Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 882: Wilhelm

"If I'm eaten by something like that...!" Subaru thought he'd heard enough about the threat of the fog created by the beluga whale. However, the reality far exceeded expectations.

"This is the real 'fog'..."

The beluga whale, known as the "Beast of Mist", has two types of "fog": one is the diffuse fog that covers the entire street like this, in order to expand its swimming area.

And the other one was just now, the annihilation-type mist that made the earth disappear in front of my eyes.

The attack method that had never been shown up until now was the latter's destruction-type mist that accompanies destruction.

"Wilhelm, you go too, don't suppress yourself anymore, use your best! Work with Han Tian to deal with a white whale, and I will hold the other one, but the other one can only be asked for God bless."

"Thank you very much, Lord Curius." Without the slightest hesitation, Wilhelm, who was in front of his wife's murderer but couldn't do anything, could no longer restrain the anger in his heart, but it was because of the safety of the lord. Unable to leave, at this moment the master has given an order, Wilhelm cannot refuse, nor will he refuse.

Directly turning around the Earth Dragon, Wilhelm followed in Mu Hantian's footsteps and joined him to meet the white whale.

"Oh, you really make it difficult for me." Ricardo, the leader of the 'Iron Fang' mercenary group with two deputy leaders, scratched the hair on his head with his claws and sighed: "Besides The people here are betting their lives on the beluga, and we are watching here. If it spreads out, it will cause incalculable losses to the reputation of our mercenary group. Really, Mimi, Heitaro, you guys Just follow Lord Crusius to assist in the attack and prevent sneak attacks, and I will also help."


"no problem."

Hearing the energetic answers of the two deputy heads, Ricardo pulled out the big knife on his back, slapped his mount, and turned his head to charge towards the white whale.


Although there were two people behind him, Mu Hantian didn't care, it was the same with or without helpers.

The hand holding the sword could not help but Jin Lejia, ready to attack. Sudden……

An earth dragon jumped up on the ground and flew into the air with a lightness that did not match its size.

Even so, the disparity in quality is clearly visible when compared with the famous beluga whales for their size. The earth dragon that rose to the tip of the beluga's nose might look like a flying insect.

A full-strength sword light flashed from the front, leaving a deep wound longitudinally on the beast's nose.

That scene was not magic, not even a slash caused by a disembodied blade, but it was evidence that humans had inflicted damage on beasts with the steel they held through their training.

This is evidence that human beings have indeed hurt the Mist Warcraft through their tenacity that has spanned the ages.

"Fourteen years." The figure squatted on the beast's nose, and the blade of the sharp sword in his hand was still in its nose, whispering.

He kept the other sword in a stabbing position, and threw off the blade that was stained with the blood of the beast.

"Single-heartedly, dreaming of this day!"

Beneath this figure with a straight back, the beluga wiggled. In order to shake off the figure standing in front of his head, the white whale in the air roared and rolled.

The gust of wind blew through the air of the street, and everyone held their breath and stared at the result of the tumult of the huge body.


The beluga circled halfway in the air, screaming in pain and flapping its tail back and forth.

A horizontal scar was added to the vertical incision just now. On the back of the beluga whose forehead was engraved with cross scars, a figure walked lightly.

An ominous smile appeared on the Sword Demon's face, and murderous intent flashed in his blue pupils.

"Fall from here and turn into a corpse - a monster!" After speaking, Wilhelm's body turned into the wind with the sword in both hands.

Running from the head of the beluga to the direction of the tail, the two sharp blades slashed wildly on the beast's rocky skin.

Effortlessly slashing the outer skin that was supposed to be firm and strong, and galloping, coloring the sky with jet-black blood, the figure can be described as a veritable 'sword ghost'.

The beluga whale, who was swaying the possessed giant body, could not deal with such a Wilhelm at all. It found that it couldn't throw off the old swordsman who was running lightly, so it wrapped the hurricane again and rolled over in the air.

"Specially sent to the door for me to cut - such cooperation is really polite!"

Just before Moby Dick's body turned, Wilhelm jumped up a little, and stabbed his sword to his feet.

Then, on the body of the beluga whale that had turned a full circle, the blade that kept the piercing perfectly slashed, which became the result of the beluga whale sending his body to slaughter. This is the legendary magic skill - flash collision skill.

There was a miserable howl, the blood mist flew up, and the sword ghost whose half of his body was stained with blood laughed. He smiled like that, swung his swords with that old body, and fell to the side of the huge body. The two swords drew a V-shaped sword path and dug a piece of flesh, revealing a scarlet-black wound section.

Roaring and breaking through the sky, the white whale aimed at the falling sword ghost and swept across with its tail. However, just before the hit, the jumping earth dragon caught Wilhelm's body and avoided the blow with instant death power.

After landing, the Earth Dragon immediately flew again. Moby Dick was furious and tried to catch up with the sword ghost who was far away.

"Wilhelm, I'm here to help you!" Mu Hantian was about to help Wilhelm, but...

"Don't look around for me, stupid big man! Sajia is also your opponent!!"

The beluga's jaw received a direct blow from the machete, and the beluga's huge teeth, which were big enough to be surrounded by one person, were inserted from the root, and the yellow molars made a muffled sound and bounced off.

Just like that, he drove straight up, and in front of the white whale was Ricardo, who was roaring astride a liger. As he had said earlier, compared to the earth dragon, Junmin, the bulldog, showed no room to spare, carrying his master and pounced on the beluga whale in the air.

"Hey, it's far from over!!"

On the back of the flying liger, Ricardo roared wilder than beasts and wielded his machete. Shred the skin, pierce the flesh, and fight bravely.

"Damn it, you guys are enough, is it fun to grab monsters one or two? Underworld God Stream - Lightning Storm!"

The tornado carrying the thunder and lightning lashed towards the beluga whale.

"Little brother, look carefully, the teammates are still on the court." With a howl, thanks to the flexibility of the mount, Ricardo narrowly escaped the ending of being electrocuted into a barbecue.

He escaped, but the huge beluga whale couldn't escape.

Being constantly attacked by storms and thunder and lightning, the beluga made a louder cry than ever before. Hair turned to fly ash, oozing wounds to coke.

"Little brother, can you let me know in advance the next time you scale up your moves? What should you do if you hurt your teammates?" Ricardo, who was carrying a machete, came to Mu Hantian and said.

"Let's talk when we hit."

"Hey, what's the matter? I'll leave if you do." Ricardo shouted in horror, waving the big knife in his hand.


"Uh..." Ricardo was speechless, and could only vent on Moby Dick.

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