"It doesn't have to be, this is the promise, but the density of the fog on my head makes me a little concerned..." Shaking his head at Wilhelm, Crusius turned his head and said to Phyllis: "Use a shot of the Demon Repel Stone. Clear the fog, I want to confirm something."

The 'fog' of the beluga whale seems to be the product of the mutation of the huge magic power it holds.

That is to say, Moby-Dick visualized the spreading magic power with will, thus forming the 'fog'.

Then the magic stone—its original effect is to forcibly restore the surrounding magic power to colorless magic power. It is a magic stone that is a kind of nullification effect. It is this power that nullifies the magic power of the 'fog' and then dispels it .

Although there is a gamble element that "if the effect of the magic stone is too strong, the power of the magic attack here will easily be weakened", but there are no mages here, so there is no need to worry.

"Understood meow." She took out a piece of crystal clear ore from a pocket hanging beside the earth dragon. Phyllis began to inject magic power into it. After the magic stone glowed, she threw it into the air.

The magic stone that shattered in the air radiated a radiance, dispelling the white mist covering the field of vision in one go.

However, it did not completely eliminate the fog that filled the four sides of the plain. At most, the density of the fog can be reduced, but the situation of "difficulty in confirming the field of vision" has been eliminated.

However, even that alone, the effect is quite sufficient. But... this is not good news, because...

"Beluga... There are actually three heads!" Along with Cursius' babble, the beluga opened its fangs.

High in the sky, ethereal cries staggered, overlapped and reverberated.

In the mist-spreading world, there were three fish shadows in total, shaking their huge bodies and swimming.

The strange existence used the twisted openings all over the body, and kept making a harsh sound like scratching glass. It was a malicious monster that ate many travelers and attributed countless lives to nothingness.

"Such a monster actually has three heads!" Phyllis was so surprised that she even forgot her fetish. Even Wilhelm, who had remained calm all along, became solemn.

"That's not right, there is no information at all that the beluga whales are a group. There has always been one of them. Why this time... Could it be that Hantian, you have been fighting these three?"

"No, from the very beginning, I was just fighting a beluga whale. Although I don't know if it was a split or a mirror image, but only one of the three beluga whales is real. This is certain, because these three The wounds on the white whale are exactly the same." Mu Hantian answered Querxiu's question with a light smile.

"That's right, that's right, there's only this explanation now, but it's very difficult for us to deal with one beluga whale, let alone three now. It would be nice if there were reinforcements." Crusius sighed.

"There are reinforcements. We are the 'Iron Teeth' mercenary group that Anastasia belongs to, but we will come first, and some people are expected to arrive until dawn. That is to say, we will probably hold on until Only during the day."

The loud beast-like voice suddenly came from behind, making Mu Hantian and the others' attention diverted from the white whale in the sky.

"Han Tian, ​​are you alright?"


Because of the receding fog, not only the three kobolds riding on the dog-shaped monsters, but also a little boy and a little girl were seen running over by Mu Hantian and others. Rem also flew over with Ang riding a dragon carriage.

"If I'm not mistaken, the three of you are Ricardo, the head of the 'Iron Fang' mercenary group, and Mimi and Heitaro, the deputy heads. Why are you here?"

"Haha, the Karsten family, who has been preparing various weapons and resources, suddenly left the capital from the mansion with the knights of the guard and the sword ghost. It is impossible for Anastasia-sama to be curious about this kind of thing. And it is impossible for ordinary members to keep up with the sword ghost, so the Sa family can only follow with two little guys."

"So, what do you mean by reinforcements?"

"Master Anastasia decided to send our 'Iron Teeth' mercenary group to hunt beluga whales with you. After all, every time a beluga whale appears, it will cause great losses to our businessmen, and the vicious crusade against beluga whales Major monsters can also greatly improve our reputation, and it’s not good for your Karsten family to monopolize. Also, can we go first? Moby Dick seems to be angry.” After reminding everyone, he took Two small children, riding a huge dog, ran away.

Mu Hantian and the others looked at the two beluga whales rushing down from the sky, and immediately followed behind in the dragon.

"To be honest, if there is only one beluga whale, the Sa family can accompany you to kill it, but it's better for three. We'd better wait until the day when the army arrives."


The sudden denial made Ricardo stunned for a moment, then turned his head and looked at Mu Hantian who was talking.

"I remember that you are the little brother who made a big splash in Wang Xuan. Is there any problem?"

"I have the exact news here. The people of the Witch Sect will be gathering and are preparing to attack the Mezas Territory. It is absolutely impossible to delay it until tomorrow. I don't want to waste time!"

"Hey, those guys from the Witch Sect are all ghosts and ghosts, how did you know, little brother..."

"Lord Cuerxiu, the old man's sword is already hungry and thirsty."

Ricardo's speech was interrupted for the second time, and when he looked up, 'Sword Demon' Wilhelm's eyes flashed red, and he held the sword hilt in his hand, like a sharp sword about to be unsheathed.

"If you want to go, let's go, 1v3 or something is not impossible." Turning over and jumping off the dragon carriage, Mu Hantian ran towards the three beluga whales chasing after him.

Laughter spread through the streets of Lyfaus. The beluga whale, swimming in the air with its huge body, released a dissonant sound from the small mouth open all over its body.

The roar released from its mouth had the destructive power to shake the earth. However, the sounds coming out of these uneven mouths were distorted and distorted as if they were rubbing against the wind, which was unpleasant.

Instead of hitting the eardrum, it was an unpleasant feeling as if the brain was being provoked with a needle.

"Oops, fog...!"

The beluga whale, who kept screaming, spewed 'mist' from the countless mouths.

It spread to the streets in a large area, and the fog that fell from the sky eroded everywhere. The vision slowly turned to snow white, and the 'night-repelling' effect of the magic stone gradually faded.

'Beast of the Mist', showing strength.

The vision began to deteriorate, and the most important thing was that the existence of the beluga whale itself disappeared as if it was dissolved in an ocean of fog.

"Cut, let me see what you can do, Moby Dick!"

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