Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 901: I am a good person

Seeing the 'lazy' rushing towards him, Mu Hantian shrugged indifferently, and then put the 'Gospel' in front of him.

"Come on, return my 'love'!"

"Oh, do you want it? Well, then I'll give it back to you. Who told me to be a good person." Facing the madman's request, Mu Hantian agreed. He directly threw the 'Gospel Book' in his hand.

'Sloth' caught it right away, and then...

"Ah ah ah... Damn, how dare you... dare to do this! Give my 'love' to... unforgivable!"

... The book started to burn when it reached the hands of Sloth, turning into ashes in an instant.

"Don't say that, we are the enemy. Of course, we must use some tactics to deal with the enemy. What's more, an unforgivable guy like you can't use any means. Anyway, we didn't take any lives."

"Bastard **** bastard!" He scratched his face with bloodstains, and there were more and more "invisible hands" behind the madman.

"I understand, I understand. You can see my favor. First of all, I have to accept this. If I am lazy because I don't want to admit it, stubbornly cling to the only one of love, come to me Saying is the greatest and heaviest sin... and you are doing this to be jealous of me, it must be so. Therefore, the most correct solution is..."

The madman who kept muttering, made countless magic hands move and raised them into the air.

At the moment, all the demon hands released by the woman are holding the broken bricks and tiles after the collapse of the house.

"The best answer, **** it!" After the last sentence was said bitterly, the offensive came immediately.

Fragments of the house were thrown out in the form of shotguns, smashing straight at Mu Hantian.

'Lazy' came to the conclusion that the most suitable method to deal with Mu Hantian was not to use the 'invisible hand'.

To put it bluntly, it means to abandon the direct attack with the 'invisible hand', and instead use the magic hand to attack in an indirect way. The attack speed of the 'Invisible Hand' itself is slower than the direct punching attack. Although the number is amazing, as long as you try to avoid it, you can still dodge it.

However, if the item is thrown out with the magic hand, the speed is not comparable to that of the magic hand itself. If you only look at arm strength, the magic hand is far superior to ordinary people. In this case, the speed of pitching is naturally higher than that of professional golfers.

Then, the rocks that flew over were the smallest in size and the size of a human head—meaning that a direct hit would result in death.

The broken bricks of the house will become dangerous murder weapons in the hands of the dark demons. Fortunately, the opponent's throwing skills are not very good, and the trajectory control is not very good. Unfortunately, bricks and mortar are coming. Even if the accuracy is not good, in the face of such a huge number, the situation is still grim.

The bricks flew past, knocking down a tree, making a deafening sound, and the ground that had just run over exploded. The bricks and tiles smashed on the ground exploded like cannonballs, and this place turned into a field full of battles in an instant. Destruction, shock, destruction, shock, and so on.

Seeing this, Mu Hantian could only lead his 'lazy' to other places, and the best choice was the forest. At the moment, Mu Hantian did not hesitate and ran towards the forest.

Turning his head and looking behind him, he brought the figure of the madman chasing into his eyes. Even if she came to a new conclusion and changed the way of fighting, as long as she failed to grasp the trend here, it would be meaningless.

"Come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come—!!"

Mu Hantian took a look and, as it literally means, from right above—the source of the roar came from the heights of the forest canopy.

The woman's position, at this moment, is far and high above the forest. She was covered with bruises and bruises, hugging her knees and huddled in a ball, that petite posture was commonly known as "sports sitting". The woman kept that posture, and threw her body into the air with the 'invisible hand'—just like throwing a handball, she threw herself forward in a relay with different hands, chasing after Mu Hantian. This shameless way of chasing people is unusually fast.

"There's still a little distance." Mu Hantian gritted his teeth and continued to sprint.

"Honestly give up, even if you continue to run away, run away, run away! What can you do to escape to the end! Your actions are purely a dying struggle... No! It's not like that!" 'Sloth' looked down from above Mu Hantian was holding his head and running away.

However, the woman stopped when she said this, as if reminding herself, and stabbed her left eye with her finger.

After being pierced, the flesh was dug out, the blood poured out again, and then he opened his throat and said with a hint of anger: "I can't be careless or complacent. Only when the result can't be overturned - when I really die, can I fight with my doubts. , karma, and obsession to say goodbye!"

'Sloth' uses self-mutilation to dispel his underestimation of the enemy, and continues to throw mercilessly.

The ground exploded, and the bricks smashed into the air, wiping their heads and flying. However, this escape plot finally ushered in the end.

Mu Hantian stood on the spot, took a breath, and then the figure of 'lazy' descended from the sky.

After landing, she let go of the magic hand that carried her and looked at Mu Hantian. Then, a contented sneer appeared on her blood-stained face.

"Let's praise your bravery and your hard work for the time being! You have resisted very well, because of your diligence! I praise your behavior and give you mercy!"


"Yes! It is mercy! If there are any last words, your words will be engraved in my soul and will never be forgotten and will be remembered forever! Come on, say it as much as you like!"

Facing the compassion shown by the madman, Mu Hantian listened to her words, scratched his head, and said helplessly, "Are you too confident in yourself, or you think you can beat me. I kept running away just to get rid of me. You were led into this deserted forest, not to be afraid of you."

"Have you not……"

"Well, to be honest, I don't seem to have to do it anymore, your opponent seems to have come."

"You, in the end..." Before she could finish speaking, the woman hurriedly turned her head back in surprise.

But it was too late.

The demon dog sprang from the forest, and buried its teeth deeply into her neck from behind the woman.

"Gah, ah ah ah!" Before the madman could understand what happened, he screamed under the severe pain and impact of the bite.

The teeth were deeply embedded in the back of the neck, and the woman's short body was knocked out by the beasts that rushed over. In front of the huge black-haired devil dog, the woman's petite body is like a mantis arm for a car.

The woman was bitten in the mouth by the beast, swung up and down, and hit the ground again and again. The weak woman collapsed to the ground, and the demon dog loosened its teeth, planning to deliver the final blow without hesitation.


He opened his mouth wide and aimed at his throat. Whether it wants the prey to die before eating, or whether it is just a killing instinct that has nothing to do with appetite, no one knows.

Although no one knows, but the madman is not honest enough to wait to die.

"It's just a beast...! The 'invisible hand'!" The woman who was crushed to the ground shouted, and in an instant, the twitching shadow turned into a magic hand and sent the dog flying away.

Under the invisible attack, the demon dog screamed like a puppy on the spot and fell heavily to the ground. However, it quickly got up and roared again, trying to shred its prey.

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