Although it was night, the heat wave in Tokyo still did not mean to subside.


While listening to this bad greeting, Emi entered the nearest supermarket to her house, 'FriendMarket Eifuku-cho Nana no Hana Avenue store. ’

There are no customers other than Emi in the store. Emi sighed at the effect of the air-conditioning and walked directly to the corner where the bento was sold.

"Unconsciously, I bought the same as usual."

With that said, pick up a summer vegetable curry called 'Healthy Enough! With this amount of only 500 calories' curry with a very long name, because that's just too bleak, I took shredded cabbage salad, instant cups and chocolate cream puffs as a snack and layered it on top of the curry.

While spoiling the low-calorie curry, Emi walked to the cashier.

"Thank you for coming, and welcome to come again."

After taking the bag with the heated curry, he walked out of the store.

Just at this time.

Emi raised her head with obvious murderous intent.

The dark shadow that suddenly appeared was aiming at Emi while emitting murderous intent, and when it approached at a speed that was impossible for the Japanese, Emi was already posing.

And because the speed of this figure was too fast, I didn't notice the automatic door slowly opening between Emi and Emi, and even though it hit the glass door and fell over and fell down, they immediately took a careful posture.

"Then what? Just now."

The clerk was surprised by the sound and looked in Emi's direction.

On the opposite side of the slowly opening glass-cracked automatic door, to collect eyewitness testimony can only be said to be a "bank robber who escaped from a barber shop", wearing a glossy plastic poncho, black eyes, hat, camouflage Pants, the diminutive figure in this dress fell to the ground.

The automatic door remained open because it fell outside where the sensor was hanging.

No matter how the other party moves, when you put the shoulder bag that hinders your movement on the ground, and put the shopping bag back on the counter.

"Guest, are you alright!"

As if feeling that the new customer had encountered an accident, the clerk jumped out of the cashier counter in a panic and ran to the entrance, but stopped because of the uncommon dress of the fallen person.


Emi bumped the stunned clerk from the side. Because of an unexpected attack, the clerk ran into a shelf next to the gate with recruitment brochures, which saved his life.

The place where the clerk stayed just now was swept away by the light, and a huge mass swept across Emi's shoulders, who knocked him away, tore the sleeves of her dress, and even the bag she just bought with the bento even split in half.

Emi judged quickly and confirmed that the clerk hadn't stood up yet,

"Sky Light Wind Blade!"

Without hesitation, he aimed at the strange-looking robber who ripped Emi's sleeves and bento boxes and launched the "Evolution Holy Sword - Wing".

The shock wave emitted from the holy sword that appeared in the right hand violently charged straight at the robber, and with a roar, forced him out of the shop.

"Can't come out! Also, hurry up and call the police!"

I don't know if I heard it or not, but before the clerk saw the holy sword, Emi also ran after the inexplicable attacker.

However, the light of the sharp slash at Emi who was dashing out of the shop struck again from the side.

With the sound of metal colliding, Emi swung the holy sword and bounced it back. Emi jumped up trying to get past the opponent who was ready and waiting.

"Tianguang Boots!"

Only letting the clothes of destroying evil be concentrated on her feet, Emi took a step and landed on the roof of a single-family house opposite the convenience store.

The robber wore a hat that only exposed his eyes, and without hesitation, he turned his head to look up at Emi, who had athletic abilities that ordinary humans couldn't possess.

The reason why Emi didn't hesitate to use the holy sword and the clothes of slaying evil was because she realized that he was not a human before the opponent did it.

In that man's hand was a huge sickle. Like the scythe that only the **** of death in the tarot can hold.

The moment this failed robber fell behind the automatic door, he didn't hold anything like that.

Unlike the things held by ordinary robbers, it is not something with attributes like it was hidden somewhere in the body in advance.

Even considering the metallic sound when it collided with the holy sword, the strength of the material that could collide with Emi's holy sword in the first place, and taking such a thing out of nothingness, this failed robber couldn't possibly be an ordinary person.

"I don't know if you are a human or a demon, but what do you want to do by attacking in such a conspicuous place!"

Emi raised her holy sword and jumped off the roof above.

"Ha ah ah!"

It's not simply relying on inertia to fall, it's a maximum assault that utilizes the evil-suppressing clothes on its feet.

However, the attacker immediately set up his scythe and swept away Emina's attack from above with the handle.

Emi, who anticipated this action, used the momentum of the sword to be blocked, and twisted her body in a circle to kick back. The kick of the Evil Suppressing Clothes with all its aura kicked the opponent's left shoulder.

With the slow attack, the body of the sickle messenger who lost his balance showed a flaw.

Although there are loopholes, but still can not just slash the enemy. In order to cause her to faint, Emi took a stance of assault in order to use the hilt of the holy sword to aim at her chest.

However, at this moment, the scythe messenger emitted a flash of light from the eyes exposed in the hat.

A purple laser-like thing flew out from the eye part of the hat that only exposed the eyes. This scene was nothing but a joke to others, but Emi felt chills and swept the flash with her holy sword.

Somehow intuition thought it couldn't devour the body. However, the result was far beyond Emi's expectations.


The holy sword lost its light. The "Sacred Sword of Evolution, Wing", which changed its posture in response to Emi's holy spirit, flickered on and off like a light bulb before the power was cut off, shrinking to the size of a dagger.

Although Emi hurriedly re-transmits holy magic energy and wanted to restore the size of the original 'first stage', the scythe messenger did not miss this opportunity and continued to emit purple light.

"What is this!"

Although the speed of continuous shooting is nothing special, it has never been heard of the power to shrink the holy sword. I can't imagine what it would be like if I hit the body directly, but I couldn't hit back with the sword, and the situation was reversed in an instant.

Emi was a little flustered by the enemy's unexpected actions and power. No matter how you think about it, it could only be an assassin from Ander Isla. Unexpectedly, the battle with the perverted scythe bandit, who radiated light from his eyes, ended in a form he never imagined.

Suddenly, the Scythe Messenger gently moaned to stop the continuous firing of purple flashes. Emi looked at each other in surprise, the sickle messenger's hat showing only the eyes, until the part of the eyes was turning fluorescent orange.

"Step aside!"

This time, with the voice of a familiar man, something orange flew across Emi's field of vision.

That thing hit the shoulder of the scythe messenger, and a large area of ​​the upper body was dyed brightly.

Emi turned her head back in surprise. The person who came was Mu Hantian, who was holding a bag of oranges in his hand. The one thrown out just now should be one of them.

Although he resolutely responded to the slash of Emi's holy sword, he didn't know if it was because the juice of the orange had entered his eyes, and the scythe messenger pressed his face as if he was about to faint.

The scythe messenger resisted awkwardly, not knowing whether she was going to take revenge or not, Emi was instantly terrified by this. but……


When he looked at the scythe messenger again, it turned out to be the figure of a failed robber who stumbled with his back to him.

"Run?" Emi couldn't help humming.

Wielding such a huge weapon, coupled with the humiliation of hitting the automatic door, it was obvious that Ender Isla's assassin-like existence was targeting Emi, but what happened to being repelled by Mu Hantian throwing oranges Woolen cloth?

But it's better to avoid useless fights and sacrifices, but also to get serious about certain things.

"Are you alright, Emi?"

"It's fine, but why are you kneeling here?"

"I just came over to buy some oranges, and I happened to meet them." He said, raising the oranges in his hand.

"That's right." Emi nodded.

"Okay, since you're fine, I'll go first."

"Well, but you have to be careful, he may come to attack you."

"I know."

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