When Subaru's consciousness returned to reality, the first thing he smelled was a strong stench.

It's like the smell of charred meat when you're grilling it, like the smell of charred vegetables spread on a wire mesh, the unpleasant smell just by being overheated from the inside out. .

Open your mouth, trying to make a sound. But no sound was heard. It's not that the sound didn't reach the eardrum, but because the sound that hit the eardrum before was too loud. The annoying sound called tinnitus reverberated in his mind endlessly, and Subaru had to give up the idea of ​​waiting for his hearing to recover.

Continuing to use his senses to make sounds, Subaru began to use his other senses. When I opened my eyes, it was pitch black in front of me. The sense of smell is completely covered by the burnt odor, and the rust taste in the mouth is particularly strong. He was lying on his back on the ground in the shape of a big letter, and he could basically feel the mud under him.


When confirming that his hands and feet can move, his voice penetrates the tinnitus and faintly comes. Then the tinnitus gradually subsided, and he could hear his own voice. At the same time, Subaru seemed to hear the sound of blood flowing in his body, and the darkness in his vision slowly dissipated.

The five senses are restored. Sight and hearing are back, and the world is once again incorporated into its own perception. Then……

At the same time as his hearing was restored, the roar of someone in crisis poured into his ears. The ghostly voice of someone, the sound of children crying. lament. The house, the smell of burning.


Subaru immediately sat up and looked around after he recovered from his thoughts that had lagged behind his five senses. The burns and bruises all over his body were telling of pain, but the sight before him made Subaru ignore all of them.

Before Subaru's eyes, the burning wreckage of the dragon carriage and the corpses of many earth dragons were scattered everywhere.


The situation before it turned into the scene before him revived in his memory, and Subaru grasped the situation accurately.

Explosion, yes, explosion. Such exaggerated destructive power can only be expressed by an explosion.

To say what kind of power this is - it blew up the entire dragon carriage without leaving a piece of armor, and completely changed the terrain of the corner of Alam Village. Residential houses adjacent to the square were also involved in the explosion, and the familiar scenery was completely engulfed in flames.

The charred objects scattered around must be the wreckage of the dragon carriage or the fragments of the corpse of the earth dragon. Because it was bombed out of its original shape, it was impossible to distinguish whether it was organic or inorganic. However, the strong smell of scorched meat occupying the nostrils was undoubtedly brought by the earth dragon sacrificed in the explosion.

The sight of the Earth Dragon being blown up to ashes made Subaru shudder and grit his teeth.

"Where is Phyllis! Phyllis, where are you..."

"Here, ah!" A faint voice entered the ears of Subaru, who was on his knees.

This was the voice of the person that Subaru wanted to hear, and Subaru scrambling over there. The sound came from the shadows beyond the ruins of the dwelling.

"Are you all right, Phyllis?"

"It's alright...it seems very reluctant to say that, nya."

After half crawling over, Phyllis, whom Subaru was looking for, emerged from the black smoke.

Subaru, who had already prepared for the worst, heaved a sigh of relief at the appearance of Phyllis. However, after being relieved, the abnormality was noticed immediately. It's nice to see Phyllis unharmed, but it's strange that she's actually unscathed.

"Phyllis, how could you..."

"Isn't there much to do? That's not the case... I just died once." Phyllis said with one eye closed, without any obvious injuries on her body.

He was clearly at the center of the explosion, but even his hair and skin were neat and tidy.

It's just that what he wears is not the uniform of the knight of the guards, but he took a piece of rag and wrapped it directly around him. It seemed that the cloth was originally the tent of the dragon carriage, and it was only put on the body in a hurry.

"You, look like this...?"

"No way! Clothes can't be restored with healing magic! Compared to this..."

Extending her hand to interrupt Subaru's question, Phyllis looked sternly to the other side. Following his line of sight, Subaru couldn't help stuttering at the unexpectedly bad situation.

When the dragon carriage exploded, dragging Phyllis and Subaru into it, he knew it was going to be like this.

In an instant, the village of Alam turned into a battlefield where flames and swords danced.

"Don't back down, move forward! Open up the road! Give priority to the villagers' refuge!"

