The moment he came to his conclusion, the feeling that Subaru had been caught by the vines around his neck disappeared. Subaru finally got permission to breathe, and while coughing and sucking oxygen into his lungs, checked the situation with teary eyes.

The infinitely stretched street blurred, and the forest to the left and right blended with the sky. The world spreads and twists like paint dissolved in water, and then recovers in an instant rewind.

The world was reborn—no, it was Subaru who escaped from the hallucination and returned to the real world.

"Subaru!" x2

I heard people's voices. Hearing the harsh voice, Subaru raised his head, and the original world appeared before him.

It was Julius and Mu Hanten who were calling out to Subaru who were standing in front of him.

"It's you..."

"It's okay, Ang." Mu Hantian stretched out his hand, grabbed Subaru's wrist, and made Subaru stand up.

"It's okay." Ang shook his head.

"Look." Julius pointed around with his chin.

Subaru turned his head to look, and was surprised to find that the members of the crusade team were standing there dumbfounded. All the members of the crusade team lined up neatly, whether they were humans or riding beasts, all stood still, motionless.

"This was a deliberate attack. Using an illusion-type technique, people lost consciousness for a few seconds. Now only the three of us have recovered. How did you recover?"

"Seconds? I feel like it's been a few minutes over there? Is it just a fantasy relationship?"

"I didn't expect you to be resistant to this kind of magic. How did you recover?" Julius asked curiously.

"This, has everyone been recruited? If you are delayed here for a few seconds or even minutes like this, it's not a good thing, you must do something!"

"That's why I'm asking how you recovered!" Julius was annoyed at this state of questioning each other in a dialogue-like manner, but couldn't figure out any facts.

Subaru's eyes widened at his rare reaction, and realizing that this wasn't the time to quarrel, he switched his mood.

"In hallucinations, just destroy the flowers that make it all."

"Flowers. So that's the case, using the scent of flowers as a medium to cast a hinting technique. But..." Having said that, Julius looked around at his companion who was immersed in the technique. Then, in front of Subaru, who was watching with wide eyes, he slowly stretched out an arm.

Then, Julius stretched his arm horizontally, and several rays of light appeared from it. There were six kinds of colorful light, and the red light that had saved Subaru's life also existed.

"You! This is...!"

"This is the brilliance of my flower buds. Now I'm going to tell everyone how to decipher the illusion. ——In, Ness!" Julius replied to Subaru's violent reaction, and spread the outstretched one. hand. The light sliding towards his fingertips was black and white.

The two rays of light mixed together, and the rays of light increased sharply, and Subaru stared at the world in front of him, stunned by the rays of light.

"Fa, it happened..."

"What?" Before saying those words, a change appeared in Subaru's mind.

"Uh-! Wait a minute-! Wait a minute-! No one--there! Where is this--!"

"Huh?" What Subaru heard was the voice of the girl who was still in the fog, unable to understand the situation. No, not strictly speaking.

Because that's not a sound, it's a thought. The silent emotion echoed directly in her brain without passing through her eardrums, conveying her thoughts to Subaru. Moreover, there is more than one idea conveyed in this way.

"I've been separated... No, I'm quarantined. It's bad, if it goes on like this" "It's not good, it's bad. No matter how you destroy the forest, there's no movement." "Sister! Sister! Where is it!?"… …

"Gah, ah...!" Information poured in. Information kept pouring in. The torrent of thought mercilessly shoved an overwhelming amount of information into Subaru's ears, pressing it against his head, pressing against his brain. A lot of doubts and thoughts rolled inside his brain like thorny balls, causing Subaru to groan in pain.

It hurts, it hurts—it doesn't seem to be that way. No pain. Not uncomfortable either. But so heavy.

"Affinity is too high, isn't it? Sorry, take a deep breath and be patient."

"You bastard……"

"I don't have time to adjust the wavelength just for you now. It's the top priority to bring everyone's consciousness back." After speaking, Julius closed his eyes and concentrated on the technique, and stopped moving.

Knowing that the cause of the pain seemed to be this beautiful boy, Subaru raised his face in a sullen mood. Even if he listened to his words and took a deep breath, the situation did not improve at all. Now the brain is still in a state of being overwhelmed by a lot of thoughts. If it goes on like this, the brain will be squeezed out of the ear. In order not to be overwhelmed by these thoughts, Subaru thought.

Confusion of thoughts and confusion of consciousness were caused by Julius' actions. In order to convey the means to break the illusion, a certain method was used to create this situation.

thinking. There are blue flowers in someone's hallucination. A few escaped from the hallucinations, from the whirlpool of thought. There are many more, and many more people trapped in hallucinations. Thought waves are constantly intertwined. But gradually, as if the thorns had been plucked, the number of disorganized thought waves diminished. People escape the clutches of illusion and return to reality.

"As long as this is the case, if we save everyone..." Subaru wiped his sweat, enduring even the chaotic wavelength of tinnitus. He roughly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, looking up at the sky and gasping for breath. Just after this.

Subaru heard a slight breathing sound. The source of the sound was in the air, above Subaru and the others. Subaru looked up at the edge of the forest, the sun was high in the sky over the street, and a white shadow with his back to the sun landed beside him.

The shadow was like that, completely ignoring Julius who was dispelling his hallucinations, and pulled up Subaru's arm.

"Oh wow...!"

Julius, who was concentrating on the art, did not move, and Subaru was caught by Shirokage and nearly pulled over.

With a white cloak on his head, the white shadow who couldn't see his face planned to take Subaru away without asking any questions. At this moment, Subaru intuitively concluded that the man in front of him was the magician who used illusion. Of course, it's the Witch Cult.

"Are you going to ignore me? Ram." Mu Hantian stopped in front of the two and revealed the identity of the person who came.

"Mr. Hantian, you really can't go away."

Facing Mu Hantian, the man in the white cloak also put down the hood he was wearing.

What appeared in front of Mu Hantian was a girl with peach-colored hair, pale red eyes, and a cute and serious face——

"Sure enough, it's you, Ram!"

It's the maid of Roswal's mansion, Ram.

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