Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 896: White lie

"Sure enough, there is no denial." The young man whispered weakly, as if he had gotten the answer from Subaru's silence.

Seeing Subaru's reaction, the villagers suddenly became agitated, and the unease that had been simmering in their hearts suddenly poured out.

"Sure enough, as the man at the mansion said yesterday, it's from the Witch Cult... Why did you come to such a remote mountain village...!"

"This is obvious, isn't the reason obvious! Isn't it all the Lord Lord who did such a thing!"

"Why support half-elf... support half-demon or something..."

Hearing the unease they were talking about, Subaru deeply felt that if he made remedial words at will, it would only have the opposite effect.

"Wait a minute! I'm sorry! It's my fault, I apologize! But..."

Subaru admitted that his words of persuasion had failed, and began to apologize. Also noticed.

Among those villagers, some were lamenting, some were angry, and some showed expressions of hatred.

These negative thoughts of them do not point to the Witch Cult that makes them terribly unable to control themselves. Yes, their negative emotions were not directed at the Witch Cult, but at the half-elf they had never met.

"Why did it become like this! This has nothing to do with the half-elf and Emilia!"

"It can't be okay! If you have anything to do with the half-demon, the witch sect will appear. The little devils in the village know this kind of thing! However, the lord hides the half-demon, and even recommended her to become the king of this country. Isn't it? Oh! Please don't make fun of me!"

The young man's wailing roar shocked Subaru so much that he was speechless.

Seeing his reaction, the young man also turned his eyes away and lowered his head. However, he did not revise his statement.

Subaru looked around, and in the eyes of the other villagers, he could more or less vaguely see the same emotion.

"Everyone, do you think so too? It's all the fault of the half-elves in the mansion."

No one answered. This silence seems to be the most powerful answer. They are villagers close to themselves. Having been through all kinds of things together in the past two short months, Subaru thinks that he and they are good enough friends. That's why he tried so hard to save them. And also believe that this feeling will be accepted by them without the slightest suspicion.

"It's just me minding my own business, isn't it...?"

The terror of the Witch Cult—has been deeply rooted in the hearts of this world, but Subaru underestimated the depth of its roots. This was a scar that even the people who Subaru believed were kind-hearted couldn't resist, the dark side of history had scratched in their hearts.

The reality caused Subaru to bow his head helplessly. ——At this moment, Mu Hantian patted his shoulder from behind. Walking to his side, standing side by side with him, he sighed.

"Keep your head up. Ang, you have to believe in yourself, you know? Or, do you think what you are doing now is wrong? If you don't think it is wrong, there is no need to bow your head." Mu Hantian said flatly.

Subaru understood why the villagers had a taboo against half-elves. It was a fact that this incident left a deep shadow in Subaru's heart.

However, although this is a real fact, it is not something that can be changed immediately by doing something now. But you can't do nothing.

"It's clear that nothing has been done, so don't say anything that can't be changed. I already fully understand your feelings and what you want to say. I won't say what I want you to do now. Of course you will have your own ideas. Yes. Although it hurts, I understand."

"Master Ang."

"But, put these thoughts back in your mind for now. Really, I really understand how you feel when you have all kinds of things you want to say. So in order to say those words well, listen to me now. Right now, this village is in danger. , that's true."

Hearing Subaru's sincere eyes, the villagers fell silent without a word. The whole village fell into silence, and Subaru felt sad at this reaction, and time passed by like that.

"What the servant in charge said is the order of Lord Roswaal. Originally, your subjects have no right to refuse. Please obey the instructions as soon as possible." Ram.

She stepped out of the crusade team, came to Subaru's side, and confronted the villagers. Ram's intimidating eyes and tough words made the villagers whisper in shock.

"Any loss caused by this evacuation will be compensated under the responsibility of the lord. If there are people who are not satisfied, please report. This is the judgment of Roswaal."

The words are harsh and the content is harsh. However, what she said in an irrefutable manner made the people even more uneasy, and both Subaru and the villagers were dumbfounded.

However, Subaru and the villagers also understood. Ram was standing in agreement with Subaru's opinion, using the lord's authority to get the villagers to accept his words.

"Ah——, I'm sorry Ram's statement is a bit bad. But to put it bluntly, my opinion is also the same. I hope you all leave the village and take refuge. I also know that things are too sudden, and I can't be fully prepared."

"So, in terms of compensation for the loss, I will take responsibility and negotiate with Roswaal. I hope you can believe this and take refuge in obedience. Please." After listening to Ram's opinion, Subaru gave up the sentimental theory. Start speaking again rationally.

In front of the ruthless Ram and the sincere Subaru, after a brief silence, the villagers nodded helplessly.

In this form of coercion, they are a long way from understanding. Even so, now they finally got their consent. Evacuation can begin.

This was the end, and Subaru let out a sigh of relief, while the companions who were standing behind him also let out a sigh of relief. Everyone is nervous, everyone is uneasy, but after all, this obstacle has been crossed.


The longest evacuation time is two days. You can only bring the minimum belongings. When you are ready, you can start evacuation. This was the order given by Subaru, who made the villagers reluctantly agree to evacuate.

After that, the problem that has to be solved is...

"I want to explain Emilia-sama and Betty-sama in the mansion." Ram said with his hands on his hips, looking at the road leading from the village to the mansion.

The issue of getting villagers ready to take refuge has been resolved. Then there is the problem at the mansion, as Ram said.

"There's so much commotion in the village, what is Emilia doing now?" Mu Hantian asked.

As for Mu Hantian's question, Ram cast a slightly worried look.

"Because I've been busy until the morning, I should be resting now. In the past few days, after returning from the capital, I haven't had time to relax, so I'm exhausted both physically and mentally."

"When Lord Roswaal is out, only Lord Emilia can handle the changes in the mansion and the village. However, the reaction of the villagers to Lord Emilia can be understood by seeing their attitude just now, right? ?"

"I probably understand, Emilia's burden is really heavy." Mu Hantian sighed, he could understand the kind of hard work.

"When she noticed the change in the forest, Emilia-sama tried to persuade the villagers to take refuge in the mansion. Then, the villagers rejected it. However, Emilia-sama did not know the current affairs after being rejected. The retreating lord, you know that."

"Ah, but after that, what happened to Emilia?"

"After being rejected several times in a row, I felt that I had to do something, so I strengthened the forest barrier again. I couldn't be sure that the source of the mutation was the Witch Cult, so I also guarded against the possibility of monsters."

"And last night, because I got a white paper declaration of war, I was worried until the morning."

"In any case, the evacuation side has already prepared to this point, and Emilia-sama will not object. As long as you go to the mansion to report, you should immediately nod in agreement."

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