Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 902: the last one

"That's it!" Mu Hantian walked over and killed the beast with a sword.

Then he turned his head and looked down at the madman. It wasn't because of a moment of compassion that he didn't let the magic dog take her on the road.

The mad woman whose internal organs were about to pop out of her stomach should also understand that Mu Hantian didn't need to do this at all.

"Yes, so... ah. Actually, it's a monster..."

"Actually, I don't know what's going on. I just felt the aura of monsters just now, but it's really a pleasant surprise."

The back of the neck was bitten, and the woman, who was mortally wounded, was unable to move. Her eyes were blank, and she wasn't even looking at Mu Hantian. Maybe she was blind.

"There are at most **** left... I will get rid of them."

"No, no, no..."

"Do you mean to say it's impossible or impractical? You think I've already killed a few teams. It's almost time to learn a lesson. However, maybe I'm just saying it for nothing."

Hearing what Mu Hantian, who was looking down at him, said, the corners of the dying female madman's mouth twisted. The blood that rushed to the throat kept flowing from the corners of the mouth, and the madwoman's blood-stained face showed a smile before she died.

Seeing her expression, Mu Hantian felt a chill. Not because of a sense of crisis. It was because he sensed the unacceptable existence, and his instinctive disgust brought a chill.

"Now, just...let you go for a while...for sure, for sure..."

"It will kill you..."

Finally, after leaving this sentence clearly, the woman's smiling face relaxed and the signs of life completely disappeared. It was an unquestionable death, an irreversible end.

Mu Hantian witnessed the death of the third 'lazy'.

"Knocked down a person, and there is still 'lazy' left. I can't stay here any longer." Shaking his head, Mu Hantian looked away from the corpse, and ran to where he had come from.

"The remaining 'lazy', the finger of the Bishop of Sin... Probably, there is only one left!"

During the battle in the village, when Mu Hantian and Julius ran towards the source of the 'Invisible Hand'.

In the center of the explosion site, Wilhelm was found lying on the ground. In this way, Wilhelm could not be wrong who fought Sloth before the explosion. The sword ghost must have defeated the opponent.

Mu Hantian speculated that the explosion, like the explosion of the dragon carriage, was caused by items held by Katie. It is very likely that Katie, who was defeated by the Sword Demon, blew himself up in order to die together.

If so, there is only one finger left, and it should be the last 'lazy'.

"As long as that guy is also dealt with, and then the general witch cultists can be wiped out."

The road to victory can already be seen. However, there was still a little anxiety in Mu Hantian's heart.

"Damn it! Did it really appear?" Mu Hantian, who gritted his teeth and stared at the sky, let out a more anxious and angry roar than he had imagined at the scene in front of him.

In the air beyond the forest, the black arm rose again. The direction was over the village, the distance was very far, and Mu Hantian's cry could not reach the ears of the person targeted by that arm.

If that hand falls, someone will die. Or knights, orcs, or villagers.

As Mu Hantian knew, someone's life would be crushed.

Mu Hantian could only grit his teeth and run towards the village quickly.

In the village, where the signs of destruction have further expanded, fallen human bodies can be seen everywhere. Tongues of flame throbbed, and people's cries were mixed. In this world filled with the sound of swords clashing, Mu Hantian immediately discovered the figure of the madman.

The fifth madman, a thin middle-aged man with a bald head, was scratching his **** face and laughing wildly.

Intuition told Mu Hantian that this was the last madman. As if the other party noticed Mu Hantian's conviction, he turned around.

While meeting their eyes, they also realized the fact that they were enemies and not friends.

"Wow--the brain is shaking, shaking, shaking!"

The countless magic hands that were raised covered the sky and the sun, and swept down with a crazy roar. This blow, the waterfall of death, ran over the village and shattered everything.

The madman's outrageous behavior was about to turn the village into a purgatory on earth, but at this moment.

"It's over, wicked party!"

Then, the voice froze everyone. After being stunned, he remained sluggish and looked up at the sky, motionless.

The light blue brilliance that was more vivid than the countless black hands that were twitching covered the entire sky at absolute zero.

The light blue splendid light flickered, dyeing Alam Village, which was dyed red by blood and flames, with another color.

Small pieces of ice appeared in the icy air, and the diffused light formed a fantastic beauty. The beauty of the crystallization phenomenon completely lost its sense of reality to the tragic situation in front of him.

"I can't let this devastated situation continue. ——That's it!"

Then, in this dream-like scenery, a clear and pleasant voice entered the ear. A silver bell-like voice spread across the battlefield, and everyone was caught off guard by the girl who suddenly appeared.

The long silver hair fluttered in the gentle wind, and the deep purple eyes contained a strong will, and she was astonishingly beautiful. Even if she only looked at her appearance, her existence was dazzling enough.

But at this moment, she was able to attract everyone's attention, not because of her appearance. It was because she just stood there, as if the majesty that dominated everything.

The sound of metal collisions, roars, screams, and even the flames that burned the house were silent as if holding their breaths.

Facing such a world, the silver-haired girl——Emelia looked at the enemy calmly.

"Emilia, yes, this has happened, of course she can't just let it go."

The surrounding of the mansion turned into a battlefield, and the villagers went to the mansion one after another to take refuge. When someone was fighting to protect them, it was impossible for her to hide at home obediently.

Emilia's eyes were filled with sadness and fighting intent, and she confronted the Witch Cultists who used this place as a battlefield.

"Please step back, evil party. To do such an outrageous thing... I will not forgive you."

"Wow, what a..."

After deciding that the madman standing in the square was the enemy, Emilia threw cold words at her opponent. However, the madman's blood-stained face was not shaken, but instead showed shock and joy, as well as a sneer.

Sloth twisted his body, stretched out his hands to Emilia, and shouted with a sneer: "Wuhu, ah! What a good day! What auspicious day! What a fate! There is such a perfect container! It's exactly the same! It can be said to be the body. It can be concluded that even if the trial is repeated countless times, there will never be a second chance like this...!"

The fifth 'lazy', who is full of passion, burst into tears. In the face of the madman's unexpected tears, Emilia frowned and showed a puzzled expression.

"Oh, oh, witch... I love..."

However, even this behavior seemed to be linked to gratitude, and the madman stepped forward vainly. He took the initiative to shorten the distance with Emilia. Before the countdown to destruction, Emilia extended her palm to him.

"Don't move! Next time it won't be a warning." Emilia stretched out her palm and declared to the madman who was trying to approach. However, the madman turned a deaf ear to her dissuasion. Step by step, step by step, continue to shorten the distance.

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