Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 919: Today's author is happy

"What, what happened?" Chiho couldn't help muttering.

"Great, regained consciousness." A woman's voice sounded beside him.

"Yes... who is it?"

"It's me, don't be afraid."

From the complete darkness, a woman's voice came. There are echoes around and cannot be heard clearly. but……

"You are……"

Suddenly, a dim light appeared in the darkness, and the face I saw was a woman who interjected inexplicably while drinking tea with Mu Hantian.

The moment I recognized the woman's face, I remembered the conversation before I fell into such a gaffe, but I noticed something black that flowed from the forehead on the glowing face and became wet.

"Does it matter?"

"Ah, you said this, it's no big deal."

The thing that had been wiped off by the woman on her forehead started to flow again, and Chiho couldn't help but let out a moan from the depths of her throat.

"But, but, so much blood."

"It doesn't seem to matter. Don't worry, it will solidify."

The woman who said it didn't matter held the phone in her hand. The light source seems to be here. But even so, Chiho's eyes were still following the blood streak that dripped from the woman's forehead.

"But, there's no way, I'm completely locked inside."

The woman illuminated her surroundings with the light of her cell phone. The rubble of the underground passage completely blocked the surroundings, and there was barely room for Chiho and the girl to stand up.

"Then...that, is it because of the earthquake?"

"Yeah, the underground passage collapsed, and many people were buried underground, that's what I think."

"How long have I been dizzy?"

"It's been less than thirty minutes since the collapse. Neither of them felt breathless, that means there is a passage for air circulation."

The trembling body was moving, but there was no particular pain, and it seemed that she was infected by the woman's unhurried appearance. The fear of darkness gradually diminished, and Chiho exhaled greatly.

"Looks pretty peaceful."

"Yeah. This kind of thing used to be commonplace before. Although your words don't seem to be used to such absurd things, haven't you calmed down."

"It's because the big sister is here. If you are alone, you will definitely cry."

Even on this occasion, the woman is still smiling.

"I'm Yuzuo Huimei. Speaking of which, Mu Hantian and I really have nothing."

"I'm Chiho Sasaki. I'm doing this right now."

This is the handshake at the climax of the very event. Even under such circumstances, Chiho was surprised by her calmness.

"Mr. Hantian, he..."

"At least not with us. Not very far, though."

"No, it's not like that..."

Before such a thing happened, he was only separated by a table, but now he is not around. That is to say...

"Ah, do you mean being held down by rubble?"

Chiho was stunned at Emi who simply said unspeakable words.

"Yeah, though for me, I'd be happy that guy just died here."

A series of aggressive and ruthless words. But this ease is evidence that Emi herself doesn't think so.

"That guy is definitely alive. Is it possible to die in a place like this? It's me who will defeat that guy. Being involved in a disaster or an accident is such a tragic way to die. I won't allow it." However, Emi asserted confidently. road.

This confident statement made Chiho even more courageous for some reason.

"Yeah, it must be fine."

"Well, it's alright." Emi said so, and sat next to Chiho.

Because the location was confirmed with each other, Emi turned off the phone in order to save battery. Space is again dominated by darkness.

"Also, don't you think it's weird?"


"There is just enough space for the two of us here."


Chiho had at least seen reports of the disaster scene. Thinking of the survivors who were completely immobile and waited for days for help, not only survived, but even had room to move their bodies, it was a strange phenomenon beyond miracles.

"There should be several such places in this rubble. It seems that there are several magical enchantments. It must be what he did."

"Magic enchantment?"

"Maybe no one is dead. And the barrier farthest from here is less than 50 meters away. Maybe the loss is smaller than expected." Emi's words should be said to Chiho, it is better to say Half are talking to themselves.

"If it's true, I should thank him, the Demon King suddenly saved so many human lives, is that the case?"

"Mr. Hantian?" Chiho didn't find Emi's pronunciation strange.

"Leaving the magic power to make these numbers of barriers in an instant, you can't be careless. It is estimated that this space was also created by the Demon King."

"Is it here? Made by Mr. Hantian?"

"Yes. In order to save us. It's so abhorrent. Why do you want to save the hero as a demon king? Don't I look like a self-centered villain who can't make a protective barrier of holy magic in an instant?" Darkness Emi in the middle vented in a self-deprecating tone.

"That...although I don't know exactly what Miss You Zuo is talking about..."

Emi gave off a slightly wry smile.

"Do you care about him?"


Suddenly being said such a thing, Chiho jumped up in the darkness.


"Because you like Mu Hantian, you don't like what I say so you contradict him, don't you?"

"Hey, I like something, I'm not that..." Chiho was indeed panicked.

"Is it really that easy to see?" he asked in a whimpering voice.

The answer was a wry smile. "I'm the only one who doesn't know. Anyone who is on the sidelines knows. But I don't know if he knows."

"En..." Chiho knew that her face was getting hot.

"You, Miss You Zuo, what do you think of Mr. Hantian?"


"Well, although it is said that you and Mr. Hantian are enemies, they are very close, and the intimacy is somewhat unusual."

"You absolutely don't want to be intimate with that guy. Well, because I'm an acquaintance, I've experienced quite a lot of things."

"To what extent, what is it?"

"I knew the other party first. The other party knew me about two years ago."

"Did you graduate from the same high school?" Chiho continued to ask.

"In this way, we can create a more peaceful relationship with each other." Emi said with a wry smile.

"But if you like that guy, you'll be very tormented. So let's give up."

"I always feel that I can't fully understand it..."

"I'll understand it soon... No, maybe it's better not to understand. Anyway, now..."

Saying that, Emi pointed her finger at Nakachiho's forehead accurately in the dark.

"Sleep for a while. Because I don't want others to know the secret of the Demon King."

For a moment, Emi's fingertips that touched Chiho's forehead emitted a faint light, and when she disappeared, Chiho fell into a deep sleep.

Gently, Chiho, who was sleeping quietly, lay down on his side.

"I'm so sorry for letting you hear your boring complaints. Because when you wake up, you'll forget them all." As he spoke, he put his hand on Chiho's forehead again, and the fingertips once again emitted a faint light and disappeared immediately.

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