Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 910: Demon King and Hero

Even from a distance, you can see that the woman's face is frowning, and she wipes her hair and shoulders with a small handkerchief.

During the red light, the woman stared at the sky with hatred. Because it was unexpected rain. Sure enough, even though it was the green light, she stayed there at a loss.

Mu Hantian obeyed the traffic laws and got off his bicycle and crossed the pedestrian crossing line. When passing through, the woman seemed to be aware of the gaze from this side, and looked like this side. Mu Hantian, who gently saluted, entered under the eaves of the hotel and lined up with the women.

Mu Hantian didn't seem to be warned at all, and naturally put the bicycle between the woman and himself.

"If you don't mind, use this." Mu Hantian put away the plastic umbrella and extended the handle toward the woman.

"Huh?" The clear voice showed confusion, and the woman looked left and right for unknown reasons.

"I think you must be troubled. You didn't bring an umbrella."

From the other side of the road, her figure and behavior looked like an adult, but looking at her like this, she looked like she was about the size of a high school student.

The floral-patterned top showed off her body, and she was a beauty befitting a cotton like this. Her hair is slightly curly, and her long hair is more delicate and beautiful because of the raindrops. However, there seemed to be a folding umbrella in the small bag slung over his shoulder.

Her strong-willed pupils peered uncomfortably into Mu Hantian's face.

"But, but, is this ok? Besides, if I borrow it..."

"The part-time job is right there. If you run on a bicycle, you will be there in two or three minutes, and I have a spare umbrella."

The woman tremblingly took the umbrella handle that was handed over. Mu Hantian, who was watching this scene, immediately got on his bicycle and was about to leave before it turned into an argument.

"Well, thank you very much. Well, please let me say thank you."

"It's nothing. I'll give you that umbrella."

"not because of……"

Looking at the woman who didn't seem to be happy, Mu Hantian said, "Well then, because I work at McGraw there, come and eat when you have time."

"The one over there... ah, in front of Hatagani Station." Looking in the direction Mu Hantian pointed, the woman nodded in understanding.

"By the way, if I'm here, I can secretly increase the amount of potatoes in the exhibition." Well, Mu Hantian was actually selling it.

"I see, I will definitely go. That..." The woman straightened her posture and looked directly into Mu Hantian's eyes.

"Umbrella, thank you very much." With a firm tone, he bowed to Mu Hantian.

Although her smile did not blow away the dark clouds that made her moody, she was as beautiful and dazzling as the sun.

"Be careful on the road." Mu Hantian gently raised his hand and waved it in the rain, never looking back.

The signal light at the intersection turned red again, and the woman did not leave the place until she could no longer see Mu Hantian.

As a result, the first place in the promotion area was not achieved. Because it was past lunch time, a frying pan for frying potatoes suddenly malfunctioned.

It took two hours for the repairman to come, and it was within these two hours that life and death were decided.

The rain, which had fallen so violently, also stopped in the evening. Thankfully, there was no need to borrow umbrellas from the store, but the rain had no doubt had an impact on how customers came in and out in the morning.

Wasn't there a reason other than heavy rain and a malfunctioning frying pan for not hitting the target? Mu Hantian, who was thinking about these things all the way, passed by the intersection where he lent an umbrella to a woman in the morning.


It's already late at night. The restaurants were closed and the lights dimmed. Lighting the pedestrian-free intersection is only the light outside the house and the light and dark signal lights.

From the shadows under the roof of the hotel, a swaying figure appeared, unaware that it was mixed into the night. Isn't that the woman you met when you went to work?

"Huh? You're at noon..." But Mu Hantian stopped talking halfway through. Always feel weird.

The woman stared straight at Maou without saying a word, what was that icy gaze?

She should be the owner of a rainbow-like smile in a rainy garden, and her current expression is like an arctic glacier that can freeze the sun.

That's right, she glared at him now. Mu Hantian was oppressed by that gaze and swallowed.

Why are you glaring at here and saying nothing? Unable to bear the atmosphere, Mu Hantian immediately tried to say hello.

"After that, it's okay, right? You didn't go back wet, did you?"

"It doesn't matter, does it?"


Her voice was also as icy as it was when the heat was cooling off in the middle of winter. "Today, I went to your store."

"Hey, then, that's it, thank you." Mu Hantian spoke in a marketing tone. But while the counter was open, I don't remember her coming.

The woman took a step here, and Mu Hantian fell down as if he lost his balance. He jumped off the bike in a panic, this time with a completely different meaning than the morning, and put the bike between the two.

"I've been watching from the store across the street."

"Observation? Shop?"

Opposite the store should be a bookstore across the road. Looking at the store from that place, is it someone who suddenly came to inspect the store after hearing the rumors?

"No, it's up to you."

"Me, me?" Mu Hantian became more and more confused.

"The appearance became very different, so it started to feel confusing. But it didn't take long for me to notice it."

"I doubt my own feelings and guesses. Although I know it's around here..."

"It's just that the only magic power in your body can't be hidden from me!"

"Satan the Devil! Why are you working at McGraw in Hatagaya!"

With smooth, dark hair, beautiful and transparent skin, and eyes that can't turn a blind eye to demonic things, could this woman be...

"You, you are... Brave Emilia!"

The name of the hero who took Antan Isla back from the Demon King was Emilia Justina.

"I'm Emilia! You know why I'm here!"


"I chased after the Demon King Satan and the remnant of the Four Heavenly Kings, Arsheel, who was almost released by me, and traveled through time and space! If you leave it alone, the world will be shrouded in darkness again. Before that, I will defeat you!"

"Wait, wait, Emilia! I'll understand after I say it!"

"Questions are useless! Demon King, wake up!"

Suddenly, the brave Emilia took out a knife and slashed at Mu Hantian. Mu Hantian jumped back, dodging the blade that pierced through the bicycle sandwiched between the two... The car that collapsed after losing its support made a protesting noise at the sudden brutal treatment.

"Wow! It's so dangerous!" Mu Hantian patted his chest in fear.

"Don't hide! Obediently let me kill!"

"How can it be!"

Jumping over the bicycle, the blade that stabbed straight into the chest with the second blow, also dodged at the critical moment.

"Hey, hey, brave Emilia."

"What, are you praying for your life? It's useless to talk to the enemy now!"

"What happened to your holy sword?"

The other party was speechless. Just take a deep breath.

"I also have that sword, I bought it at Sasazuka's hundred yen store."

"Why, why do you say this!" Emilia showed great shake. The knife in his hand was illuminated by a red signal light, which flickered faintly.

"You...Is it possible that you lost the holy magic energy? No, even if you don't lose it, you can't waste it, right?"

Emilia's gnashing of teeth showed that Mu Hantian's words hit the spot.

"But, but, isn't this the same for you? I can feel that in this world, your magic power is gone."

Girl, you guessed wrong, I'm not from this world, magic power has always existed.

Although Mu Hantian complained in his heart, he remained calm on the surface. So he simply nodded along with her words. "Well... that's true..."

"That's right, even if there is no holy sword, it is not enough to make me afraid of the demon king who loses his magic power and works part-time for a living! Wake up!"

Emilia swung her knife high. At this moment, a ray of light passed between Mu Hantian and Emilia.

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