Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 900: fighting

The moment he turned around the corner of the collapsed house and reached the destroyed street, the ground began to shake.

The shock from his feet and the tremor from the air made him hold his breath. The ensuing storm and flames rushed towards Mu Hantian who was running over.

"Cut, trouble."

"Be careful, Hantian! Iro! Iku!" Julius ran to Mu Hantian, raised his hand, and the green and yellow elves glowed under his call.

The gravel rising from the ground blocked the wind blade that broke through the air. All the heat waves coming from the front were blocked, and the earth wall protected the two of them and resisted everything.

"what happened?"

"I don't know. Before the explosion, I seemed to see someone on the road..."

After the aftermath of the explosion passed, the two crossed the collapsed earth wall and ran towards the center of the explosion. The huge crater presents the tragic explosion in front of us.

Then, the figure lying in the center of the pit made Mu Hantian's voice froze.

"Wilhelm!" Mu Hantian called out and quickly ran to the white-haired old swordsman who was crouching on the ground. The whole body was seriously injured by the flames generated by the explosion and the storm. In this state, he could still have all the limbs, but it was incredible. However, there are still weak breaths.

"It's absolutely impossible to leave it like this! If you don't take it to Phyllis..." He pulled Wilhelm up and supported him. Mu Hantian gritted his teeth and said.

"However, things don't seem to be going so well."

Feeling the vigilance and tension contained in these words, Mu Hantian raised his head.

Julius kept changing the direction of the unsheathed knight's sword, and restrained the surroundings. The reason for this is simply because there is more than one enemy, and many enemies are approaching from all directions.

The Witch Cultists, armed with a cross-shaped sword in the shape of a cross, appeared one after another from all directions. But the biggest problem was not them, but one of them who dropped his hood and showed up with four people.

It was a woman with short dark brown hair and a petite figure.

Unarmed, standing defenseless, with flaws all over his body. However, her eyes were bloodshot and she was biting her nails. Such self-mutilation is the iron proof that she is the one who should be most vigilant.

The woman bit the nail of her right thumb, then twisted it hard, tearing off the nail.

"Why, why, why, why, why... you, are you still alive here? Shouldn't you just surrender to my diligence and die?"

"This is what I want to say! It's almost time to end it for me! Reborn me again and again! You guy, this time, I won't let you go!"

Wilhelm, who was supported by Mu Hantian, moved.

Did it react to external stimuli? The Sword Demon remained unconscious, his lips twitching. His painful panting made Mu Hantian hate the enemy more and more, but his expression made Mu Hantian feel wicked. As if, unconsciously conveying something...


"The same...really...get."

It was as thin as a mosquito, and the sound that seemed to disappear at any moment was completely inaudible. Moreover, the Witch Cultists did not have the kindness and understanding that would make him listen to that sentence completely.

"You! Just get rid of the lazy you and the diligent you! The end is a certainty! The dust is settled! It will usher in its due destiny! So die here! Just die!"

The woman spittled as she spoke, and put her hand into her vestment. However, I couldn't find what I was looking for. She pulled out her hand, looking as if she wanted to grit her teeth.

Seeing her like this, Mu Hantian probably understood what she was looking for. Immediately, he said to Julius: "Jurius, protect Wilhelm, is this okay?"

A second of silence and hesitation. Julius closed his eyes, and when he opened it again, he held the sword in front of him.

"If you say you can't do it at such a time, being a knight will be a lifelong shame."

"Okay! Then leave these guys to me."

Putting Wilhelm's body flat on the ground, Mu Hantian reached into his arms. The Witch Cultists gradually narrowed their encirclement, but only 'lazy' showed no signs of taking action. She is not despising the enemy. But because to her, the attack distance means nothing.

"Come on, it's almost over! Before this love that is greater than all! Before this love that is more noble than all things! Before our diligence in repaying our favor! Only when you give everything, your Value is..."

"Hey, female Petilchius.—Look what this is!"

After shouting to the 'lazy' in the frenzy, Mu Hantian let out a light breath. Then, he pulled his hand out of his arms.

In that hand, he held a black-covered book. This is the Gospel that Mu Hantian recovered from the dead Petyrchius Romagnykonti.

"Is this what you're looking for? This is a gift from your favorite witch-sama."

"Little thief! Sure enough, did you take it! Damn it!"

'Lazy' stared at the Gospel in Mu Hantian's hands, his eyes widened and he screamed.

The movement of her always groping in her arms made Mu Hantian feel disobedient. Second place 'Sloth' did the same. Looking for something that should be in his arms, anxiety because he didn't find it, resentment for being taken away. Everything has its roots in this book.

"The buried body of Petyrchius was dug up to recover the Gospels. It's better to dig up the grave to retrieve it. You've been poisoned too deeply. Cults are killing people!"

"Noisy! Don't say anything ridiculous! Now put that book away..."

"Don't worry, you scare me like this. If I accidentally shake my hands, it will be bad to tear off a few sheets."

"Go to die, die!" The anger of Sloth erupted completely, and the shadow under the woman's feet swelled. The shadow split countless times on top of her head, and the fingertips of the overwhelming pitch-black palm pointed at Mu Hantian at the same time.

However, to kill Mu Hantian like this would only be ridiculous.

"My pet! The embodiment of my love! Just surrender in front of my love, those who turn their backs on morality!" Sloth roared, his black hands pressing down like an avalanche. This can be called the existence of the incarnation of destruction, and it hit Mu Hantian with a tsunami-like sense of oppression.

However, this kind of attack was silent to anyone other than Mu Hantian or Leyue Ang. On the contrary, such an attack was clearly visible in Mu Hantian's eyes.

"It's really boring, so there's no other way?" Facing the incoming 'invisible hand', Mu Hantian didn't care, and easily avoided it.

"I actually avoided my power...!? Then, through the hands of the believers—"

"Unfortunately, I have asked others to delete this choice."

When the woman who lost her composure noticed her gaffe and wanted to order her subordinates, it was too late.

Julius took his sword and attacked the witch cultists, not giving them a chance to attack Mu Hantian. Not only that, there was even a cultist who fled to Mu Hantian's side, sadly stepped into the wave of the devil's hand, and his body was torn apart.

"Ah ah ah? Cannibalism? Does not distinguish between the enemy and me? Isn't this a model of a bad guy who can't be saved!"

", ahh...! Really dare, really dare, really dare, really dare! Take my beloved believers!"

"It's obviously you who got him involved, don't yell at me! The vision is too narrow! Are you 'lazy'?"

With a chuckle, Mu Hantian adapted the classic line of 'lazy' by himself and gave it back to the other party. As he expected, the woman was speechless and walked towards Mu Hantian aggressively.

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