Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 895: betray?

"Ram, won't you explain?"

"Explain? What else do I have to explain to you two ungrateful fellows?" Ram glared at Mu Hantian and Ang coldly.

"Huh?" Mu Hantian was very surprised by Ram's words.

"That's the truth. Lord Roswaal has shown you great kindness, but seeing that you have nothing to use, you immediately ran to other masters to wag your tails. Or, from the very beginning, it was just to penetrate The acting here? If that's the case, it's really been put on the spot."

"What the **** are you talking about?" Mu Hantian became more and more confused.

"Hmph, that's what you mean by eating inside and out."

"Can you listen to our explanation?"

"Explain? There's something to explain, isn't that the fact? And the letter sent from the royal capital, I thought that a messenger with great background came, and the letter sent - but it was a blank handwritten letter. Letter, you are really interested. What is this trying to do?"

"The seal on the wax seal is carefully stamped with the Karsten family crest of the lion with grinning teeth. That is to say, this is the declaration of war by the hostile candidate, Duke Cursius Karsten... This is The side understands that."

"Ang, what are you doing, why the letter is blank, please explain." Mu Hantian turned to stare at Ang and said coldly.

"No, I clearly put the letter in it, and you also wrote it, there's no way it could go wrong." Ang frowned.

"Huh? Did someone deliberately frame it?" Mu Hantian was also very puzzled. If what Ang said was true, then it would be interesting.

"Ram, you made a mistake. We didn't betray at all. Even if you don't believe in me and Ang, then you must believe in Rem." After calming down, Mu Hantian explained again.

"This..." Ram hesitated, indeed, Rem wouldn't lie to himself, but...

"Sister, you really misunderstood." After Rem sensed Ram, he ran over immediately.

"Rem, are you alright?"

"It's alright, sister."

"Are they telling the truth, Rem?"

"Of course it's true, sister." Rem nodded.

"So, I misunderstood, I'm sorry, Mr. Hantian and Subaru." Ram turned around and bowed apologetically to Mu Hantian and Ang.

"It's alright, let's go find Emilia first, I'll tell you some things on the way."

"I know."


Accompanied by Ram, Mu Hantian and the others set off immediately to Alamu Village. On the way, Mu Hantian also explained what happened to Ram.

"Rahm, that's what happened."

"In other words, those who are hiding in the forest, those who are young people targeting Emilia-sama."

"Originally, these things should have been written in handwritten letters."

Ram sensed the existence of the Witch Cult from the implication, while Mu Hantian bemoaned the source of the misunderstanding.

The insurance that was added with great difficulty turned into the biggest trap in the end. However, the fact that the handwritten letter that was delivered was a blank paper itself meant another problem.

Replacing the handwritten letter, who is trying to sow discord 5 between Emilia and Cirsh.

"How about the messenger who sent the handwritten letter to the mansion?"

"As a 'VIP', we are staying at the mansion to entertain. If something goes wrong, I plan to exchange it for hostages."

"I see." Mu Hantian nodded.

"By the way, Ram. Is Roswaal not at the mansion now?"

"Yes. Lord Roswaal went out to Kafi's... 'Sanctuary' side. Now Ram is instructed to obey Lord Emilia's instructions."

"Knew it."

"Lord Hantian, I have already seen the village." Ram pointed to the front. At her urging, Mu Hantian looked ahead of the road, and indeed he could already see the entrance of Alam Village.

"It doesn't feel like a grand welcome."

The subjugation team who entered the village square through the entrance—and the villagers who were showing their faces from the surrounding cottages under the austere atmosphere. However, their expressions were definitely not cheerful. This is of course also the unease and confusion that appeared on their faces. After all, the sudden appearance of armed groups in the village cannot be blamed on them.

"Ram, what did you say to the villagers?"

"Just advising them not to go out and go into the forest, that's all. The specifics are not mentioned."

"Really, I understand."

"Hey, that... isn't that Subaru-sama?"

"Really. Subaru-sama, are you back..." The villagers whispered, and began to notice Subaru riding on the ground dragon.

Subaru caught the eyes of the villagers, but he felt it would be better, so he climbed down from Patrashu. Given the current situation, Subaru should also explain the most reasonable.

"It's alright, Ang."

"Ah, no problem. - Mr. Wilhelm, Julius, Ricardo."

After answering Mu Hantian's question, Subaru called out the three main force from the crusade team.

They were chosen to increase persuasiveness when explaining to villagers. With three people who seemed to be reliable, Subaru walked into the center of the square with his head up.

"Subaru, it seems that they are still very uneasy. Please don't forget to worry about their mood."

Subaru nodded to Julius who was whispering in his ear, took a deep breath and clapped his hands. Seeing the familiar Subaru's actions, the villagers' eyes widened for unknown reasons. With their reactions, Subaru confirmed that his actions had attracted enough attention, and spoke to relieve their anxiety.

"Okay, everyone pay attention! Focus! Everyone, it's been a long time. Although it's been a few days, are you still in good spirits?"

"Although I came back suddenly this time, I have something I want to ask you all today." The goodbye greeting was almost over, and Subaru cut to the chase.

Seeing Subaru speaking aloud, the villagers who were quietly watching from a distance looked at each other.

All of them were people who knew Subaru, and they were all people Subaru knew. Understanding their unease and confusion, Subaru spoke as gently as he could, but quickly and non-stop.

"Actually, there are some monsters doing evil in the forest nearby. Although I brought professionals who drive the monsters here... But I hope you can leave the village while we are working. Of course, we have prepared the transportation here. Yes. Although it may be a little uncomfortable to sit up, that's all."

Concealing the truth with lies, Subaru proceeded with the conversation, considering words that would not irritate the villagers.

Behind them are the crusade teams that seem to have experienced many battles, and the dragon carriages of many merchants as means of transportation. Although he felt a little tough, Subaru thought he could hide the fact that the Witch Cult came to attack. However-

"Excuse me, why are you telling such a lie?"


Subaru's eyes widened when he cut in halfway. He looked over and found that the voice was a young man with a flat head. He was a member of the youth group in the village, and he had several conversations with Subaru.

"Come back with a large group of outsiders to crusade monsters? Why, do such a thing?"

"Well, look, it's because monsters are dangerous. There's been a riot with monsters before, right? This time I'm going to deal with it before it turns into that, so..."

"Please don't cover up the truth here!"

Subaru tried to soften the murderous atmosphere, but the young man turned a deaf ear to Subaru's words. There was a look of sadness on his simple face, and he stared at Subaru, his fisted hand trembling. The expression was full of suppressed anger and disappointment, as well as uncontrollable fear.

"Subaru-sama, maybe you don't want to disturb us, so you said it so easily... But even if you do this, we villagers still can't stop being afraid! Thinking about what the Witch Cult did, I've been afraid all the time. !"

"Hmm..." the young man shouted angrily, leaving Subaru speechless for a while.

The voices of the young people spread throughout the village. Needless to say, the villagers also wavered in the business. Although no one in the crusade team was shaken, they also showed serious expressions in the face of this dangerous topic trend.


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