The three returned to the mansion after the sun slanted westward to the evening when no one could be seen. In front of the Roswaal mansion bathed in the setting sun, a man fell to the ground.

Who is that? It's Leyue Subaru. There was a large wooden barrel beside him, and Subaru, who was lying on the ground, gasped for breath.

"Arrived, finally... here. I did a great job! Really GJ!"

"Yes, yes, yes, it's up to you."

"Alright alright, thanks for your hard work."

In a perfunctory way of complimenting Subaru for his hard work, the twin maids stood to the left and right of the fallen man.

Ram's indifference was the same as usual, but even Rem showed a slight indifference. It must have been the scene of Ram holding Subaru's hand when they were meeting in the village after shopping.

"Then, let's go back to the house first, please take your time." Rem left this sentence to Subaru, and carried the big bucket with ease.

Subaru, who had a weight of 80 kilograms, didn't even know if he could lift the barrel from his shoulders, but Rem lifted something so heavy with one hand as if he was holding a small object. The abnormality of that bold picture made Subaru let out a dry laugh.

"Do you need me?"

"You don't need it? You'll see." Ram didn't try to protect Subaru's inner masculinity at all, and as he watched Rem leave leisurely carrying the barrel, Subaru felt bitterly how meaningless the hard work he was doing was meaningless.

"What are you doing, why do I do it? It's just to make people disgusted. Hey, please stop abusing the juniors, seniors."

"Don't you understand? Ang, of course this is considerate."

"I don't understand, what is considerate?"

"If Rem came back with a big luggage, but Ang walked behind with a small bag containing only a few spices, what would Lady Emilia think if she saw it?"

"Senior's thoughtfulness leaves me speechless!" Subaru bowed to Ram to express his gratitude.

Letting a girl who was younger than him carry the large luggage, and returning triumphantly with only the shopping bag in his hand—Just imagining Emilia witnessing that scene made Subaru feel like dying.

"Sister, Lord Roswaal..."

Rem entered the room and returned to the two who were talking at the door. When the sister named the master, Ram immediately reacted at a high speed. The usual maid was lazy and lost his whereabouts, and Ram, who was instantly groomed, looked down at Subaru.

"What are you doing, Ang, do you want Lord Roswaal to wait?"

"Only the two of you understand, but I don't understand. Huh? What? Does it mean that the servants are going to gather?"

They seem to be looking at children with poor learning ability. Being stared at by those eyes, Subaru hurriedly followed behind the two of them, and while he was learning about Ram's grooming on the way, the door to the entrance of the mansion opened.

"Oh - ah, the two of you are together - well, it's really - big to save the time to find someone to help." The owner of the mansion - Roswaal opened his arms and waited for the three of them.

With long blue hair and blue and yellow eyes, he was a handsome man with a melon seed face, but he was spoiled by the clown-style makeup on his face—however, other than that, his outfit was different from usual.

"Is this going out to dress up?"

"Good insight, ah-ah, actually I don't really- like it, but if you wear normal clothes--someone will talk a lot, so there's no way--it's just like this--to wear a dress."

Roswaal always likes to dress up strangely, and it has been a long time since he has seen him wear something that is not geometric, or that will assimilate with the background and is full of playfulness. It should be said that this is the first time I have seen it.

Roswaal's outfit made Subaru think of two possibilities.

"Are there any visitors?"

"Are you going out?"

Ram and Rem shared the same thoughts as Subaru at the same time. The servant asked the same question, and Roswaal pointed at Ram after a wry smile.

"Ram's answer is right, it's going out. There's some troublesome news - come in, to confirm, I'm going to Jiafeier's place to hang out, although I don't want to come back too late."

When I heard the word that appeared for the first time, I couldn't tell whether it was a person's name or a place name. However, Subaru Gakumitsu, who knew everything like this, just nodded without any objection.

"That's it—that's it, I don't think I can come back tonight—Ram, Rem, I'll leave it to you."

"Yes, follow the order."

"Yes, it's all about risking your life."

With their eyes, they nodded at the two who responded immediately, and then the heterochromatic pupils turned to stare at Subaru. Feeling oppressed by the light of different colors on the left and right, Subaru turned his body slightly uncomfortably.

"I'm sorry, I haven't sworn my loyalty to risk my life."

"That—it doesn't matter, even if you swear suddenly, you'll just feel uncomfortable and—disgusting. But—it's up to you, Ang."

Patting Subaru on the shoulder, Roswaal closed one eye, leaving only his yellow pupils reflecting Subaru's figure.

"I sense a suspicious smell, you just need to protect it - Lady Emilia, okay?"

"Well, leave this to me."

Seeing Subaru nod, Roswaal showed a satisfied smile, and then conveyed a few things to the loyal twins...

"Then this—well, I'm out and I'll pray—nothing happened."

After speaking, the three watched Roswaal walk out of the entrance, but at this moment Subaru became suspicious, because he did not see the carriage or transportation that Roswaal used to go out.

Shouldn't it be used to go? It's hard to imagine-

"Then, please take care of the house."

Roswaal, who was shaking his jacket as he spoke, jumped slightly, and Subaru saw it. Roswaal, who jumped up, flew into the air, raising his height in one breath with the wind. After rising to a height almost as high as a cloud, Roswaal left the other side of the mountain in the sight of the gaping Subaru, and his figure gradually became smaller until he could not see it.

"Fly, I'm flying...the magic is so powerful." It was difficult for Subaru to say what he felt when he had just witnessed the solo flight.

On the other hand, the sisters who were used to Roswaal's flying magic quickly switched modes. Manage the mansion where the owner is not present, and the order is immediately assigned to each other.

"Even if Lord Roswaal is out, our work has not changed. It should be said that because Lord Roswaal is away, we must do our best."

"This is the opinion of the top student. But, come on! Come on!" Nodding at Rem, who was starting to put on airs, Subaru rolled up his sleeves with enthusiasm.

Of course, his motivation was not for work, but for changes in circumstances. The change was obvious. It turned in a direction that people expected the mansion to be attacked. The twins would also strengthen the security of the mansion, but Subaru, who knew exactly how to attack, was more vigilant than them.

The true face of the conjurer - it is necessary to catch it as soon as possible. The opponent's actions became quicker, no doubt that the act of visiting the village today had become an incentive. In other words, the purpose of the Subaru decoy operation was successfully achieved.

The only thing left to do was to draw out the sorcerer, so that Subaru's speculation could be verified.

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