect was very good.

"Anyway the suspects have been narrowed down, only

Limited to people I met when I went to the village in the past. "

"The only people who stand out are the fake village chief, the village chief, the old-fashioned woman who touches the buttocks, the flat-headed youth leader and the flat-headed guard captain of the Ramrem Guards." Listed the people who had a strong impression, and Subaru felt lethargic. .

The grandfather who is called the village chief because he is very similar to the village chief, and the old woman who left with a smile and said, "Rejuvenate". The Youth League representative and the captain of the bodyguard were basically the same person. The only difference was whether they had a mask or not. They seemed to be envious of being able to get along with the maids and sisters, and they kept bumping on Subaru's shoulder.

"The village chief may have become demented, and he has to be led the way to the toilet... Now that I think about it, they have touched me for some reason, it's too suspicious... Anyway, this time I can only step into the same place. Check it out."

Reaching the conclusion that he could only collide with his body, Subaru sighed for himself, who couldn't think of any other ideas, and his sigh of worry attracted...

"What's the matter, Subaru?", "Are you hungry?", "Does your stomach hurt?" The voices that responded to sighs came from above Subaru.

Subaru turned his neck to look behind him——the small figures were clutching his back. As soon as they arrived at the village, these children scrambled to wrap around Subaru, not only on his back, but also on his feet and waist, and the number of children together was as high as seven.

Back on his back, a weight that wasn't too heavy for his trained body, Subaru rattled the bones of his neck.

Now, Subaru is free to move around alone. In fact, he wasn't alone. He was grabbed by goblins everywhere. He was not free to move, but the meaning of free movement meant that Ram and Rem were not around.

"Even if you're super nervous, you don't need to say hello to the suspect to solve it." Wiping away his cold sweat, Subaru let out a very sad breath as he continued the battle that used him as a bait.

Regarding the search for the sorcerer, Subaru chose a very high-risk operation. Although it was a suicide act of turning himself into a fish on the chopping board, he could not meet the chef's face without lying on the chopping board.

"Anyway, if you only hit the spell, Beatrice said she can lift the spell. If it doesn't work, go to Han Tian for help."

"Ang - bad face face.", "What a terrible face.", "weird face."

"Don't say anything unpleasant. Also, the third person who spoke, has been talking about some popular comments since just now!" He dragged the children around the village while complaining. Even if you want to get rid of them, you can't get rid of them, and they can help guide the village.


"If you want to say that the free time is almost over, let's take a look..." Putting his hand in his pink hair, Ram sighed dumbfounded.

Under Ram's gaze, Subaru raised his hands to the sky with all his might.


"Victory!" Followed by Subaru, who raised his hands and shouted, many voices echoed in high-pitched voices, singing the victory together.

When it was over, there were cheers, and people unconsciously gave high fives to the people next door. Subaru also clapped one by one with the people who were wiping the sweat from his foreheads and chatting loudly, then adjusted his breathing and came to Ram's side.

Subaru, who ran shyly, was greeted by Ram's extremely cold eyes. "So, what kind of sideshow is that?"

"What are the sideshows, it's too far away? I just want to say that the little ghost heads are gathered for gymnastics time, and the adults who see it will join on a whim."

In order to cope with the noisy children who wanted to play together, they started doing radio gymnastics, and the adults who saw it joined in as well, and finally it turned into a grand sports meeting where nearly half of the villagers participated.

"Alas, it's more popular than expected, and I'm also terrified. From children to the elderly, it's fun, isn't that the secret to this gymnastics being supported and sustainable for a long time?"

"Who knows."

"Don't leave it alone, hello."

In response to Ram's indifferent response, Subaru exaggeratedly leaned back, and the child he saw was also leaning back following Subaru's movements.

"Ram is so cold..."

Several children took turns screaming.

"Did you tell these children this title?" Ram squinted at Lai Yue Subaru with a questioning look.

"Well, don't be angry, I'm also promoting you, so the sense of distance is much closer."

"So, are you satisfied with the desired village tour?"

"Well, there's nothing wrong with that." In response to Ram's question, Subaru twisted his cheeks into a smile.

What was nominally a walk in the village was actually a plan to get in touch with the suspect, and the result was remarkable.

Originally, he was a very eye-catching candidate, and this time, Subaru took the initiative to create contact opportunities. In order to narrow the scope of the suspects, he also paid special attention to subsequent contacts.

"At the end, there was a high-five with the big brother who was doing radio gymnastics. It was a perfect ending."

After being in contact with the main suspect, he felt relieved for a while, and Ram came to pick him up, which meant that his time in the village was over—that is, he was about to say goodbye to the children.

"Everyone, I still have work to go. Oh, what a pity, if I still have time, I can play a little longer. Hahaha, it's a pity, a pity!"

"Speaking so brightly.", "Talking while laughing.", "Are you so happy?"

Subaru stuck his tongue out at the complaining kid. The maturity was so low that it was irreversible, but Subaru didn't even notice the satisfaction of reaching his goal. In short, Huaibei went with Ram to the meeting place that Rem had made an appointment with.

"Oh?" Suddenly, the girl with brown pigtails blushed and pulled at the hem of Subaru's clothes.

Subaru was surprised. The braided girl kept a little distance from the child who was actively entangled in it until just now, and did not join the play circle, but just kept looking here.

"What's the matter? If you have something to say, I'm all ears."

"That... come here."

Subaru squatted down to match her height, and the girl pulled her sleeves and asked him to go somewhere else.

Pulled by a weak hand, Subaru turned his head to look at Ram.

"Just let you procrastinate a little longer?"

"Oh, I received this favor, senpai. Then, what's the matter?" After receiving permission, Subaru followed and dragged his girl forward.

The girl walked in front, leading the former urchin members into the village.

"You will be surprised.", "You will be happy.", "You will dance."

"Surprise, joy, dancing, how much sacrifice am I expected to do?"

Surrounded by children giggling and giving strange comments, he passed through the village house and entered a corner where there was no sunlight. Then, he saw that ahead where the kids were pointing.

"Ah—so there is still this incident." Subaru couldn't help but nod his head after clapping his hands in an understanding voice.

The braided girl who rushed out panted and hugged her. ——It was a creature with brown body hair that looked like a 'puppy'.

It looks like a newborn puppy, with round pupils and soft body hair, it is a cute creature that can make the smooth-haired craftsman - Ang groan. However, the puppy's attitude towards Subaru was regrettable.


"Sure enough it's like this again..."

The moment Subaru stretched out his hand, he raised his entire body to threaten. Even the children were surprised by the small body showing a vigilant attitude.

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