Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 920: Emilia's past

"Are you nearby? Chiho has already fallen asleep!"

In response to Emi's voice, on the other side of the rubble, a huge magical power swelled up. Emi's eyes widened for a moment because of the magical power she expected.

"It's a little troublesome, but I've made sure that someone deliberately targeted it." Along with the sound of fragments falling, came Mu Hantian's voice.

Then there was the sound of several small rocks collapsing, and a new situation took place in the darkness.

"Xiaoqian, please, come out from here. Although the loss is unexpectedly small, I can't wait for rescue leisurely."

A light lit up in the darkness, and the bleak white light brought back Emi's terrifying memories.

"Demon, Demon King!"

"What's wrong?"

"Your magic..."

"You said this, my original purpose was to return to this world."

"Back to this world?"

"Ah, I was originally from this world. I went to your world because of an accident. If I want to come back, I can only do those things." Yes, Mu Hantian was lying, but it was also a white lie.


"Don't talk about that for now. Now I have to maintain the barrier and remove the rubble. It's a bit laborious, and you can't help at all." Mu Hantian let the magic power penetrate into the surrounding rubble little by little.

In order to save Emi, Chiho, Ashiya, and even the Japanese who didn't know their names, Mu Hantian unleashed his magic power. If it was "Brave Emilia", the Demon King with his defenseless back exposed right in front of him would definitely slash with his holy sword. But the hero Emi just stared at the back of her old enemy.

This powerful magic power swarmed out, and Emi felt a little fear in her heart.

"Uh... um."

Chiho's breathing and a voice so small that it could not be called a dreamy babble dispelled the only trace of killing intent that rose in Emi's heart.

Although killing the Demon Lord now can achieve the goal, many people who depend on the Demon Lord's ability to live will be crushed to death by the rubble in an instant. Chiho and Emi were no exception.


Emi complained in the depths of her throat with a voice that no one could hear.

"Why, the Demon King wants to save mankind?"

"Because I was human before."

"Really?" Emilia's thoughts turned to the distance.


When Emilia Justina was sensible, Ender Isla's power map was the first time that mankind was in crisis, and the Demon King's Army and the Church of the Great Dharma God were fighting each other.

In the remote countryside of the Western Continent, the only daughter of the farmer Nord Justina, who reluctantly grows wheat on the small land, is Emilia. There is no relative other than the father, and there is no memory of the mother.

When Emilia was ten years old, the Demon King's army came from the Central Continent like a tsunami, and the Northern Continent and the Eastern Kingdom fell.

Although the Western Continent can lead to the heavens and is well guarded by the army centered on the Dafa God Church and the princes of the kingdom, despite this, the attack of the Western attacking army led by the Demon Marshal Lucifer is extremely cruel.

Nord is a devout follower of Dafashen Church and must visit the church with his daughter every day. Although the young Emilia did not know the meaning of the prayers sung by the adults, she learned from her father because she knew that something bad had happened, and folded her small hands and prayed hard.

However, Emilia's prayers were in vain, and the army in the west could not resist the invasion of the Demon King's army.

Every day, while listening to the ominous messengers running around the village, Emilia spent her terrifying night fearing when the terrifying monsters would burn up the fields that she and her father cultivated.

Father is just a farmer. He is a man who does not know the technique of fighting and dedicates his life to growing wheat.

Emilia was crying in terror in her bed at night, the father observed and sensed that, until Emilia fell asleep, he stroked her hair with rough hands.

Emilia likes that kind of father the most. Respected and loved, he is the greatest hero who is more reliable than anyone in this world.

Then, on a certain fateful day when Emilia was twelve years old. There is news that the territory of the nobles adjacent to the island where Emilia lives has fallen.

Then, wondering if he was waiting for this, a priest from the Dafa God Church came to the house. Emilia initially thought that the Knights of the Church came to rescue her village.

But my father only let himself get on the carriage, and then he wanted to stay here.

Emilia didn't understand what her father was talking about at first. I also asked the elders of Emilia's village and the priest who greeted them to say goodbye, trying to convince my father to escape together. I cannot survive alone. The only one who is with his father and the villagers is himself.

However, the father refused, but because of this, he knew the origin of his mother. It turned out that his mother was an angel from heaven. On the other hand, he is a child of angels and humans, and has the power to defeat the Demon King.

"Anyway, listen. Emilia. Let's go with the priest. Where is your mother still alive. She should be watching you."

"But, but father, you..."

"Because I made an appointment with your mother. What do you want?

When will the three of them live together in this village, in this family? I had to fight to keep my promise. "

After his father gave Emilia, who was holding him like a child, an extra strong hug, his eyes met and he curled down. A rough hand stroked Emilia's head.