The one shouting was a knight who was on the other side of the square, fighting with the attackers.

The people in the square, including the knight, were shouting. However, most of them are villagers and traders who are not capable of fighting. At this moment, the crusade team is forming a circle to protect them against foreign enemies.

The attackers, dressed in black and holding cross-shaped swords in the shape of a cross, are witch cultists.

"Where did those guys enter the village from..."

"Does it need to be said. Of course, it is hiding in the cargo of the dragon cart."

"Damn!" The hidden dangers of insurance all broke out. Subaru cursed his bad luck and carelessness.

It will be used by the Witch Cult precisely because it does not refuse to come from traders who provide evacuation assistance. Subaru deeply understood the meaning of the phrase 'Witch Cultists are everywhere'.

What's more, this is one of the subordinates of the Bishop of Sin, Laziness.

"My dear Subaru, the time that made you lose is now..."

"I know! The evacuation plan has been ruined! Anyway, let the people in the village go to the mansion first..."

They can only switch to defending the city, which is regarded as the last resort. After making this judgment, Subaru saw it.

The circle of knights was smashed by the witch cultists who were constantly using magic, and the resistance was losing ground. The people in black burst into the square like this, and the cross swords in their hands swung at the villagers who were powerless to resist.

"stop it now!"

Looking at the daggers reflecting the flames, Subaru shouted with all his strength. However, his voice did not stop the power of the murder weapon. The knights have also been unable to keep up, unable to prevent this tragedy.

The cross-shaped blade pierced at the mother who protected the child, at the husband who protected the wife, and at the young man who stood in front of the old man.

"Top Iridescent Field!"

The chant sounded just before the tragedy, and at the same time, Subaru saw a light shining in the sky.

The light that appeared out of nowhere rolled into a spiral, and the expanding aurora transformed into a rainbow that enveloped the square.

The gorgeous aurora draws a graceful curve, coloring the knights, villagers and witch cultists in the square equally. However, the outcome of the two sides is very different.

The rainbow enveloped the knights and villagers softly and turned into a barrier. The moment when the witch cultivator pierced the dagger into the rainbow light, it was hit by an unimaginable shock and flew out.

The Witch Cultist who stepped into the square was completely suppressed by the rainbow-colored light. And it was the beautiful boy in white who jumped into the square who did all this.

"The brilliance of the rainbow, its beauty will not be concealed by anything. -- This is the truth of the world." The 'best' knight who released the aurora raised his knight's sword into the air, and spoke flamboyantly.

"Stop pretending, beware of being struck by lightning." Mu Hantian dismantled the platform without hesitation.

Even so, Mu Hantian also joined the battlefield, wielding sword energy one after another, attacking the witch cultivator.

Seeing this, Subaru clapped his hands and ran to Julius and Mu Hantian.

"Great! Good job!"

"Ang, it's great to see you and Phyllis all right."

"Sorry, there's a 'sloth' in the business that I couldn't handle. It was my mistake."

"Don't say that to Phyllis, it's just the result of the enemy's strategy being better than this. I don't intend to blame you. After the dragon carriage you and Ang entered exploded, the witch cultists who entered the village also rioted. The explosion The damage caused by the surprise attack is not small, but the wounded have been taken to the mansion to evacuate with Tibe and Ms. Ram."

"However, there are a lot of enemies. The evacuation didn't go well, didn't it?"

Although Julius didn't say it explicitly, Ang still knew that the reason for the disadvantage was undoubtedly the power of 'laziness'. That power has the power to overturn the entire battlefield by itself. The only way to fight was with the eyes of Subaru and Mu Hantian.

But Mu Hantian couldn't save everyone.

"Anyway, let's get rid of the rest of the 'lazy'. Ang, you go to appease the villagers, and Julius and I will fight!"

"Of course. Phyllis, you go to rendezvous with the allies who took refuge and heal. You are our lifeline."

"It's the same no matter who is missing. Little Philip, I don't want to watch anyone go, meow."

"Me too, I don't want to see anyone sacrifice." Subaru clenched his fists, his eyes very firm.

"Then let's get started."

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