Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 918: Talk and Shura Field

"Sure enough, it's really good to discuss with Mr. Hantian."

"It's nothing, just a lot of things I'm more confused about."

"But I still want to thank Han Tian for believing in me."

"No, it's nothing."

"It's amazing. Ordinary adults don't listen to me seriously. To be honest, when I texted Mr. Han Tian, ​​I was thinking about what to do if I was too surprised. I was a little scared."

"I'm only eighteen years old." Mu Hantian complained slightly and continued, "Didn't you tell your parents and friends?"

"It's impossible to say. Apart from the possibility that they are already high school students, they will be laughed at if they say such a thing, but it is also worrying. Do you think this child can distinguish between reality and fantasy?"

"Uh... that's true." Because he also had a dark history of chuunibial illness, Mu Hantian could still feel Chiho's worry.

"Just listen to what you say, woo at any time...cough!"

"No, it doesn't matter, right? What's wrong?"

Because Mu Hantian suddenly coughed violently, Qianho hurriedly handed out cold water.

While drinking cold water, his eyes tried to confirm the situation, but because of the picture captured in the corner of his vision, he couldn't think properly.

Why, why did Emi and Ashiya enter the store together!

"Mr. Han Tian?"

"Cough, no, it's okay. Just accidentally choked on it just now."

"That's it."

"Well, well, to sum up Xiaoqian's words, first of all, tinnitus and strange sounds are not a direct problem. What's more important is whether something bad really happened. What I said from this incident is in' Bigger 'happening or not' on that point."

Because of Mu Hantian's serious words, Qianho nodded.

"Fortunately, the owner of this tinnitus doesn't seem to have any malicious contact. I think if something happens, just pay attention to the people around, it will be quite different."

"Yes... that's it."

"Although there is no solution, that's all I can say today." Mu Hantian took a sip of cold water.

Chiho wrapped the ice cube latte with both hands, made a thoughtful gesture, and finally raised her face.

"Mr. Han Tian, ​​thank you very much. I feel a little better."

"Well, that's great."

"Well, Mr. Hantian, that..." Chiho's voice trembled a little. For some reason, his expression was troubled, his face flushed, and he looked at Mu Hantian.

"I, to Mr. Hantian...!"


Chiho's words were suddenly interrupted by a powerful voice inserted from the side.

This voice made Mu Hantian sigh involuntarily.

Chiho didn't know what was going on, and stared up at the face of the woman who suddenly stood beside her table and looked down at them proudly.

"Don't get involved with this man, it won't do you any good."

"Hey, Emi! You..."

Emi didn't care about Mu Hantian's words, and said to herself, "It's not to hit you. This man is about to disappear from Japan. If you don't stay in the place just now, you will only feel pain."

Chiho's reaction was very sharp.

"I'm very sorry, but the eldest sister belongs to Mr. Hantian. How can I say it? Are you an acquaintance?"

The expression that had been puzzled by something until just now was filled with power for a moment, and she stood up while looking at Emi. This tone even surprised Mu Hantian, full of hostility towards Hui Mei.

"Forget it, this is for you, this man is not what he looks like. The nature is more cunning and cruel."

"Please don't suddenly show up and say something outrageous. What kind of person is Mr. Han Tian, ​​eldest sister?"

"I am the enemy of this man. Not above this nor below this. Well, Miss Chiho Sasaki. I gave you a piece of advice, it would only be unfortunate to have a relationship with this person."

"Hey, hey, Yuzuo, stop." Ashiya finally stopped Emi from behind.

"Xiao Qian, calm down a little." Mu Hantian wanted to appease Qian Sui.

"Don't command me."

"Mr. Hantian, please don't speak."

The two women looked at each other with sparks, not wanting to stop the silent battle.

"No, but this will cause trouble for the store. Hey, let's go out anyway, how about it?"

Concerned about the gazes of other customers and shop assistants who sensed the bad atmosphere between Chiho and Emi, Mu Hantian tried his best.

"By the way, I remembered. Big sister came to our store before."

"so what!"

However, the two of them turned a deaf ear!

"At that time, it seemed that I also talked to Mr. Hantian. Could it be Mr. Hantian's ex-girlfriend or something?"

Judging from the corners of Emi's mouth twitching for a moment, there is no doubt that these words have unpredictable power.


"Sure enough. So no matter how close I am to Mr. Hantian, I have nothing to do with Big Sister now, right?"

"Can you not say such stupid things? My relationship with this guy is not..."

"Isn't it, always wandering near Mr. Hantian?"

"My relationship with this guy is not something that can be explained simply."

"Do you want to say that you and Mr. Hantian are closer?"

I don't know if I will listen to the other party's words again, you come to me and talk to each other, and the tension will reach its peak.

Mu Hantian felt the cold gaze of the other guests behind him, and he said with cold sweat on his twitching face, "Can you guys calm down first? I..."

The words of Mu Hantian's mediation did not reach the end.

An unusual roar that only sounded like a rumbling sounded inside the store. Not only Mu Hantian, Chiho, Emi, and Ashiya, but even the other guests who were watching nervously by the side couldn't understand what was going on.

The next moment...

"Yes, it's an earthquake!" Someone's voice sounded.

"It's huge!" Who was it called next?

The next shouting was beyond words, and all the voices in the underground passage that suddenly began to shake violently were drowned out by the roar.

Although it was supposed to be underground, it was rocking up and down so that people couldn't even stand. Cutlery and supplies in the store fell to the ground, and the glass facing the lighting and passageway shattered.


Both the person who heard the cry and the person who made the cry saw the crack in the ceiling in an instant.

The roaring and shaking didn't stop, the cracks started from the ceiling, and the ominous tentacles spread all the way to the floor.

"Fall down, down..."

It seemed that they were going to smash the table where Mu Hantian and Chiho were sitting, and this was where the ceiling first fell.

"Mr. Han Tian!"

Although Chiho shouted, the voice could not be conveyed to Mu Hantian. Even though he saw how the ceiling was starting to collapse, he couldn't even escape from the shaking with his legs stiff in fear.

The channel begins to officially collapse. In the rubble that rained down, Chiho's fear broke through the critical point, and her consciousness dissolved into the darkness.

It does have the ability to open eyes. But even if she opened it, only the dark Chiho couldn't help shouting loudly.

Although it was the first time to experience syncope, fear spread through Chiho because of the vivid memories of the past. The stiff hands and feet moved tremblingly, feeling the touch of countless rocks and rubble.

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