Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 913: The Demon King Hero was attacked

After paying the bill, Mu Hantian put the ordered goods on the tray and gave them to the guests, but the guests thanked him several times.

"What's the matter, Xiao Qian?"

"Mr. Han Tian is really amazing!"


"There's more! Allergic ingredients, what's in what, do you remember all these?"

"Isn't it all written in the office manual?"

Although Mu Hantian said it wasn't a big deal, Chiho still couldn't stop being excited.

"However, it's still amazing! And even noticed the baby food for the little baby."

"Really? Although it is difficult during peak hours, if you have time, you should still use gentle hospitality that meets the needs of customers. It will bring benefits over time."

Chiho, who had a strong will to finish any job seriously, sighed deeply.

"I always feel so handsome, Mr. Hantian! The feeling of being a member of society."

"Haha, well, it's just part-time work."

Chiho, who had always had roses flying in the background and cast a respectful look in her eyes, suddenly returned to herself, and her expression changed.

"Ah, by the way, Mr. Hantian, there was an earthquake yesterday, are you alright?"

"Uh... it's alright, don't worry."

When it comes to high school girls' topical jumps, it's as unpredictable as going through a gate to another world.

"Eh? Ah... that, is that really the case!" However, Chiho seemed to be a little shocked by this answer, and it could be seen that she was a little unnatural.

"I asked my friends at school, although they said the same thing, but my family is very serious!"


Seeing what Mu Hantian was about to ask, Chiho began to make exaggerated gestures with her movements and gestures.

"According to my mother, there was a loud noise and vibration like an explosion. When I got home from school, all the CDs on the bookshelf fell to the ground. It was the worst."

"Eh? So serious?"

"Ah, does Mr. Hantian suspect me?" Chiho pouted in dissatisfaction.

Mu Hantian shook his hand while smiling wryly. "It's not like that, then what?"

"Broken cutlery or something, it's very troublesome to clean, and Dad seems to keep calling all kinds of places."

"Why are you calling?"

"Because my father is a police officer. I was not on duty yesterday, so I stayed at home, but my family is the person in charge of the district and works as an emergency liaison officer for the street meeting. Because of this relationship, I seem to make a lot of calls. Finally, I asked the district disaster prevention department. , but was a little disappointed to learn that it was not a great earthquake."

"Hey, young people." A tall model-like figure who was a head taller than Mu Hantian entered the conversation. Her long, shiny black hair was pulled up high, and she wouldn't be surprised if she appeared in a shampoo commercial. Wearing McGraw's brightly colored uniform, she was the manager of the store in front of Hatagaya Station, Mayumi Kisaki.

"Ah, Miss Kisaki!"

"It's ironic that whispering is forbidden at work. Xiaoqian, have you done the in-store inspection in the evening?"

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'll do it right away." Chiho, who was asked to tidy up and clean the store every two hours, hurriedly took out the checklist from the shelf under the cash register. He seemed to run out of the counter.

"Xiaotian too, don't spoil Xiaoqian too much." Kisaki frowned, but he wasn't really angry.

Except when the cadres and members were there, Kisaki always called the staff by the nickname, and he didn't call himself the store manager.

There are also many male customers in the store targeting her, because her face has also been featured in TrayPaper's advertisement photos several times, that is to say, she is the so-called well-known store manager. With so many outstanding figures and looks, why be the manager of such a remote fast food restaurant? The reason is a wrapped mystery. Moreover, data such as age, height, and weight are all top secret.

"Because it's a student who finally set the schedule, don't be too strict, isn't it the one who said this, Miss Kisaki."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was the sound of various things falling down from the door of the staff lounge where cleaning tools were placed beside the seats.

"I'm so sorry!" The voice of Chiho, who was in a hurry, came through the door.

"Well, having said that, recently, the cadres have always come to the store to check. So, I whispered too much, and I couldn't justify it in a pinch."

"Then, Xiaotian, what about the cash check just now?"

Mu Hantian, who was reminded by Kisaki, typed out a bill to investigate the number of customers and sales during the blank period between lunch and dinner. Kisaki, who had taken the bill, glanced at it briefly and nodded in satisfaction.

"Yeah! Today, I can calmly complete the target amount of the Japanese business. You are doing well! I'll treat you to a drink today. Work harder during dinner time! Oh, by the way, Xiaotian, I didn't receive any guests just now. A perfect score for flaws. Continue to be a role model for the younger generation, come on."

Kisaki was originally a human with no interest other than the day's Japanese business and improving the store environment. Because of this, he gave a reasonable evaluation to Mu Hantian, who worked hard and boosted sales, and made the decision to increase his hourly salary.

"Ah, by the way, Miss Kisaki, was the earthquake yesterday all right?"

"Earthquake? Did it happen?" Kisaki's answer, who was looking at the bill, was nothing more than that.

"Well, it's no use worrying about this kind of thing now."

Although I'm sorry to Chiho, what I have to think about is the meeting in the middle of the night after work is over. Because Mu Hantian's shift was scheduled to close at twelve o'clock, I'm afraid it would be about the same time as last night.


"So, what are you going to say?"

In the middle of the night, at the intersection of the residential street, Emi stood majestically and waited. Wearing slender denim trousers and shirts that were different from noon, and holding nothing in his hands, but because he didn't know where the weapon would fly, he couldn't be careless.

Mu Hantian held McGraw's special platinum charcoal iced coffee as "today's cup" that Kisaki treated as a guest, posing as if he could throw it at any time.

"I want to ask you a question."

"You, do you have any plans to go back to Andersla?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Have you ever thought about living in this world all the time?"

"How should I say it, in fact, my purpose is to come to this world. After all, the world is so big, I want to go and see, the devil is just my side business."

"Really, so it is. But today's you give me a very different feeling. Clear words, bright smile, trusted by the store manager, relied on by the younger generation, solid ability and gentle customer response. It is the ideal wheat What about the laborers. There is no sign of the Demon Lord at all."

"Oh, thank you for your compliment. As I said, the Demon King is just my sideline."

Emi shrugged and said, "If you just let me live my life in this world with integrity, I don't want to defeat you at all costs. Isn't that junior cute? He seems to be deeply admired."

"Ah, Xiao Qian, I want her to become a mature employee. Although she has not yet become a full-time employee, she can not only understand the work quickly, but also use honorifics well."

"If you end my life here, the world will be at peace? With your power, Hatagaya Station can continue to prosper. There is no need for me to fight indiscriminately. In this world with Alcheel How's your life going?"

"I refuse, and I have something to do."

"Got it."

"Is the conversation over?"

"Well, it's over. Until I kill you, I'll chase you forever. Just decided this."

"It started just now."

Mu Hantian stepped on the pedal of the bicycle, and the moment he finished the conversation, he stepped hard...

"Oh wow!"

The balance was lost due to the sudden shock of the front wheel. And then just fell. The cup of iced coffee in his hand was also thrown out and sprinkled on the road with ice cubes

"Oh, it's a puncture, it's really bad luck." Mu Hantian scratched his head in embarrassment.

"You are indeed unlucky!" Emi nodded.

"Don't say that, and... eh? Earthquake?"

Before Mu Hantian finished speaking, he felt the ground on which the two were standing swayed for a moment.

Then, shortly after Mu Hantian confirmed it, a soft cracking sound came from out of nowhere. This time, the rear wheel of the bicycle was shot.

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