Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 912: Lord Demon is working

"By the way, did you come alone?" Mu Hantian asked Emilia after breakfast.

"Actually... Actually, I should have come with the great priest! If I decide to defeat you, I will go back immediately! But...but!"

In order to pursue the escaped Demon King, Emilia decides to break into the gate immediately.

Emilia broke into the gate as the vanguard, but suddenly closed when the gate swallowed her alone.

Looking back, the last thing I saw was the surprised expression on the face of Alba Meyer, one of the "Six Great Priests" of the Dafa God Church who was his companion, trying to say that he didn't know what happened.

"Why!" Emilia squinted at Mu Hantian who suddenly agreed. Mu Hantian shook his head and said nothing, urging her to continue.

After arriving in Japan, Emilia's trajectory of action was no different from Mu Hantian and the others. While working part-time, she was looking for the Demon King, and at the same time she was accumulating strength!

"Where's the phone?"


Emilia brought out a recently released high-end, touch-screen LCD model that rivaled a handheld computer.

"Uh, we have one for each of us."

"Ah, ah, you demon king, you must have used some shameful means!" Emilia looked sad and angry. I saved a few months of salary to buy it, and you actually told me that you have one for every four people in your family, shit.

"Then Emilia, let me change the question, how long have you been in Japan?"

"It's less than a year, and my name in Japan is 'Yuza Emi', don't make a mistake."

"I see." Mu Hantian stroked his chin thoughtfully.

"Well, before this world wastes my life, I think I should beat you down quickly."

"Hehe, I think you should find a way to go back first."


"I'm not wrong, and I don't think you have the ability to defeat me." Mu Hantian said nonchalantly.

"It's a joke. I can knock you down anytime I want. The reason why I don't knock you down now is that I simply don't have the strength to go back after I knock you down. When I gather enough strength, I will definitely kill you."

"Is that really the case? Why do you think you were able to defeat me at that time, I let you, and my purpose was just to come to this world. But what surprised me was my power after coming to this world. Weakened." Mu Hantian said half-truths, while showing his strength in front of Emilia.

"What! You... you had a plan."

"Yeah, so hurry up and run away now, I'm going to work." Mu Hantian waved his hand, went out, got on his bicycle, and started his way to work.

"What a wicked devil!"

"I think Lord Demon King is getting stronger and stronger. I didn't guess his plan at all."

"Hmph, I'm leaving too, even if it costs my life, I will stop the Demon King!" After Emilia finished speaking, she closed the door hard and left.


"Welcome! Eat in the store?"

"Go outside, I have something to tell you."

The McGraw-Hagaya station shop is also so lively today. Different from the morning, Hui Mei, who was wearing a gray suit, showed a cold face unabashedly and stood in front of the cash register where Mu Hantian was.

"Take away. Please order."

"Tonight, after the end of the part-time job, come to the place where you were yesterday. You are not allowed to refuse."

"Is the package okay?"

"Come alone."

"It's a single order, I understand. Please come to the side and wait for a while. One big tuna burger!"

"I'm not ready to fight you, I must come."

"Thank you for coming, and welcome to come next time."

After Huimei paid for the advertised burger, the takeaway left.

Mu Hantian, who always maintained a professional smile, was thinking about the words "so troublesome". Because there is absolutely no way to end the conversation safely and securely afterwards.

"Mr. Hantian." A voice called from behind.

"What's the matter, Xiao Qian?"

It is Chiho Sasaki, a junior staff member. The newly arrived second-year high school students, because they were taken care of by Mu Hantian during their training, would turn to Mu Hantian for help with anything after becoming a full-time employee.

She has long shoulder-length hair at work, and her natural cheerfulness and unpretentious smile are well-received by customers.

"I always think it's a strange guest?"

"The female... person just now?"

"Yeah, I always feel gloomy, and it's hard to hear the muttering."

"Because there are all kinds of people."

"It looks like you want to say something, is that your acquaintance?"

Emi is an acquaintance. There's nothing wrong with that. If you think about it, seventeen-year-old Emi should be the same age as Chiho, a second-year high school student. That being said, why does it give a completely different impression. Emi's words are more appropriate to say that she is mature after being honed, rather than being mature enough to match her age.

"Well, it's someone you know."

Although Mu Hantian wanted to fool around properly, Chiho's curiosity didn't seem to allow such an ambiguous answer.

"Ah—how strange!"

"What's weird?"

Qianho raised her eyes and peeked at Mu Hantian, holding her hand behind her.

"It is indeed a beauty, isn't it? Isn't it? Mr. Hantian, isn't it?"

"Don't say it three times! What are you doing, Xiaoqian? I'm going to greet that female guest."

"Welcome to drink, can you eat it in the store?"

This time, Chiho was standing in front of the cash register. Since it is not a busy time period, there are no special rules that anyone must do if they can work. Although Chiho didn't come for a long time, she was earnestly requesting work in her spare time, and walked around the store. Mu Hantian was very impressed and humbled because of Chiho.

A good-looking mother with a baby and a boy who is in elementary school beside her, and the working-class crowd during the noon rush hour is behind. This combination is often seen in the store in front of Hatagaya Station, which is very close to the residential area. .

Mother ordered the order while looking at the menu and Chiho's face alternately. Chiho suddenly stopped the hand that was operating the cash register, said to wait for a while, and then turned to look at Mu Hantian.

"That... Mr. Han Tian."

"Well, what's the matter, Chiho?"

Chiho gestured to her mother and son with her eyes and said, "My brother seems to have allergies."

"Allergies? Got it. What about allergies to those ingredients?"

Although it was Chiho who explained the situation, Mu Hantian understood what the guest said through Chiho, and responded with honorifics.

"Shrimp and crab, and probably fruit."

Mu Hantian nodded and explained the colorful menu to his mother.

"Because shrimp is a species that is legally obliged to label, it is marked on this menu, and all types of fish and shellfish as the main ingredient are marked."

"Eh!" Along with her mother, Chiho also made a voice of admiration.

"And then there are fruits. Among the varieties of kiwi, oranges, peaches, and apples that were asked to be represented, only apples are used in several seasonings. For example, sauces and salad dressings for teriyaki burgers. Also avoid the seasonal fruit ice cream and vegetable juices in the menu bar next to it.”

Mother and Chiho listened intently to Mu Hantian's serious explanation. Mu Hantian completely introduced the menu of taboo ingredients. Mu Hantian said to his mother who understood and finished ordering while avoiding these varieties, "Also, do I need to use a microwave?"


"Huh?" Chiho and her mother made the same voice.

Mu Hantian looked at the baby held in his mother's arms.

"I think you should bring baby food that can be prepared in the microwave. If the mother and child have lunch together, it is better if the baby is together. Think about these extra things."

The mother looked at the face of the baby in her arms and nodded shyly.

"Thank you, this, just turn it in the microwave for forty seconds..."

The mother took the vacuum bag from the bag on her shoulder. Mu Hantian took it and handed it to Qianho.

"Sasaki, turn this in the microwave for 20 seconds, and take it out with the order."

Because she was in front of the guests, she called Chiho by her surname.

"Huh? But didn't it say forty seconds?"

"It's a household microwave oven. Because the one in the store is a commercial one, the power is several times that of a household one, so twenty seconds is enough."

"Ming, I understand!"

After Chiho cast a respectful look at Mu Hantian, she ran to the kitchen.

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