Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 884: Goodbye Julius

Crusher took the guards who came and retrieved the head of the beluga whale and prepared to return to the capital. Then, half of the guards were assigned for Mu Hantian and others to take them.

A total of twenty-four people accompanied Mu Hantian, represented by Wilhelm and Phyllis.

Moreover, it is not just these **** members who travel with them—

"Ah-, by the way, it's really good, everyone, can be brought by the little brother!"

"Captain—! Mimi too! Mimi has worked hard too! Super—very hard—!" The two orcs sitting on the liger babbled.

One was Ricardo, who had long wanted to fight the Witch Cult. On the other side, he fought with Curius, without losing the innocence of honey.

As for the vice-captain Hetaro, he also went to the royal capital with Quelsius and the others.

"Speaking of which, my younger brother has consumed so much physical strength, why are you still so energetic?"

"Hei Tarot's body is too weak! Too weak! It's really—, too—shameful!" Mi Mi laughed loudly at her younger brother's weakness. But according to Mu Hantian's judgment, it's probably just because this elder sister's physical strength is outrageous.

Not so much a berserker who hopelessly enjoys fighting, but an optimist who finds joy in everything. To say envy is really envious.

"Ah, it seems that we can meet."

"Huh?" Hearing these words, Mu Hantian turned his eyes to look.

"Although it's a bit far, it's my mercenary group that came over there, and the other half."

"Half?" Ricardo's words made Mu Hantian frown.

"The so-called "half" means literally. Originally, only half of the people who came to meet the 'Iron Teeth' of the family. Because the remaining half has what the other half should do."

"What to do, what are you talking about?"

"It wouldn't be good if someone else broke into the street and got caught in the fight, right? So, their job is to block the other side of the street."

"So, are the rest of the comrades here now? Who's leading the team over there?"

"It's Mimi's younger brother Tibi who is leading—! Just like Hei Tarot, he can unleash the fit skills with Mimi—! It's amazing—!" Mimi raised her chest and answered Mu with a proud face. cold weather problem.

"Although there are some things that make people feel uneasy, but Tibby is a very talented child. He can do everything from valuation to negotiation, and is the right-hand man of Miss. He is also good at dealing with Mimi, and it is an upgraded version of Black Tarot! "

"Don't say that, I feel that the Black Tarot is pitiful..."

Whether it was the elder sister or the head of the regiment gave such a miserable evaluation, the Black Tarot was too pitiful.

At this time, Mu Hantian saw the smoke and dust brought up by the running of the lions and tigers. That is what Ricardo said, the members of the Iron Fang who came here to meet. However, Mu Hantian felt disobedience.

Mu Hantian paid attention to the sense of discord that existed in the corner of his brain, and then he found it. Among the ligers and tigers that were approaching from the front, there was a figure that looked out of place.

The distance gradually shortened, and its blurry figure gradually became clear. Only then did Mu Hantian understand that the characteristic of the appearance came from the earth dragon. And then, sitting on the azure ground dragon was...

"It's you, long time no see."

"Ah, long time no see."

Walking forward, he stopped, and Mu Hantian, who was riding on the back of the earth dragon, confronted the figure. The man was wearing the solemn white uniform of the Knights of the Guards, with a leisurely smile hanging from the corner of his mouth, carefully smoothing his pale purple hair.

Someone who had fought with Mu Hantian and had a karmic relationship, Julius stopped there gracefully, looking at Mu Hantian.

"It's so cool to come to a place like this to meet up. Julius is really relaxed. He was still working hard a few hours ago."

"I can only express my shame when I say that. But, can you correct me a little bit, Phyllis. I'm not the one called "Jurius". By the name is "Yuri" "Facing Phyllis's malicious sarcasm, Julius made a joke with a stern face.

"Assuming, just assuming, that a person with knighthood joins a mercenary group and becomes a mercenary. This is absolutely not allowed. The knight Julius Yukrius did not join the 'Iron Fang', It's just a man named 'Yuri' who's here."

"So meow. It's still the same, the old-fashioned family's knight rules are really troublesome. It's great that Felice is a fallen noble here~"

"I don't find it troublesome to be a knight. But just to help my friends, I have to worry about various things, which is a little troublesome. ——It doesn't matter, but the confinement of Julius Yukius, in the It was lifted in the middle of the night last night. Let me explain that first."

"What a boring pre-explanation... So, does the pseudonym still make sense?" Subaru smacked his **** bad manner, listening to Julius and Ferris' conversation.

Noticing Subaru's attitude, Julius suddenly turned his eyes. He let the earth dragon come over, facing Subaru.

"It's good to be more energetic than expected. But how is your physical condition?"

Hearing Julius' words of concern for his body, Subaru was instantly swept away by his anger.

This could only be considered a teasing or sarcastic question from Julius, and it was enough to recall the humiliation of a few days ago—for Subaru, nearly two weeks ago.

Hearing these words with enough "restraint" meaning, Subaru managed to suppress his anger at the last moment, and restrained himself from scolding.

"Ah, well, it's just a scratch anyway? Just spit on it and it'll be cured, right? You're the one on your side, you said it was reinforcements, but it was unexpectedly late? Are you too busy to write a report or a self-reflection letter to your boss or something big?" Subaru countered with provocation he was good at while speculating on the background of the incident that could be imagined from the "confinement".

"What I want to ask is not the injury at that time, but the honorable injury during the slaying of monsters... But it would be best if the injury at that time also healed. Originally, those injuries should just look serious. It's just good at You, who won sympathy, fell to the ground in an exaggerated manner, pretending to be in pain."

The people around were still wondering if they should do something in this situation, but Mu Hantian, Phyllis, and Ricardo watched as if they were watching a play, and Mimi also went to the opposite team to find her younger brother. .

"It's almost time to relive the old love. Now is not the time to do such a thing, is it?" said Wilhelm, the old swordsman who was driving a ground dragon close to the two.

"Your expression has gotten better, Wilhelm-sama."

Julius said this to Wilhelm calmly.

Julius looked at Wilhelm's eyes that seemed to be free from the possessed evil spirit, and nodded with emotion: "It was a world of difference from the time we met before. ... In this way, Reinhardt You can also be redeemed."

"Yes, now." Wilhelm stroked his chin with his hand and lowered his gaze.

"For him, I couldn't muster the courage to face it. Although I already understood that it was neither fault nor malice in his view, I still couldn't forgive myself. One day, I will be punished."

"Even if he just knew that you would think so, it must be enough for him to feel at ease."

Wilhelm's answer was full of bitterness, but Julius still affirmed it. Then he slowly turned his eyes as calm as the lake to Mu Hantian.

"I have to thank you."


Julius lightly jumped off the ground dragon. Then he raised his head, looked at Mu Hantian who was sitting on the back of the earth dragon, and bent down.

"This White Whale crusade was originally the long-cherished wish of the Kingdom Knights. You have marked the end of the disaster that has been ignored by various countries for many years. I thank you for that." Julius thanked him with a graceful manner.

"It doesn't matter, it was originally my enemy."

"Thanks to you, people have been able to put aside those years of fear of fog. - Lord Anastasia, I must be very happy."

"Also, my friend's years of regret... can also come to an end." Julius closed his eyes and let out a sigh of relief.

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