Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 885: I go alone

"It's not necessary to thank you. We're going to crusade against the Witch Cult. Are you coming?"

"Of course." Julius didn't refuse.

"However, why did the people of the Witch Cult attack Mezas? I remember that Roswaal didn't do anything to collide with the Witch Cult." Ang asked.

"The 'Jealous Witch' Satila is devoutly worshipped by the Witch Cult. You know that."

"Let's do it for now. To be honest, I just know it, that is, I have read it in the picture book." Ang nodded.

"The guy who has actually experienced it is basically not alive, that's of course. Sajia is just hearsay. Well, as long as you know that the witch believer's belief is that Shatira. Then, you know that that is Shatira. The witch of Tira is a half-elf, right?"

"Well, well." The information in the picture book that Subaru read was not so detailed, but he did hear it from Betty when he asked about the 'witch of jealousy'.

And when I was in the capital, I often heard people compare Emilia with a 'jealous witch' because of her appearance and background.

And Subaru was also indignant every time he said, "This is not the reason for her to be blamed."

"Emelia's appearance is exactly the same as that of a witch, right? However, that doesn't mean that the child should be blamed. Those are just acts of venting their anger at the wrong target."

"Most of the guys don't think they're wrong. After all, Satila has done something like that. So, back to the witch sect... The reason is very simple. For them, the existence of half-elves is an eyesore. ."

"Huh?" Subaru couldn't help but froze, and a short voice came out of his throat. However, it was evident from the reactions of those around him that Ricardo had this view. That said, this is the general perception.

"Why? Generally speaking... Although those guys can't think with ordinary people's thinking, but generally speaking, persecuting people who are half-elves like their favorite witch, this kind of thinking..."

"Because I believe in Shatira and believe that there is no existence more noble than her, I can't allow different existences of the same appearance. Similar but different, imitations. -- existences that confuse people. Ang, it is not difficult. Understand, just like the mad believers in medieval Catholicism, you should understand?" Mu Hantian expressed his opinion.

"The people of the Witch Sect have problems with their heads, and this is not something that I only know about now. How about that kind of thing—anything is fine? The question is who leads the Witch Sect and targets Emilia-sama. one."

"Yes, Bishop of Sin." Ricardo agreed with what Phyllis said.

"You know that too?"

"Is the Sin Bishop of the Witch Cult famous?" Mu Hantian asked.

"Probably just know that there are such a group of people. I heard people gossip before that there were witches before the 'jealous witch' turned the world upside down."

"Pride, anger, laziness, lust, gluttony, ****. ——The six witches who were called the big sins. Then all their existence was swallowed up by the 'jealous' Shatira. "

Mentioning witches in this world is basically talking about witches of jealousy, and witches who have been known for other major sins almost no longer exist.

"It's just that the leaders of the Witch Cult... I don't know if it's appropriate to say that, but I heard that they replaced those witches who disappeared, and they are named as big sins. Jealousy is a symbol of their faith. In other words, other than that. Six people—the six bishops of sin."

"Six people..." After listening to Julius' explanation, the witch sect had a new level of mystery in Mu Hantian's mind.

By the time Petyrchius reported his name as 'lazy', he had already anticipated that there would be other major sins. When it comes to the Seven Deadly Sins, Mu Hantian is very familiar with them. After all, I used to watch a lot of anime like these myths.

"However, Moby Dick, who was supposed to be a 'glutton', has already been subjugated by us. The other sin bishops shouldn't come forward to the Messers Land. This is a good opportunity to severely damage the Witch Cult in one breath. They killed them in one fell swoop, but I don't know where they are, so it's a pity." Mu Hantian said.

"Oh, I'm so confident~, but, to say that this is a good opportunity to defeat the Witch Cult of unknown origin, Feili agrees with that. They really don't really care about Lugunica. "

"They are the scourge of the world, just like Moby-Dick. They are the opponents that the Knights see as a thorn in their side. Most of the knights other than me should think so too. I am lucky to have this opportunity."

Phyllis and Julius both agreed with Mu Hantian, Ricardo showed a belligerent smile, and Wilhelm just nodded solemnly in agreement.


"Then, as planned, I'll go check the situation first." Holding the reins of the earth dragon, Mu Hantian said to Rem and Ang in front of him.

"Hantian, be careful."

"Don't worry, Rem, I'll be fine." This is the truth, if it wasn't for the unfortunate boy Lai Yueang last time, Mu Hantian would have killed the 'lazy' long ago.

"The Witch Cult is mysterious all the year round, you have to be careful."

"Don't worry, Wilhelm."

"Is Big Brother really okay?"

"Tibey didn't fight that big fish just now——! That's why you don't trust that big brother. Then you just need to trust my sister!" Mimi said confidently, puffing out her chest.

"Because big sister believes in big brother, so Tibi believes in big brother and also trusts big brother by the way. What does this feel like? Besides, even if something happens, Mimi will protect Tibi!"

Tibby was taken aback by these words, and her stern expression disappeared.

Seeing these two people, everyone couldn't help laughing.

In this burst of laughter, Mi Mi tilted her head in disbelief.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, it's nothing. In other words, you just keep it like this. You're right." Ricardo smiled, and his huge palm touched Mimi's head with a force that seemed to twist her head off. Then he looked at Mu Hantian.

"Little brother, no matter what, you have to be careful. After all, you are the man who defeated the white whale. If you fall into the hands of those from the Witch Cult, it will be very embarrassing."

"Don't worry, everyone, I'll be fine."

"As expected of my little brother." Looking at Mu Hantian who waved away at him, Ricardo scratched his head.

I don't think it's a big talk. After all, the beluga whale was hanged and beaten for all to see.

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