Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 905: tragic baby

"Ang, what happened to you?"

"I...may be guys hurry up!" Ang held his head in pain and said through gritted teeth.

"Sorry, Ang is being controlled by that lunatic." Mu Hantian frowned and looked at Lai Yue Ang who was not far away.

"What!" Everyone was shocked.

"Wilhelm, stay away from me—but it's too late!"

Subaru resisted with all his strength, but he was stopped halfway through.

However, even just this few words were enough to make the sword ghost flee from the range immediately and avoid being injured.

'Subaru' raised his waving arm and tilted his head in dissatisfaction.

"The response is not bad. Although the body is resisting, but it is actually able to evade this attack. You are really, really, really hardworking people! So, it's a pity..."

"It's just the swordsman's intuition."

"Oh, that's it. I feel like a promising talent more and more! The way you exist, the way you think, and the way you waver are all proofs of diligence! The only ominous thing is that your soul has long been tainted by dirty and despicable things. ,Woolen cloth."

"The soul is stained with filthy and despicable things, which is how you are now. You bastard!"

"Julius?" Hearing the voice of the person who came, everyone turned around, and it was Julius who came back.

"Your Majesty Julius, Your Majesty Subaru..."

"Lord Wilhelm. I understand."

The air suddenly became tense, and under the condition that Phyllis, Julius, and Julius were each distorted by anxiety, righteous indignation, and excitement, only Subaru's face showed a happy and crazy smile, and he patted it. hand. Then……

"Since everyone is here, then please allow me to declare my name again. I am the Bishop of Witch Sect's Sin, and I'm in charge of 'lazy'."

Leaning his head 90 degrees, he pulled the zipper of his sweatshirt, and 'Subaru' sneered exaggeratedly,

"Name, Petyrchius Romagnekonty!"

Reported, this name.


"How could this be!" Emilia burst into tears.

"It'll be fine, Emilia, I will rescue Ang." Mu Hantian hugged Emilia in his arms and comforted.

"Don't talk too much, but I have to admit, it's really good! This body is really perfect! I haven't encountered such a handy body in decades, I just wanted a substitute for a 'finger', and I got it The most suitable material!"

"How dare you act so recklessly...! Immediately leave the body of Your Excellency Subaru, demon heresy!"

"Why, what right do you have to say such a thing? It's because you took away all my important 'finger' that I can only be attached to this body!"

Lifting his head and covering his face, Petyrchius made Wilhelm excited. However, the madman who answered was just holding Subaru's face and scratching his throat happily with Subaru's voice.

The sight of the flesh being scratched and the blood splattered hurts, making Julius and the others grit their teeth.

"You, your aptitude is not bad, but there are too many superfluous spells engraved in your body. Therefore, my fingers are not good enough after all."

"Diligent old man! Your body is not suitable for my 'finger'! Even if the spirit is noble and noble as the essence, the body as the container is not compatible with the favor... Woohoo, what a tragedy!"

"And this half-elf, your body is reserved for the great witch-sama, I don't dare to mess around." Petyrchius pointed to Phyllis, Wilhelm, and Emilia in turn, and shook his head. Shaking his head.

I don't know what exactly he was referring to. However, in a bad sense, the fact that he doesn't seem to fit his eyes as glasses is conveyed. Then……

"Compared to this, elf. You are the only one who is hopeless. If you get rid of those unclean things that get in your way, you can still be my excellent 'finger', what do you think?"

"Unfortunately, even if the flower buds are completely disappointed with me, I will not take the initiative to abandon them. Although I don't think this is a feeling that a madman like you can understand." Julius refuted with the greatest hostility. The madman's blatant malice.

His words made Petyrchius's eyes widen, and then he patted his knees and sneered in a slightly stagnant voice.

"Mad man! This perception is too correct! Yes, I'm crazy about love!..." (Too many words and words.)

"Stupid..." Julius's hostility was directed at Petelchius, who was showing his madness, and at the same time he shouted to Subaru's soul.

"Subaru! Wake up! Your body was taken away by such a madman...!"

"It's useless! The control of this body has been completely occupied by my consciousness! Even struggling is futile and meaningless! This body is already my 'finger'!"

"No one is talking to you! Subaru, wake up! Why did you come back and fight for what? Didn't you tell me countless times with plausibility!" Julius rebuked Pei. Tilgius raised a knight's sword surrounded by six-colored spirits. The rainbow-colored aurora completely dispels the darkness in the forest, and the light is instantly eye-catching.

Petyrchius, who completely covered Subaru's consciousness, had a tiny flaw in that moment. At this moment……

"What, what!? What, what... how, maybe, there is such a thing, what a joke...!"

The emotional torrent that emerged from his heart made the madman who stood up widen his eyes in astonishment. In the intermittent words that spewed out of his mouth, the consciousness of the original owner of the body was vaguely visible.

Just like that, Petyrchius' shocked expression was suppressed, and Subaru's expression was replaced by a gasping expression of pain. This change gave Julius and the others hope.

"Subaru!" x3' Subaru! ' 'Your Excellency! "

"I, it's... Petyrchius Romani Konti... Shut up, yes, Leyue Subaru...!"

Press down, press down. This is the dark chaos that will completely erase everything in the heart.

"I feel a little noisy in my ears... Just like this, press it down... Don't you think that with your own strength, you can defeat 'me'..."

Brave, bravado, take back your heart, and cheer yourself up.

If you don't, it feels like you're losing out on the urge to self-harm at any moment. Or, he would want to destroy everything around him with the destructive hand extending from his shadow.

Was this impulse the darkness that shrouded Petyrchius' heart all the time?

If so, the madman's abnormal behavior so far seems to be able to understand and resonate to a certain extent.

Under the erosion of such crazy emotions, even self-mutilation will become an act of self-preservation.

If you are being engulfed by such madness all the time, it is not surprising that the spirit is unbalanced and collapsed.

Is this the world in Petyrchius' eyes?

"I don't need to understand something." At this time, Petyrchius ignored Subaru's resistance for the first time and said something.

The spirit that has been talking about mania, ecstasy, and madness to this day, unwaveringly and without emotion, said this sentence.

This sentence made Subaru feel a darkness that was colder than all the previous madness.

Then, understood. This is the darkness that must never be revealed.

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