Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 911: The brave is here

"Then, you are Mr. Mu Hantian, and you are Miss You Zuohuimei? Why are you arguing in that kind of place?"

"To defeat this man!"

At the police station in front of Hatagani Station, Mu Hantian and Emilia had to sit on folding chairs because of the bitter faces that the police officer had come forward with.

"I said, although I don't know what your boyfriend did, you should use knives with caution. It's better to calm down and talk."

Because of the police officer's remarks, the brave Emilia Yusami couldn't help but get excited.

"You said... I am... what is my relationship with this man...!"

"Is it considered a couple quarreling." Mu Hantian cried and lowered his head and muttered.

"Because there have been a lot of incidents like this recently, have you misunderstood you? Let's talk to your boyfriend again. Well, if I walk away, I'll be able to talk more peacefully."

"So I don't have that kind of relationship with this person...!"

Because the residents near the quarrel at the intersection notified the police, the Demon King and the Hero are being severely reprimanded at the police station.

I was able to get rid of it because I was considered a lover and quarreled, but this was after about an hour of preaching.

Emilia, who seemed to be seriously injured in her heart, said with a haggard expression: "I'll let you go today, but remember it for me, there won't be another time."

"Could it be that something happened today?" Mu Hantian had a cute look on his face.

Emilia ignored Mu Hantian's complaints. "Hmph, if you can survive or something, you can only be happy now. Today, this moment is not meaningless. I have memorized your address. From tomorrow onwards, you don't want to live in peace again. day."

"This is not a line that a partner of justice would say!"

Mu Hantian frowned because of the naked threat. I accidentally thought of something and asked, "So, hello, where's the umbrella I lent you?"

Emilia made an expression of not knowing what was being asked for a moment, but she replied with a sneer as if she remembered it immediately, "Didn't you say you gave it to me? It was beautifully disassembled and thrown away by me."

"It's too much!"

"Hmph, as a hero, I borrowed an umbrella from the Demon King, and even expressing gratitude or something is simply a shame that has been smeared for thousands of years. I can't keep such a dirty thing by my side for a second."

So, Emilia seemed to do it on purpose, she wiped her hand gracefully with a pink handkerchief to show Mu Hantian.

"Everything that belongs to the Demon King is my enemy. From tomorrow onwards, be careful on the road at night." After Emilia said something not like a hero would say again, she staggered and disappeared on unsteady footsteps. Hatagaya at night.

"Oh, trouble. The hero chases the demon king and crosses into another world. Isn't this the plot of the demon king to be overthrown? The next thing is already obvious."


Mu Hantian started work this morning, so he is currently eating fried eggs with milk and butter, which was taken by Mu Hantian when he got home yesterday.

At this moment, the doorbell rang, and the four of them looked at each other. Mu Hantian motioned to Ashiya to open the door, and the latter nodded with a wry smile.

"Who is it?" Ashiya stood up and asked from the room.

"The polite greeting of 'Which one' is really painful to hear. One of the Four Heavenly Kings, the Demon Marshal Arsheel."

Because of this voice, Mu Hantian helped his forehead helplessly, did he find this place?

"What, who!" Ashiya jumped back from the door in an instant and took a stance.

"Who? Yes, you said that to me in the battle at the Demon King's Castle. It's impossible to forget, right? The name of the hero Emilia Yus Tina!"

"Is it the brave Emilia?"

Ashiya looked back at Mu Hantian, who shrugged helplessly.

"Hey! Open this door if you know it! Let's have a showdown!"

It was unbelievable that there should be no one other than Maou who called himself Arsheel in this Japan. Although I was worried that someone would come after the Demon King, I never expected that the hero himself would come in person.

Although he panicked for a moment due to an unexpected gaffe, Alcheir was the most intelligent general in the Demon King's army, and from the details of Emilia's actions, he had already grasped the enemy's weaknesses.

Ashiya checked the door lock, hung the chain firmly, closed all the windows facing the common corridor, and turned off the ventilation fan.

"His Royal Highness is a brave man! A brave man has appeared!"

"Hey, hey! Alciér! Open the door!" Understanding Ashiya's intention, the hero's voice became anxious.

Although Emilia didn't listen to ring the bell, Ashiya didn't mind too much.

"What to do! How can the brave come over!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't say it, in fact, it happened yesterday."

"What, what did you say!" Ashiya was shocked by what the Demon King said calmly.

"On the way back from work, I was attacked at that intersection. I was called to the police as a quarrel, and then I was taken to the police station. That's why I came back late yesterday."

"This is the biggest humiliation in my life! I'm considered to be a couple with the Demon King...and the Demon King!"

An angry sound came through the door. Ashiya glanced at the door, immediately turned to Mu Hantian, and asked in a mournful voice, "Why didn't you tell me about this kind of thing!"

"No, because there is no actual harm, and that guy seems to be just like you."

"Same... mean?"

"Even though that guy judged me to be the Demon Lord Satan yesterday, he didn't pull out the holy sword. The holy sword has the power of the heavens. It is made of celestial metal 'Sky Silver' that absorbs 'Holy Dharma Qi'. It does not have Appearing means..."

"The brave man can't use holy magic energy at will? That is to say, the brave man has not yet found a way to replenish the power of the sky."

"Well, from the point of view of the heroes, it cannot be said that using holy magic energy to defeat the Demon King is a waste, but there is still a fatal gap between those guys and us."

The angry avatar outside the door stomped straight. Make that noise as if stepping through the cheap floors in the common hallway.

"It's because after defeating us, there is no guarantee of accumulating holy magic energy again until the end of life. Humans in Andesla generally live 50 years, but the average life expectancy of Japanese women is relatively long, but even if they can live to 88 years old, At that time, this place has become my hometown.”

"That is to say, the brave do not have the power to control the door."

"It looks like this from the results. Hey, let her in, it's already starting to cry outside."

If you pay attention a little, you can hear the sound of sobbing from outside.

"Breakfast is really shabby. You obviously live in such a good place. In other words, you won't get it by improper means, right?" Emilia sneered bluntly as soon as she entered the room, while her nose and eyes were still All are red.

Ashiya looked like he was about to roar to stop him, but he was stopped by Mu Hantian.

"I don't mind breakfast or anything. If it doesn't matter, let's eat together." Mu Hantian pushed an egg to Emilia indifferently.

"Hmph, do you want to poison me? Dream about it!"

"I like to eat or not."


Emilia didn't speak anymore, because Sakuya's silver sword was pointed at her neck at this time.

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