Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 909: Lord Demon looking for a job

"Lord Demon King, is this where we are going to live? It looks very good!" Standing outside a villa, Al Sheer was quite emotional.

"That's natural. As a demon king, if you don't have a decent place to live, then how can you do it." Well, Mu Hantian would not admit it, he was actually a little bit sick.

"Is it done? Ellen?"

"Yes, the owner of this villa didn't sell it at first, but I gave 10 million and he sold it very readily."

"Uh, Alan, you are unexpectedly cute." Mu Hantian smiled, and then led the crowd into the villa.

"It's not bad, let's live here first. I'll go out to find a job tomorrow, and I'll leave the family affairs to you."

"Don't worry, Lord Demon King, I will definitely take care of it." Al Sheel patted his chest and assured.

"Uh, you can speak Japanese at home first. This is the task I gave you."

"Understood, I will definitely finish it seriously."

"Very well, as for the housework, I'll leave it to Sakuya and Ellen."


"Okay, let's each find a room to sleep in." Leaving a sentence behind, Mu Hantian went upstairs to find a room. For some reason, he always felt a little tired.


"Huh? Sakuya, have you been shopping for groceries?" After getting up and walking downstairs, Mu Hantian was a little puzzled when he saw the table full of food.

"Yes, although I went to the market so early, there was nothing to buy, but when I passed a supermarket, I found a lot of food in it, so I bought it back." Sakuya, who was wearing a maid outfit, bowed her head slightly and said respectfully.

"That's right, then let's eat first, so that I can go out to find a job. In other words, this task is also a fool, but forget it, don't give up the free exchange point." After complaining about the system's fool, Mu Hantian took care of himself. sat down and started having breakfast.

Why don't you wait for the others, you ask? I'm the boss, why wait for others.

After ten minutes, Mu Hantian finished his breakfast very quickly, said hello to Allen and Al Sheer who went downstairs, and went out.

"Let's see, it seems that there are no jobs around here. Alas, it's really troublesome."

Walking aimlessly, walking along the road, constantly observing the surroundings, but the result is nothing.

"Hey, I've been walking for more than half an hour, and I haven't seen any recruiters. Really, this is the capital of the capital, but why can't I see any recruiters?"

Mu Hantian was sitting at a fast food restaurant called 'McGraw' eating hamburgers while complaining helplessly.

"That... are you looking for a job?" a woman came over and asked.

"Yeah, is there any job? I desperately need a job right now."

"So...the manager of this store is me. If you want, you can work here. The salary is calculated by the hour."

"Is it possible? Is it really possible?" Mu Hantian was quite moved. Sure enough, there are good people in the world.

"Well, if you will."

"Okay, I'll do it!"

"Okay, then the salary will be 100 yen per hour for the time being, as a long-term part-time job, and then if you do a good job, it will be a regular job, is it okay?"

"No problem!" Mu Hantian was very excited. Although the fast food restaurant guy has never done it, at least he has found a job.

"Ding Dong, the second task is completed, but the third task seems to be triggered by the master yourself."

"Then let's do this for now." After finishing the conversation with Xiaoguang in his mind, Mu Hantian came back to his senses, said hello to the store manager, and started working from tomorrow.


It has been half a year since he came to this world, but the task has not been triggered, but Mu Hantian has been promoted many times successfully. At this moment, it is the A-level staff of the branch in front of McGraw-Hatagaya Station.

Compared with the first half of the year when Shixin joined the company, it has increased by 200 yen, which seems to be an exceptional treatment.

Mu Hantian said it doesn't matter, I just came to experience life. In the past six months, Alcheier has completely learned Japanese, and at the same time has given himself a name, Shiro Ashiya. And Mu Hantian also said not to call me Lord Demon King, call me Mu Hantian.

As a loyal courtier, Ashiya collected all kinds of information, paid attention to all kinds of news, and went to the art galleries and museums in Kyoto today.

As a result of Ashiya's investigation, it was confirmed that there is indeed magical power somewhere on Earth, or that there is a place where magical power exists.

Stonehenge in England, pyramids in Egypt, ground paintings in Nazca in Peru, etc. There are indeed buildings and cultures around the world that seem to be made of magic.

This is the result of investigating world monuments and artifacts one by one in the library. There is no high-end equipment called network in Mu Hantian's Devil's City.

But which one is the real thing? unconfirmed. I don't want to waste the Demon King's time either.

Therefore, Ashiya first investigated the cultural relics around him. It seems that museums and galleries in Tokyo regularly rent and display cultural relics collected in overseas museums. He was looking for something in these artifacts that matched the wavelength of his own magic.

On this day, he set the goal of a special exhibition at the National Museum of Western Art in Ueno, and decided to go to Shinjuku first.

Because it was raining outside, Maou took the plastic umbrella he bought and went out. After all, someone at home was watching, so he wasn't in a hurry.


After a while, he realized that what was actually shaking him was an earthquake.

Because in this year's life, they deeply understood that Japan is a country with a big earthquake, so they became not panic at all.

Sure enough, the shaking stopped for about ten seconds. The earthquake that occurred in Ander Isla has nothing to do with the scale. It was the wrath of the gods or the attack of the Demon King's army, and humans would panic. Trams don't stop.

Ashiya did not take the train to Shinjuku in the first place. In fact, there is only one stop on the Keio Line from Sasazuka to Shinjuku. It only takes 20 minutes to walk over with your legs as a man.


Mu Hantian, who was riding a bicycle, rushed straight to the place where he was working.

It didn't take 10 minutes to talk smoothly from Sasazuka's villa to McGraw in Hatagaya. However, it is raining now because I drank a cup of tea Sakuya brewed at home.

The car stopped at the crosswalk because it was a red light. The brakes screeched and the front wheel plunged into a puddle.

Although Mu Hantian's car was expensive to buy, the sound of its brakes became a bit harsh because it was devastated by Ashiya the day after he bought it.

Crossing the residential area from Koshu Street, at the cross entrance, there is a small park and a restaurant with a whole glass wall.

The direction Mu Hantian came from was on the opposite side of the pedestrian crossing line, and Mu Hantian saw a female figure under the rain-covered roof of the restaurant.

Near lunchtime, among the many hurried passers-by, there was only one reason that person was most noticeable. Because she didn't seem to have an umbrella in the rain.

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