Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 935: I can't leave

"His Highness Emi..." Suzuno said suddenly, but after saying that, she quickly approached Emi's ear.

"Are Your Highness Huimei and His Highness Hantian in an intimate relationship?"

"Ha ah ah?"

Emi let out a strange cry involuntarily, causing Ashiya, who was sleeping, and Urushihara, who was wearing headphones, to turn around.

"Say what?"

"No, after listening to the conversation between the two, whether it's a quarrel or a conversation without any scruples... It can be seen that there is no barrier between them."

"Well, really said nothing."

Saying that, Urushihara looked at him with a smile on his face from a distance.

"You didn't say anything unnecessary, did you?"

Emi glared at him to shut him up.

"Although I have no scruples, there are none of the other feelings that ordinary human beings have, such as honesty, trust, and friendship. Today, I seriously think if Mu Hantian died after an accident on the way home. It's fine, please understand it like this, please."

Because he said it in an audible voice on purpose, he could very well understand Ashiya's glaring gaze and Mu Hantian's wry smile.

"This, that's it..."

On the contrary, Suzuno's expression changed from her stiff expression after struggling to understand another meaning, and she showed a relieved expression.

I don't have a close relationship with him, what's the reassurance?

Thinking like this, Emi couldn't help frowning when she suddenly realized an example that already existed. It was a girl who knew about the battle two months ago.

"Although it feels incredible."

This time, it was Emi who brought her mouth close to Suzuno's ear.

"You are also targeting Mu Hantian?"

At this moment, Suzuno's reaction was very violent. The originally determined face turned pale for some reason, and without saying a word, he pulled Emi's arm out of the house.

"Eh? Ah...wait...wait a minute!"

After rudely closing the door with her hands behind her back and checking the situation inside, Suzuno looked at Emi with a worried look for some reason, and said in a suppressed voice, "What are you going to do after hearing this?"

Did you say such a bloodless thing? Emi was a little confused. It turns out that, if you point out an important matter, it may be a little prudent to mention it in front of me, even if it’s in a low voice.

Because she is always rigid and has a strong-willed and dignified expression as the basic pose, I don't think she is someone who can express her personality. However, women are still women.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't think so." Thinking so, Emi honestly apologized in the same small voice.

Suzuno's stiff expression was covered in cold sweat until just now.

"Even so it's not a big deal."

Suzuno put her hand on her chest and took a deep breath in order to adjust her breathing. "Why do you know?"

"Even if asked why...there is no reason to think so..."

For Emi, she could only answer honestly. However, Suzuno seemed to accept this random answer.

"That's's amazing..."

She didn't know what was so great, but Suzuno looked at Emi's face with admiration.

Seeing Suzuno like this, Emi felt a little sad in her heart, but she still made up her mind, and she had to say what she should say.

If this guy wasn't an assassin, if he was, he wouldn't have done nothing for a star after moving in, and be too polite to them or to me.

Although there are some strange things, but this gesture of panic when she is pointed out that she is in love is the same as that of an ordinary girl.

"Hey, Suzuno, you might find it annoying, but listen."


And if it's an ordinary girl, you should try not to involve her in your own affairs.

"It's best not to approach that guy, it will be unfortunate."

"This...why?" Suzuno looked up at Emi with a puzzled expression.

Extreme devaluation of Mu Hantian would have the opposite effect, Emi knew from her previous experience.

"That guy is not a man that ordinary people can deal with. So it's best not to get close."

"But, but, although it looks like this, I have experienced many Shura fields!" Suzuno retorted a little bit.

Although Emi was still confused about her past being revealed, but before Emi said anything...

"But, ah, since you said so, take care of yourself. There must be something that only you don't know."

Subtle words that are easy to understand. Although I don't know what has touched Suzuno's heartstrings, I don't think I can gain her trust in the little time after knowing each other.

"But, even if I say that, I can't leave here. Although I know it's shameless, I ask you to help me."

This time, Suzuno saluted while standing at the perfect angle.

Even Emi felt that she, who could not complete the crusade against the Demon King, should take responsibility for accidentally involving an innocent girl in Ander Isla's affair.

"Hmm, if there is something I can do." Emi nodded with a smile.

"Is that can rest assured." Suzuno's stiff face relaxed a little.

"Right, wait a moment."

Emi gently pushed Suzuno away and returned to the house.

"I didn't do anything strange while I was away." Emi glared at Urushihara while fiddling with her satchel.

"I'm not that desperate."

Staring at Urushihara who answered indifferently, Emi took out a notebook and a pen, tore off a piece of paper, wrote something on it, and handed it to Suzuno.

"Here's my phone number, email address and home address. Feel free to call for help if anything is done by those guys."

"Understood. Thank you so much." Suzuno nodded, carefully taking the notes into her arms.

For the first time in her life in Japan, Emi saw someone who truly took things in her arms.

"Who do you think we are, really." Mu Hantian frowned while wiping the water droplets on the tableware.

"When you are bloodthirsty monsters below cockroaches. Although nothing happened right now, if you do something strange to Suzuno, I will cut off your head and put it in this window to expose it to the sun."

"Where are you an evil agent?"

Huimei used a cold face to fend off Mu Hantian's complaints.

"Then it's almost time for me to say goodbye. Well, don't worry. These guys look like that, but they're very law-abiding."

The last part was for Suzuno, and Emi slung the satchel over her shoulders.

"I'm really reminding you. Men and women are different in every situation!"

"It's not as bad as being told by you. I'll never imitate your kindness and avenge revenge, so just disappear." Mu Hantian helplessly rubbed his forehead.

"Goodbye then." Saying that, Emi closed the door.

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