Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 934: everyday day

Emi felt her whole body's blood boil in an instant. How could his body be in a state of being held up by Mu Hantian?

The truth is that Mu Hantian caught Huimei at the spot where she fell, but was rescued by Mu Hantian, and being held horizontally in the end was a humiliation that a hero could not bear no matter what.

The summer heat and the shame of being seen ugly by Mu Hantian reached their climax.

"Hurry up, hurry up... hurry up and let me down! Think, what are you doing like this!" Emi blushed regardless of the situation, and started to kick her hands and feet.

"You just fell off it! Really... Hey, hey, stop fooling around, calm down now!"

Before Mu Hantian said the final word, Huimei's fingertips quickly hit Mu Hantian's temple.

With the pained groans, Mu Hantian's arm loosened, and Emi fell from her arms.

"Oops!" Emi fell on the ground to complete the model performance of her **** on the ground, then frowned, stroking near the tailbone.

"It hurts so much..."

"It's not good! This is what kindness and revenge refers to!"

Beside the frowning Emi, Mu Hantian, who was pressing his temples, stared at him.

"What is grace! You didn't do anything strange when I, I, I closed my eyes!" Emi wrapped herself with two arms to protect her body.

Mu Hantian rolled his eyes and said, "While you closed your eyes, there was nothing but your personal belongings swarming as if they were all aimed at my head on purpose! Besides, the blow you hit me just now was very shocking. It hurts."

"What are you doing, you two..."

Hearing the meaningless argument between the hero and the demon king, Urushihara came out right at this moment.

"I'm sorry, it's all because I opened the door suddenly."

The girl in the yukata bowed her head to Emi. It seems to be considered a head-on accident.

"No, it's not like that. I was negligent because of my inattentiveness." Emi shook her head in a panic.

"Forget it, let's go in and sit down." Mu Hantian sighed and said while sipping on the cooled udon.

Emi walked in and saw such a scene. First of all, Ashiya was lying across the living room with a towel blanket on her expression that seemed to be a little convulsed.

Then, in the kitchen, there was a huge cardboard box, and a girl dressed in a yukata and a cooking suit with a triangular towel jacket was busy handling the dishes.

In addition to the cold udon that Emi overheard, the chopped fenugreek and basil, and the cold tofu served with cold komatsu lettuce show a luxurious dining table that is very nutritious.

"You Zuo, most of the things scattered outside have been recovered."

"Ah, thanks for your hard work, put it here."

Although I was a little worried about being picked up by Urushihara, it was strange to show too much hostility in front of Suzuno, so I honestly thanked him and accepted it.

"Speaking of which, what is this! Are you drinking nutritious drinks this summer?"

Urushihara casually took out a vial of Hiiragi vitamin beta from the bag he had returned to Emi, and began to play with it.

Compared to Urushihara's mischievous behavior by the elementary school student, Emi was a little flustered at first. A vial filled with holy magic is not something that people in Demon Castle can see.

"Hey, give it back to me!"

Emi hurriedly grabbed the vial from Urushihara and put it back into the depths of the bag, but there was still a cold sweat on her back.

"Ashiya, I heard that you can eat more fruits and melons during the bitter summer, so you can wait a moment. I have already asked Sakuya and the others to buy them."

"Thank you for your concern, His Royal Highness."

"Eh? Are you in a bitter summer?"

Emi, who was very surprised by Mu Hantian's words, looked at Ashiya lying on the side.

Ashiya smacked his lips hatefully, and turned to the side.

"So what. Even I'm sick at times."

"I'm a little interested, what exactly is it?"

"Some have no appetite, and the condition of their stomach is not very good." Urushihara explained happily.

"Very ordinary, not interesting at all." Emi shrugged as if she wasn't interested at all.

"I didn't suffer in summer just to make you feel interesting..." Contradicting Emi who didn't think it was interesting at all, Ashiya's words were not domineering at all.

"The reason seems to be something I sent."

Emi looked at the girl who said that.

The neat and beautiful appearance is very suitable for the kimono, because it is too suitable to give the illusion of being a character in a period drama, but Suzuno's breath is awe-inspiring and refined.

Emi couldn't help looking at her chest.

"Roughly the same?"

For some reason, he let out a sigh of relief.

Because although she is a perfect kimono beauty, only this part is no different from Emi.

The girl opposite was completely unaware of Emi's pointless troubles, and her stiff expression showed whether it was distress or regret.

"If you're a single man, choose something with higher nutritional value. I'm really sorry."

"Ah, no, it's not Kamazuki-san's fault, udon, it's delicious."

Ashiya stopped Suzuno with a completely different posture to Emi.

"Hey—the bad thing is the menu. Because it's convenient and delicious, I only eat cold noodles every day in this sweltering heat, so it's a bitter summer."

Urushihara, who said such things without earning or helping himself, was stared at by everyone present.

Then, at this moment, Suzuno seemed to remember something, straightening her back and straightening her posture towards Emi.

"It's too late. I moved next door last week, and my name is Suzuno Kamazuki. Because I was born in my hometown, which is very far behind the times, I haven't adapted to the water and soil here. If I can teach you I am very grateful for my knowledge of urban life as a rural person."

"Ah, yes, yes, hello, I'm Yusa Emi. Please advise."

In response to this unexpected greeting and the appearance of three fingers on the ground, Emi immediately straightened her posture.

"Although it is very presumptuous to ask, I still want to ask, what does Miss Kamazuki do?"

Kamazuki looked at Emi and said, "I don't have a job yet, but I am in this city and want to do a job that will allow me to return home."

"What a great idea. Urushihara, you need to learn a little." Ashiya praised Suzuno from under the covers.

Urushihara pretended not to hear and returned to the computer desk.

"Anyway, it's fate to meet by chance in such a vast Japan. Please get along with me and ask for your help." After Suzuno finished speaking, she bowed deeply to Emi again.

Emi was a little troubled. But he had no choice but to fold his hands and bow his head. "Each each other."

"Huh, I'm full, it's delicious, Miss Kamyue made it." Mu Hantian, who finished his breakfast neatly, put the cutlery into the sink and stretched a lot.

"Ah—I feel like there are too many things to do and remember, lately."

"What, isn't part-time work what you've been doing all the time?" Emi ruthlessly complained.

Mu Hantian didn't care, and continued: "That's it, starting from the day after tomorrow, I'll be the agent manager of the McGraw-Hagaya Station store in the afternoon!"

"Yes, congratulations."

Mu Hantian looked at the attitude of Emi who nodded and clapped her hands in a perfunctory manner, and could only smile bitterly.

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