"It's okay. Everyone in the church army, too, let's fight together to protect the village and this island. The day when we can live together again will definitely come."


"Ah, I've never lied. I've never broken a promise, have I?"

"En." Emilia wiped away tears with her fists and nodded.

"What a good boy." A smile appeared on his father's face, which was as warm as a bunch of dried wheat.

"I pray that you will live a glorious life in a world that casts out demons. Emilia, my daughter, I love you from the bottom of my heart."

The memory that followed was a little cloudy. The figure of his father blurred by tears, and the arm of the priest trying to separate him from him. From the thick windows of the carriage, I could see my father and the village, which were getting smaller.

I don't know if I fell asleep because I was tired from crying, and when I woke up, I fell asleep in a luxurious room I had never seen before.

The priest who handled the daily affairs told me that this place was the headquarters of the Church of the Great Dharma God in the Western Continent. The Sanctuary of San Igunorede was the day after I left my father, that is, the village where I received my birthplace was before the church army had time to fight. On the day of burning information.

The young priest, who called himself a steward, said many things to her.

Emilia's mother is actually one of the archangels, and she is a hybrid existence of a human and an angel who can use the "Evolution Holy Sword and Wings" obtained from the heaven. Words that are neither helpful nor harmful to Emilia.

However, even if you are suddenly told that this transcendental thing is the truth, it is impossible to accept it right away.

What Emily wanted was neither the holy sword nor the unbelievable information from her mother. What he wants is the power of the Demon King's army that can take revenge on the small world that destroyed his peace.

Emilia immediately asked to be taught how to use the sword from the second day she arrived at Saint Ignatius. It seemed that adults could easily swing it, but the surprise at the weight of the iron sword was unforgettable to this day.

In order to be able to achieve the required training, the body and injured hands are covered with blood blisters.

A year later, the opportunity for the first battle came. Emilia joined the Border Guard. The Demon King's army was mainly composed of goblin demons and consisted of the lowest-ranked demons, but Emilia was stunned by the stench of blood on the battlefield that she witnessed for the first time, and her legs went limp. Just blindly protected by the knights of the church, not a single demon was killed.

The opponent he is going to fight against is such a terrifying existence, all of this is vivid in his mind. The tear ducts that she had decided she would never shed after losing her father easily burst.

After a few days, Emilia, who has experienced many battlefields, has led the church knights on the front line to capture the fortress and headquarters of the Demon King's army, if you can notice.

The name of the church knight Emilia Justina spread not only among the church army, but even among the knights and mercenaries of the kings.

Armor with gold and crimson church coat of arms engraved on silver-wrapped metal, holding a shield, and wielding a knight's sword with the cross of Ignatius, which is the symbol of the Church of the Great Dharma God. Another name for "Otome" or "Holy Knight", at some point, Emilia has become known to most humans as the victor of the knight who fought against the Demon King's army.

There are many reliable companions gathered under such Emilia's command.

Olba Meyer, one of the "Six Great Priests", the highest jihadist of the Church of the Great Law God. Amelada Aitwa, a court magician of the Irish Empire, the Holy Spirit of the Western Continent, captured by the Luciferian army. Albert Ende, a celestial priest who works as a woodcutter in the mountains.

Sometimes the four of them together, sometimes they lead their armies to fight against the Demon King's army.

Then, one day at the age of sixteen. Emilia grew into a warrior who could wield the holy sword, and in this body resided the "Evolution Holy Sword, Flank", and truly gained the ability to defeat the Demon Lord.

The news of the birth of the "Hero Emilia" who wields the holy sword obtained from the heaven spread spread all over the world, and many people got excited when they heard Emilia's name. The day the hero was born can also be said to be the day when the humans of Ender Isla truly began to rebel against the Demon King's army.

Emilia just watched the situation calmly. No complacency. There is no solemn ceremony. For me, that was the day when I gained the power to fight against the Demon King, and there was no other meaning than that.

All Emilia had in her heart was her father's face and her revenge for the darkness of the Demon King's army. Although the friends noticed this, they didn't say anything. They just became Emilia's sword, Emilia's shield, and friends who lived and died together.

He defeated the three demon grand marshals with a smashing bamboo, and the final battle of the death battle was the battle to board the Demon King's Castle. Fight with the Demon King and defeat the Demon King, forcing the Demon King to escape to another world.

Ever since Emilia learned to fight, she just lived by dreaming of the moment she killed the Demon King.

But now, the demon king told her that her hope was that the real purpose of the demon king was to return to this different world, and he had never defeated the demon king at all.

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