Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 936: convenient

"Ah, morning, good morning." Facing Mu Hantian who walked out of the counter, Chiho greeted unnaturally.

"Ah, um...morning, good morning."

"Ah—good morning, Qian."

A voice came from the side.

"Eh, ah, ah! Good morning Miss Kisaki!"

When Kisaki faced Mu Hantian, his expression suddenly changed, and he looked at Chiho as if it was very interesting.

"Hurry up and change your clothes. Xiaotian will take on heavy responsibilities starting tomorrow, so I have a lot to say to Xiaoqian."

"Ah, okay... I'm sorry." Chiho nodded, passed Mu Hantian's side, and walked to the staff lounge inside the counter.

"Huh, the condition is very serious." Kisaki looked at Chiho's back with a smile on his face.

After a pause, he snatched the checklist from Mu Hantian's hand.

"Xiaotian, take a rest now. If you come back before six o'clock, you can go to eat. Or eat the food in the store?"

Mu Hantian shook his head at Kiqi's suggestion.

"No, I'll take a break in the staff room. I've brought a lunch box today."

"Bento? It's a good thing to cook your own rice, because it's hot, and the antiseptic measures should not be neglected. No matter what the food in the store is, you must be very careful. Don't forget to put prunes in a cool place."

"It doesn't matter there. If I can't work, it will be very troublesome. Then I will go to rest."

Mu Hantian changed the attendance number to 'rest' and walked into the staff lounge.

Just happened to bump into Chiho who came out of the women's locker room deep in the staff lounge.

"Ah..." Chiho took a deep breath when she saw the person who came, avoiding her eyes.

"Well, I, take a break. Miss Kisaki said that she would like to revisit Xiaoqian's work in her spare time."

"I know..." Chiho nodded anxiously as if she was holding something on her chest, wanting to pass by Mu Hantian.

Watching Mu Hantian take out the box wrapped in printed and dyed fabric in the hundred-yuan store from the shoulder bag she usually uses, she stopped.

"Mr. Hantian, that..."

What was taken out from the printed handkerchief that Mu Hantian had untied was a two-layer bento box that was very small and too large for Mu Hantian as a man to hold.

Mu Hantian raised his face, picked up the thing he was holding and replied, "You said this? It's a lunch box."

"Bento...? What a cute bento box. But why would Mr. Hantian use such a bento box?"

"No, it was given by someone else. In fact, someone lived next to us just before."

"A neighbor?"

"Well. It's a young girl..."



"Girl...what the hell..." Chiho grabbed Mu Hantian's front and kept shaking.

"Okay okay, don't shake it."

"Anyway... Anyway, that neighbor's woman gave Mr. Hantian...!"

"Yes, but please, don't, shake it."

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it at all, I didn't expect it at all! Did she do it herself?"

Qiansui pulled Mu Hantian's front in front of her with a desperate look, her eyes fixed on Mu Hantian.

"I did it myself." Mu Hantian didn't deny it either.

"Give, give..."


"Hey, show me, okay?"

"I know, I know, don't shake it anymore! Please!"

Chiho, who finally let go of Mu Hantian's front, stared timidly at the contents of the bento box that Mu Hantian opened.

The top layer of the two-layer bento is filled with brightly colored side dishes without gaps. Because of this luxurious content, Chiho could not help but immediately realized something with a stiff expression, feeling a little confused.

Chiho looked at the shredded burdock stir-fried in oil, Chikuzen boiled, chrysanthemum bark, shredded radish salad with white radish and carrot, and chestnut kintoki beans,

"Midnight meal...?"

"New Year's Eve dinner? What?"

Mu Hantian asked, but Qianho shook her head.

"Please show me the floor below!"

There was something Chiho didn't want to see there, even though she expected it.

——The white rice is cut with seaweed and trimmed with prunes, and a huge heart is drawn.


The report of Olba Meyer's disappearance in a different world greatly shocked the meeting of all the "Six Great Priests", that is, the Great Priest's altar.

Olba is one of the six high priests and an important figure among the friends of the hero who defeated the Demon King.

However, in order to find out his whereabouts in detail, the report obtained from the church ordering council that investigated the execution room of Olba in San Iguinorede, the headquarters of the Great Dharma God Church, completely changed the situation.

"The brave Emilia lives in another world?"

The high priest of the bishop, the oldest of the "six high priests", Roberto Iguno Valencia, because of the report on the altar of the grand priest to the five people in order to expel Olba who was killed , straightened up in surprise.

"According to Olba, didn't Emilia Justina and the "Evolution Holy Sword Fianyi" disappear at the end of the fierce battle with Demon King Satan?"

"It always feels like a blatant lie."

In front of the five high priests, the female reporter who made the longest one speechless with a single word spoke with confidence.

"It has been confirmed several times that SONAR has been released into another world. The incident that Amerada Etwa and Albert Ende were imprisoned by someone a few days ago was also instigated by Mr. Olba."

"What, what, what...!" Because of this incredible continuous report, Robertio's face, whose health has been worrying recently, has long since turned red.

"As for Amelada Aitwa, it has been confirmed that she has returned to the Holy Irish Empire. She claims that Amelia is still alive, and reports reveal Olba's apostasy."

"Apostate... Great priest, apostate!"

"Master Robertio! Please cheer up!"

Cervantes Rebeliz, the high priest of the church's agricultural chief, stood and caressed Roberto's back.

"However, asserting that Olba lied... It is also possible that she knew that Emilia was still alive and went to the rescue..."

"Impossible. Why not let others know that the hero who should have died is still alive, and handle it alone? If there is a reason, I will take action to make the 'fact' of Emilia's death more perfect. , it is more natural to think so.”

The female reporter sighed and reported the cruel facts to the high priests.

"It's also impossible to ignore the impact of St. Ireland's court sorcerer confirming that Emilia is alive. This contradicts the official church statement that Emilia is dead. What do you think?"

"How...meaning..." Robertio looked indignant because he was a little too out of breath.

The female reporter resolutely said to the panic-stricken eldest High Priest: "Is it a choice to admit Lord Olba's mistakes, or to follow through with the Church's decision to the end."

The Great Priest's altar fell silent for a moment.

"To be more specific, there are two options to admit the high priest's apostasy, or to obliterate Emerald, Albert, and Emilia."

"So messy...Amelia and Albert aside, the court sorcerers in St. Ireland want this..." Cervantes said in embarrassment.

The female reporter's determined expression did not change, and she said, "When the Demon King's Army still existed, didn't you always do this in order to unite the Western Continent under the name of the Dafa God Church? Furthermore, it is my The old 'Heterotic Inquisition' headed by you."

Because of these words, the already suppressed atmosphere of the altar became even heavier.

"No matter which one you choose, the church will have to make a huge sacrifice. However, if you leave the problem alone, the prestige will come to an end. I want to use the church as a spirit that will be discarded after using the hero who defeated the demon king with the hope of human beings. It's not like the human beings who are the pillars."

The female reporter stared at everyone in the shaken altar.

Cervantes said solemnly: "If it were you, would you deal with this problem like this?"

The woman's answer was very succinct. "Before this, there were high-sounding reasons for slaying the Demon King, but now that everyone knows that there is no such threat, it would be a big mistake to think that in the name of God, you can do whatever you want."

"what are you saying?"

The woman looked around the five great priests one by one and said, "Satan the Demon King is also alive in another world."

This time, Robertio passed out with foaming at the mouth.

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