Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 858: I want to go out

"What a nasty smell - it's you again."

"Propagating the theory of the weak, and saying that I'm a troublesome guy because I'm noisy. I think I already have it. Please bring it up."

Lai Yue Subaru bowed his head to apologize, while Betty shook his head in disgust.


Betty walked towards Laiyue Subaru and placed her palm on Subaru, as if doing some incantation.

"Black mist? Why do you get a lot of curses as soon as you go out?"

Betty suddenly remembered what Mu Hantian said.

——As for Subaru, the unfortunate child, in short, whoever hits will be unlucky.


Subaru ignored Betty's disgusting gesture of shaking his hands, and recalled the villagers he met today.

After a long time, Subaru finally understood the source of the incident.

It's that puppy!

No, the villagers' children are in danger.

Subaru had no choice but to act immediately after he was found to be the prisoner.

Ignoring Betty's restraint, Subaru ran across the corridor and down the stairs, flipping over and jumping off the platform.

"Ram! Rem! I have something to say!"

"What are you shouting? Did something happen again?" As soon as Mu Han came back, he heard Ang's shouting.

"No, it's not. It's the village. I have to go to the village. It's useless to stop me. I'm here to warn you for fear of causing you misunderstandings."

"Go to the village? What... No, before that, are you planning to destroy Lord Roswaal's warning? Tonight, the mansion will be handed over to us servants, don't you understand the meaning of that sentence?" Ram came over and stared at Subaru, sharply sharpened.

Ram's Huai is that everything is given priority to Roswaal's will, Subaru's attitude is simply to defy the master's order, this behavior angered her.

However, Subaru also had troubles that he couldn't let go of. "Even the question and answer time is very precious, so I'll just say it straight. There is an evil magic messenger in Alam Village, and now I know the identity of that guy, so I must go and solve it."

"Do you want me to agree with that kind of childish nonsense?"

"There's no other way of saying it, and there's nothing you can do if you don't believe me. It's a fact, you can ask Beatrice, and..."

"Sister—" While defending Ram, who was more confused, the door behind him opened, and Rem appeared behind the door.

Rem looked at the two arguing at the entrance, and stood beside her sister Ram with a natural movement.

"Sister, this is..."

"Subaru said he wanted to defeat the evil magician in the village, so he had to go out."

"Uh, are you kidding me?" Mu Hantian was very suspicious of what Leyue Ang said, because who is Lai Yue Ang... A small crispy, low-level monster can easily kill him.

"Sister, elder sister. I think the guest who eats rice is right."

"Hmm." Ram nodded in agreement with Rem.

"Rahm, Rem, Hantian. I usually like to joke, but there are times when I speak seriously. I know what I say is unbelievable, and it is impossible for you to fully accept my opinion under the current situation, so I will not. You unconditionally watched me leave."

Subaru wet his lips with his tongue, and continued, "I'm going to the village next. It doesn't matter if people who are suspicious follow me. Come and find out what I'm doing."

"Okay, but Emilia can't be left alone, Subaru, you can go out for a heads-up fight alone... Bring Ramrem at the most, and I'll stay here."

"Don't order without authorization, follow Lord Roswaal's order, Rem has the right to monitor you."

--so tired.

As if being pierced by an arrow, Mu Hantian was speechless with a look of depression on his face.

The situation is so chaotic now.

Mu Hantian and Subaru went out together to Ram Rem, but Ram's fighting ability was not as good as Rem's. And Rem's horn (cut by Mu Hantian) was lost again, and now his combat power is similar to Ram's. Emilia is not suitable for going out because Parker is sleeping.

The best plan is-

"Rem, go out with Subaru, Ram is in charge of protecting Emilia-sama—and you can see clearly from there."

Rem stopped talking about her sister's words and nodded in agreement. Subaru was taken aback by Rem's unfriendly gaze, but he still accepted the decision.

"Subaru, Rem wants to know the situation."

"Let's talk on the road, maybe things will get worse."

It took a while to get to the village, and the two ran quickly.

"Han Tian, ​​where are you going?"

On the stairs in the hall, there was a sound like a silver bell.

Mu Hantian looked back, it was Emilia with swaying silver hair.

"I just heard the sound and walked down, what happened?"

"I'm going out to form a group to kill monsters, but she won't let me go."

Mu Hantian pointed to the pink-haired Ram beside him, and said with some dissatisfaction.

"Don't listen to his nonsense, Lady Emilia."

Everything about the Ram incident is fully narrated.

"I always feel a little weird. If you don't let me go, maybe Rem and Subaru will be in danger."

"Don't worry, Rem is much more powerful than Ram, there's definitely no problem." Ram simply closed his eyes and ignored Mu Hantian

"I know your sisters are ghosts, right?"

"How is it? What do you want to say?"

"Of course I know that Rem is very strong, but the strongest of the ghost clan should be ghost transformation. But now Rem can't perform ghost transformation."

"What did you say?" Ram's eyes widened.

"Rem's horn was cut off by me." Mu Hantian answered honestly.

"How dare you hurt Rem!!"


Suddenly, the wind around Mu Hantian became violent and violent, making bursts of noise.

And half of Ram's face turned black, and there was a faint tendency to blacken and run wild.

"Don't get excited! There's nothing you can do..." Mu Hantian recounted what happened last night in a tactful manner. Emilia was worried, but fortunately, Ram's mood gradually calmed down.

"It's not your fault, Han Tian, ​​you should help Subaru and Rem."

Emilia spoke up, worry on her face.

"Sir Emilia..."

"Don't worry Ram, I will protect Rem well. If you want to hurt Rem, step on my corpse first!" Mu Hantian raised the corner of his mouth and showed a smile. Then the whole person turned into a style and ran out.

"Is Han Tian confessing?"

Emilia blinked in surprise, while Ram on the side was even more at a loss.


At this time, the young people in the village noticed Mu Hantian's arrival and trotted all the way.

"You came just in time, what happened?"

Due to the lack of time, Mu Hantian went directly to the topic and said.

"Are you the companions of those two before? Thank you very much for your help, but the situation seems to be a bit bad now."

The young man's slurred speech made Mu Hantian frown.

With a general understanding of the situation, Mu Hantian nodded and walked into the forest around the village.

Jumping up and climbing over the towering wooden fence, Mu Hantian shuttled among the trees.

Going deep into the forest, a pair of big scarlet eyes lit up around.

"Huh? What monster?" Mu Hantian frowned, took out Jing Jue, and swung out sword energy one after another.


A few screams sounded, and Mu Han only saw the monster corpse lying on the ground.

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