Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 899: Third place "lazy"

The four of them confirmed their respective missions like this, and immediately disbanded. Mu Hantian and Julius went to crusade against 'lazy'. Ang is to cheer up the villagers and knights in a group, and build a defense line on the other side of the mansion. The remaining Phyllis went to rescue the wounded, just as he wished, and did not want to see her own death.

"Jurius, we need to hurry up, although the exact number of Witch Cultists is unclear. But I think the number is also increasing during the attack. Also, all the remaining 'fingers' should have come to the village. That's it." Mu Hantian expressed his thoughts.

"Indeed, they will definitely do it." Julius nodded.

"Ah, but if all the remaining three 'lazy' can be dealt with, and victory is achieved in one breath... Ah!?" Suddenly, Mu Hantian saw that the sky directly in front of him was filled with black.

It was directly above the village where the flames rose, countless black palms overwhelming the sky. This amount is like a nightmare.

"It's the 'invisible hand'!"

Seeing Mu Hantian raising his head and shouting, Julius's expression suddenly became serious. But, even staring intently, he couldn't see the same nightmare.

The black palms that fell from the sky smashed trees, houses, and the earth with overwhelming force.

As if venting his anger, he kept repeating destruction, destruction, destruction—this repeated action clearly conveyed the anger of the enemy that could not be resolved.

"This breath... It's Wilhelm. We have to hurry, Wilhelm is injured after all."


Julius nodded and ran forward with Mu Hantian.


The invisible attack that fell from the sky was pierced by Wilhelm's agility that surpassed his limit.

The trajectory changes from left to right, the speed is fast and slow, making exaggerated jumps as much as possible, seeing through all the movements of the enemy, approaching, and approaching again, the close attack is repeated again and again.

The attack from the power known as the 'Hand of Invisibility' is tricky even if it is no longer 'invisible'. The attack distance and attack angle can be changed freely, and the immeasurable destructive power can bring death with just one blow.

These characteristics will be absolute advantages in battle, and the ability to be so strong will drive the enemy to death.

Now, the reason Wilhelm can deal with it is only because of the gap in combat experience.

"So, stop here for me, Witch Cultist—!"

"Actually, actually! It's been stubbornly resisting until now!"

Facing Wilhelm from the front was a lanky man. His neck and waist are unnaturally bent, like a doll controlled by human hands, which is creepy.

In fact, this madman's body has indeed lost its freedom, and accordingly, he is using his power to seize his own body for control, which is not within the Sword Demon's consideration.

What needs to be considered is the fact that the person in front of him is the enemy, the third 'lazy'. In the man who gathered the merchants, there was absolutely no intention to conceal his true body.

The Sword Demon was disgusted by his wicked taste for mixing in the safety measures that Subaru had prepared. At the same time, he was also concerned about whether Subaru and Phyllis, who were beside the exploding dragon carriage, were safe. However, the worries that surfaced during the battle were immediately put behind him, and the Sword Demon focused on his own battlefield.

Anxiety is not without it. If Phyllis fails to return safely, he will face Crusius without face. However, another corner of his heart was telling him not to worry.

It's just that level of danger, Subaru and Phyllis will definitely be able to break through. The Sword Demon even had a little too much trust in this.


Swing the sword, cut open the earth. Use the rain of earth to see through the invisible attack trajectory. Facing this barrier that almost completely blocked the road between the enemy and ourselves, and full of murderous intent, the sword ghost broke through with extraordinary evasion skills and moved forward.

There is no need to worry about the safety of Subaru and Phyllis. You can only do what you have to do. Then, there is only one thing you should do from the moment you hold the sword.

"In the face of my love increasing to such a number! This obsession that is still entangled! Faith! The respect of being a diligent apostle is hard to restrain! Woohoo, ah! Love! The brain is shaking and shaking!"

Different looks, different faces, different voices—even so, the expression eroded by madness is the same.

Wilhelm stared at the mad man in front of him and accelerated further. The sword ghost galloped like an arrow from a string, throwing off the lingering invisible attacks.

Ignoring the rain of earth falling from the sky, Sloth continued to launch invisible attacks regardless of the consequences. It was as if this was the only thing left in his mind. Not just madness, but even tactics. Then naturally, the result will not change.

The madman seemed to be screaming something. However, Wilhelm, who was running at full speed in a straight line, turned a deaf ear. Putting aside all unnecessary things, turning into a sword, and attacking with this sharp sword to slash evil.

Of course, as the distance gets closer, the obstacles also increase. The number of bruises continued to increase, and stinging pains came from his body, but Wilhelm didn't care. Raise the sword and strike.

The ground was cut longitudinally, and the madman's figure was slanted. The sword ghost's sword tip pointed directly at the opponent's body, and then passed through the body.


There was a slight sluggish feeling from the tip of the sword, and the sword ghost felt what he had experienced countless times, and that was the feeling of tearing life to pieces.

The sword penetrated the madman's left chest and completely destroyed his heart. With a death that even Phyllis couldn't bring back to life, she relentlessly drew the finish line for her life.

"Sure enough, it's your words..." The madman who was stabbed through his body by the blade, vomited blood and said something.

Wilhelm was about to turn a deaf ear to the last words of the dying man and drew his sword.

However, the madman, in Wilhelm's ear, said: "It will only focus on watching the invisible hand to fight, and neglect to guard against the visible... It's really lazy."

For a moment, the thinking came to a standstill. In order to think about the meaning of this sentence, Wilhelm's war intentions had an unnecessary gap.

The madman leaning on Wilhelm raised his short sword with trembling arms. After that, without hesitation, he pierced his left eye with a dagger.

The tip of the sword penetrated the eye socket, pierced into the brain, stirred the brain, and cut off his own vitality.


At the moment when the sword ghost's sight was taken away by the suicide blade, the light was bright.

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