Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 906: forced to leave

"Hurry up, everyone!" Petyrchius' resistance weakened, and the struggle for dominance stopped temporarily.

So Subaru chose the method with the highest probability. To defeat Petyrchius, after he died, it should be possible to turn back the clock, at least everyone would not feel like he couldn't do it.

"Sorry, but... there's no time. Now, if I don't stop me, I can't win... Before then."

"I understand, Ang. Bear with it, it hurts a little." With a sigh, Mu Hantian stood up, taking advantage of Ang's inability to move, destroying the 'lazy' soul possessed in his body.

"Here I am. Broken soul!"

Mu Hantian made a change in Subaru's body with just one movement.

That is, the burning pain like blood boiling, the unbearable heat spreads all over the body.

"Gah, ah ah ah!"

Very hot. Very hot. Very hot. Hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot

Throat is hot. Eyes are so hot. Body is hot. Tongue is hot. Nose is hot. Hands are so hot. The ears are so hot. Feet are so hot. The blood is hot. The brain is so hot. Bones are hot. Soul is hot. Life is hot. So hot, so hot, so hot.

The blood boils, this is not a metaphor, the internal organs boil, the high heat that evaporates the brain makes the vision blank.

"Ang, although I'm not smashing your soul, this body is yours, so you have to feel the pain you have to endure."

"It's okay, I... I can hold back! Please continue!"

"Okay, hold back!" Mu Hantian increased his output.

"Ah, ah, ah. -!" In your own melted tympanic membrane and other places, there is no scream that does not belong to his own.

One body inhabits two spirits. Then, of course, the spirit of the madman who shared the body was also burned.

Painful, writhing, convulsing, and finally unable to move. No more struggling.

"It's finally over, Phyllis, hurry up and treat Ang, or he will die." Mu Hantian hurriedly put Ang, who had been affected by Chi Yu, in front of Phyllis and asked him to treat Ang.

The 'lazy' bishop scratched his face when he possessed himself. If he didn't get treatment right away, he might bleed to death.

Seriously, if the most important NPC just died after finishing the BOSS, it would be no fun to start over.

"There are not so many tools in this way. There are too many places where Ang was injured, and his soul was also hurt just now. I can only seal his wounds so that he does not bleed, and then I will find tools for treatment."

"Please, Phyllis."

"Little Phyllis is fine." Phyllis smiled and nodded, and began to treat Ang.

But... at this moment, time stopped. No, it's not just time, everything around seems to be stopped.

"What's going on? Is there another enemy? I just defeated a 'lazy', it's really troublesome." Mu Hantian, who felt that only he could move, was a little depressed, so he solved a boss, and came another one, the blood bottle is full Not added yet.

blah blah blah...

The sound of footsteps made Mu Hantian alert and turned around...

"who is it?"

The footsteps were approaching, and Mu Hantian could see who was coming.


The visitor looked exactly the same as Emilia, with a shallow smile, and looked at Mu Hantian indifferently.

"Who are you? Although you look exactly like Emilia, you are definitely not her."

"Me, my name is Satila, you can also call me 'The Witch of Jealousy'." The girl who called herself Satila bowed slightly and smiled apologetically at Mu Hantian.

"Satila." Although Mu Hantian's face was calm, his heart was saddened to death. Damn, how did you bring out the big boss behind the scenes? Wouldn't I just kill you as a sin bishop? And it's not on your behalf, what are you doing here!

"Hehe, don't get me wrong, it has nothing to do with you killing Petyrchius. I came here to let you go."


"Yes, outsider. Please leave this world, your existence interferes with all my plans. Originally, Leyue Ang would die here again, because of you, he survived, and he did so many times before, so You must leave."

"Impossible, I still have my mission in this world." Mu Hantian refused directly without thinking.

"Your mission is to find the so-called will of the world? Then you have found it."

"You mean yourself?"

"What do you think? Who else can interfere with the time of this world except me. The protection I give to Leyue Ang is the time of this world."

"Although what you said makes sense, it still doesn't work. I still have things to do in this world. I promised Emilia to help her win the throne, so I'm sorry."

"In order to help my half-body, but it's up to you to walk or not!" Satila's tone changed suddenly, and the next moment, she waved at Mu Hantian.

Mu Hantian immediately felt that the world rejected him.

"Do you want to forcibly expel me from this world? Sure enough, I'm too tender, and I still can't fight against the will of the world." Mu Hantian laughed at himself.

"Hmph, the will of the world represents a world. In this world, it can use the most things. Unless you can be stronger than it, you can only fail. You are far from being that strong now, so leave me. Don't worry, I'll send you back to the world you came from."

"Forget it, let's take this time as a trip. Next time I come, I won't leave so easily, but I promised Emilia. Then in the end, please help me convey the message to Emilia. , 'I'll be back for sure'."

Mu Hantian's body began to glow slowly, it began to slowly dissipate, and finally disappeared.

"Let's go, but there's no need to tell me, I've heard it. Then I'll stop 'it' in the end. I don't know how long I can stop it." After speaking to herself, Satila looked up at the sky.

"come yet."

A dark shadow appeared in front of her.

"Do you think you can stop me?"

"How do you know if you don't try."

Satila didn't say anything more, and shot a magic bullet directly at the shadow, but it was engulfed by the darkness.

"You are just waking up now. You are far from my opponent. How long can you stop me, I will kill him sooner or later."

"Really, then I will destroy this world together with me, enough to hurt you."

"Crazy mother-in-law!" Black Shadow cursed. Then start right away.

A cloud of black mist rushed towards Satila and enveloped her. Although this black fog does not hurt, it can seal people, which can also prevent the other party from self-destructing.

"It seems that you haven't recovered much, hahahahaha!"

"Hmph, even if that's the case, it's easy for me to kill Mu Hantian now."

"You can find him first."

"Just wait!"

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