"This time! Next time! I will definitely take you, I will definitely take you..."

"I already said, don't move."

As Emilia said, the second time was not a warning. She was ruthless and turned the ultimatum into action.

The rays of light flew, the cold air hit, and the explosion of magic power froze the moisture in the air. The resulting sharp ice guns, a total of four, shot out instantly.

Frigid frost has no mercy. A blow that really takes a life, penetrates the target and dyes it white, turning the opponent and their soul into an ice sculpture. However……

"Without hesitation, without mercy, without mercy... Really, really, really, diligent judgment!"

"Isn't that, your companion?"

Next to the witch cultivator who stood up to protect himself and turned into an ice sculpture, the madman sneered in a relaxed manner. Emilia couldn't understand his actions, and frowned.

Hearing her question, the madman tilted his head to ninety degrees, and reached out to the frozen subordinate with his demonic hand, smashing it to pieces.

"It's a believer! It's also my finger! But all of this has no meaning in front of you, in front of the container! Even myself is the same! Now, now, now, now, now! The reason why I With will, I exist! It's all for you!"

"For you, for you, for you... But that's not enough."

Emilia was dumbfounded at his madness, and the madman widened his eyes and raised his **** fingers. The nearly crushed finger pointed at Emilia—to be precise, Emilia's left shoulder.

On that slender shoulder, the elf kitten was leaning against the silver hair. Showing hatred for that existence - 'lazy'.

"Elf, elf, elf! With that tiny body, with the attitude of ignorance of righteousness and love! Not knowing how sinful it is to rely on a container! Ignorance is a sin! What atrocity this is!"

'Sloth' showed too much disgust and indignation towards the existence of the elf—that is, Parker. However, Parker, whose name was named, also looked at the madman who was hostile to him with a cold gaze.

This is an unimaginable emotion in him who is gentle and leisurely on weekdays.

"Unfortunately, being with this child is my raison d'être. I don't need to ask anyone for permission, and I don't plan to ask for permission. And you are, it's very unpleasant."

In a sense, both parties are considered to treat everyone equally, but at this moment, they show a clear hatred for each other. The madman is full of resentment towards Parker, and Parker is full of disdain for the madman.

"Wait a minute, this kind of thing..."

"It's you, Han Tian, ​​who have to wait. Now, squat down."

Mu Hantian was about to intervene before the battle, but someone pulled his sleeves. Mu Hantian looked over and found that it was Phyllis who appeared out of nowhere. Phyllis put another cape on the rag just now, and beside him was Ang.

"Is it okay to leave Emilia alone?"

"It's my and little Ram and Ang's judgment to ask Emilia-sama to come here. Show some trust."

Mu Hantian frowned when he heard Felice's words. Seeing Mu Hantian's confused face as if asking, "What the **** are you trying to say?", Phyllis closed one eye and said, "The people you want to protect are not just those who only hide behind. "


The battlefield was silent, as if the fierce battle of the previous second was just an illusion.

The icy fog that filled the surroundings suddenly broke open, and Emilia took a big step back. At the same time, there was an explosion in the position where she was standing a moment ago, and Emilia blinked a few times at that position.

"I really can't see anything."

"So be careful."

Hearing Parker's whisper on her shoulder, Emilia nodded and tapped the ground with her toes.

The invisible attack from the madman——This was an attack that Phyllis had warned about before the battle and could not be detected with the naked eye. However, even if you can't see it, there are ways to guard against it.

Let the ice fog float around the body, and avoid attacks by observing the changes in the ice fog. This is the method proposed by Parker, and it is not impossible to do it with his own strength.

"Also, it will be resolved in close combat soon." Emilia whispered, and the ground touched by her toes was stained with a layer of frost. The ice surface covering the ground spread out with Emilia at the center, turning the ground within a radius of twenty meters into frozen ground in an instant.

The touch of my feet brought back memories. She grew up in that forest, and ice skating was her specialty.

"Small tricks of this magnitude! Little tricks! Little cleverness! In the face of my love, it's like a useless struggle!"

Emilia accelerated to the limit in one step, and the madman looked at her and shouted.

After that, a sense of oppression approached with a roar, and the ice mist floating around was pushed away one after another. However, every time the invisible hand pushed away the ice fog, Emilia's body was no longer in place.

Emilia slid across the ice, drawing huge circles around the madman to disturb his head. Copy the front and back, avoiding every attack. The frozen land expands recklessly, and Emilia thrives in it.

"Although I can understand your fascination with my complacent daughter, I refuse to be a pest."


At the moment of hearing this inexplicably lazy declaration, a thick wall of ice erected around the madman, besieging him. Then, the ice wall is gradually deformed, and the ice pile is shot from the inner wall to the center.

There is no way to escape, a sudden and deadly attack.

The prey in the ice wall will be directly hit, stabbed into a skewer, and even the blood that flows out will be frozen and crushed.

Contrary to his lovable appearance, Parker's naive cruelty is brought to the fore in his attack. but……

"Too weak!! Too weak, too weak, weak... it's too weak!"

The cry came from the ice cage, and the next moment, accompanied by a crisp sound, the ice wall shattered. The shards of ice shone brightly, and the man who escaped was intact.

At the moment of the ice pile's attack, he created a shield with invisible power inside. The ice wall was unable to withstand the internal reaction force when it was attacked, and immediately fell apart.

"If you can defeat me with that kind of attack, that would be ridiculous! Trials are not easy..."



However, just when the madman was standing on the ice and getting carried away, Emilia kicked him out directly by the momentum of sliding.

Emilia glided silently, and the kick hit the heart of the unsuspecting madman. Under the powerful kick that combined speed and inertia, the man's body was unexpectedly easily kicked away.

"This time it's finally... eh!?"

Just as she was about to predict where the madman would fall, and deploy her magic power first—Emelia, who was attacking with the blooming ice flowers, couldn't help but doubt her own eyes when she saw the scene in front of her.

The madman's body, which was kicked up and drew a parabola, stopped in the air and flew out in other directions. It was as unnatural as being caught by something while in the air and forcibly thrown in another direction.

"This usage..."

"Wow, it's laziness to give up thinking! Apply! Use more! Make more use of it!"

Seeing the madman dancing in the air pointing her finger at her, Emilia immediately formed an icicle and attacked the opponent. However, the icicle seemed to collide with something during the flight, shattered, and failed to attack the opponent.

On the other hand, the pressure of approaching from the madman never diminished. Emilia, who was sliding, manipulated the ice surface to create a **** in front of her—and then jumped into the air with the inertia of her sliding.

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