Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 914: Raiders in the Dark


"don't want!"

If there's time to call, this time it's the semaphore that gets smashed to pieces.

The Demon King and the Hero shrank their necks at the sound of debris falling to the ground.



The broken sound at the feet of the two gave the answer.

"What the **** is going on?" Mu Hantian was puzzled, how could he be attacked in this world?

"Escape, escape!"

The two jumped into the path beside them. What followed was sparks and pops.

In Sasazuka at night, a sniper without a sound of gunfire attempted to inflict harm, and rushed towards the Demon King and the Hero.

"What! What the **** is going on, oops!"

"Oh no! Brave don't trip over the parking device!"

In order to escape from the snipers, the two ran out of the streets of Koshu while hiding their bodies in the car in the coin-operated parking lot next to them. Although there are no people coming and going here, there shouldn't be no passing vehicles.

Overhead the Capital Highway shades the sky. With their backs against the office building with the shutters closed, the two were breathing heavily.

"What was that, just now?" Emi asked panting.

Mu Hantian also panted and replied, "The mysterious sniping that took place in the place where the Demon King and the Brave were together. It's easy to think that it has something to do with Andysra. Very strict..."

"Don't you know! The bad boy suddenly used an air gun or something..."

"The bad boy at this time doesn't have such good patience! Hurry up and get down!" Mu Hantian forcibly pressed Hui Mei's head.

Until just now, there was a small hole in the rolling shutter near the same height as Emi's head.

"And BBs can't penetrate the building's rolling doors."

"Hey! When are you going to touch my hair!" Hui Mei shook off Mu Hantian's hand.

Although Mu Hantian withdrew his hand obediently, he looked at the hand that was thrown away and asked, "As expected, your physical strength is also based on the Japanese?"

"No matter how strong it is, it will still hurt if you cut your fingers or little toes with a knife and hit the corners of the pillars!" In a word, Emi explained that her body was no longer as strong as before.

Through this year's life in Japan, Mu Hantian fully understood that even the demon's body of Arsheel still lags behind the standard of Japanese men.

"Just now, it was attacked from the front."

"It's more than that. Have you heard gunshots since just now?"

"I didn't hear any similar voices either...!"

Hui Mei, who was just talking, bumped into Mu Hantian. In this way, the two of them rolled in the same direction. If they were delayed for a moment, they should have become a hive. The poor roller shutters that became fully ventilated exemplify these.

"very impressive."

"The one here is the brave. Don't underestimate me."

"That's rude. Get away from me so quickly. You won't be able to avoid the next sniping."

"Didn't you just put yourself under me! I'll come down if you don't tell me!"

Although it was an exaggerated statement, because it was not the time for a quarrel, the two immediately stood up and repositioned.

It doesn't matter where the attack came from, but while back-to-back vigilant about the surroundings, Emi said, "Escape to the station?"

"That's right. In front of Sasazuka Station, since the izakaya is still open, there should be a lot of people. Although it feels a bit risky, how will the other party make a move there. Can you still run?"

"Compared to you on a comfortable bike, you're flying fast."

"Okay, then let's go!"

Will the sniper still chase the two who ran out? So far, there are no pedestrians, but the closer you get to the station, the more pedestrians.

The izakaya building adjacent to the station is full of commuters looking for places with bright lights.

With their backs against the wall of the station facility, the two cautiously waited for an opportunity. The middle-aged office worker who passed by seemed to say something mocking the two, but he didn't have time to pay attention.

I ended up staying there for about ten minutes. After judging that there would be no sniping where there are people around, the two heaved a sigh of relief.

"What is that, just now." Emi took a deep breath. He asked while fiddling with the bangs that were sticking to his forehead due to sweat.

Mu Hantian exhaled and replied, "I don't know...but it's not an ordinary sniping. It should be a magic energy bullet."

"Magic power...?" Emi's eyes widened.

"The shot that stabbed you in the head in the building came from where we escaped and changed direction in pursuit of us. That's all I know."

"That is to say..."

"A powerful man. And he knows who I am and who you are."

"Anything like that exists other than Alcheier?"

"Maybe it exists. But I didn't feel the breath, so I couldn't guess who it was." Mu Hantian stretched his waist and said lightly.

"Oh, oh, it's all because of you that you encountered such a terrifying encounter."

Hearing Mu Hantian's words, Emi gritted her teeth. "What! It's my fault!"

"If you had set a more ordinary time and place, it wouldn't have caused such a disturbance."

"It's because you have to work until this time!"

"Isn't it alright in the morning?"

"I'm working in the morning and at noon!"

"I don't know about this kind of thing."

"Wait! Where are you going!" Hui Mei called out to Mu Hantian who wanted to leave with a tired face.

"I want to go back."

"You want to escape alone!"

"Of course. Go back by yourself. You can walk around the neighborhood anytime you want, it must be very close. Goodbye."

"Wait, you're still not a man!"

"Is it a man, don't you know if you try it? Goodbye!"


Emi's cry disappeared in the crowd of Sasazuka, and Mu Hantian set out on his way home alone. Mu Hantian felt guilty about leaving the bike he just bought. The attackers may still be sticking around there. But who is it?

"Forget it, don't think about it. Since there is a first attack, there will also be a second and third attack!"

Walking on the road, I suddenly noticed someone following behind.

the attacker? Although I thought so, I didn't feel murderous or magical. Is it just a drunkard who goes home the same way? Even so, I always feel that I am consciously heading here and keeping a certain distance.

Mu Hantian frowned, and quickly ran into a small street in a residential street that stretched vertically and horizontally, and came to a place where the street lights couldn't shine. If it's a neighbor, I'll walk over, and if it's a tailwalker, I'll panic.

The footsteps didn't stop. And without noticing Mu Hantian in the dark, he walked forward. Did you get it wrong? Mu Hantian stuck his head out a little.

Unfortunately, the figure was walking towards Mu Hantian's villa. The figure hesitated a little in front of the stairs, but walked to the door anyway.

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