Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 946: Archangel Salier

"Huh... You really can't let the angels fall to the sky..." The cross floating in the air radiated purple light. Looking up at Emi who was tied to it, the perverted bandit scythe messenger muttered.

Standing next to him was Suzuno, who also looked up at Emi.

Because of the strong wind, Emi's hair fluttered in the wind, and she was tired but still stared down at the two of them.

Above her head was a gigantic crescent moon that was impossible on earth, and it showed Emi, no, the whole picture of the first office building of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

On the roof apron of the first office building in Shinjuku, the closest to the moon and the sky, is a world of quietness completely inaccessible to the hustle and bustle of the city at night.

"Don't make trouble... give it up."

She was bound like a saint waiting for judgment, and her body was surrounded by purple light again and again, and the holy magic in Emi's body almost disappeared.

Sure enough, the purple light of the perverted sickle messenger seems to have the power to dissipate holy magic.

It seems that the purpose of that guy is the "Evolution Holy Sword, Wing" possessed by Emi, but only Tianyin, the holy sword produced in response to the holy magic energy, stays in Emi's body no matter how much purple light is drenched on it.

"I don't particularly want to resist, but if you can, start again?"

As a hero who defeated the Demon King, Emi's strength has been recognized. Although the church casually allowed Tianyin to live in this body using ancestral holy magic, she has never considered what form Tianyin is stored in her body. .

The "Evolution Holy Sword·Wing" was originally a metal entity like a forged weapon, but the Evil Slayer Clothes was only wrapped with light and had no entity.

So there is a question about whether the composition of the clothes of destroying evil is Tianyin.

Although it is a power that has been used as a matter of course in order to defeat the Demon King, it was the first time that he realized that it was a power of unknown origin after being caught in this situation.

"Stop making trouble, give up, and let go of Chiho and me." Emi moaned feebly.

Behind the perverted sickle messenger and Suzuno, Chiho was still in a coma, lying down with her hands tied behind her back.

"It's not like that. I expect this cute little girl to have various functions."

The perverted robber scythe messenger said so, shaking his shoulders. Laughed.

"Do you work in front of McGraw to covet cute children? Mr. Sarue." Emi said sarcastically.

The shaking on the shoulders of the perverted robber scythe messenger suddenly stopped.

"Hey, I noticed."

"Women are very sensitive to the self-expression of idiot men."

Emi was captured and lost her strength, but she still slurred. After the sickle messenger smiled again,

"It's okay, it's true that I call myself Sarujiang. But..."

Take off the hat covering your eyes directly by hand.

"The real name is Sariel, Archangel Sariel."

Under the hat is a youthful face with purple pupils.

"Huh... this is really hard to take down."

The angel who called himself Sariel shrugged his shoulders with a wry smile as he said, "Oops, Oops, what a pain."

The plastic cape and camouflage trousers were still there, although the eye-baring cap was removed.

"In order to hide those purple pupils, I usually wear sunglasses, so there is no problem."

Emi also knew Sariel's name, and it was the name that she would see several times when she read the scriptures of the Dafashen Church, and she was probably worshipped as a symbolic angel in the church department including the Heresy Inquisition.

The ranking is also very high among the angels. As I said, it has the title of an archangel.

The truth of purple light is also mentioned in the holy scriptures, the "fallen evil eyes" that can make high-ranking angels fall to the sky in an instant. There is a saying that the one who made Lucifer a fallen angel also seems to be Sariel.

"Missed the chance to kill you, joined forces with the Demon Lord, and affected the next day's work. That's too bad. But... thanks to her, you were captured so easily. There's even a bonus."

Emi was also affected and followed Sariel's gaze, but Suzuno clenched her teeth and lowered her head.

"Chiho Sasaki, she is an important sample. Among the people in other worlds, there are humans who love the Demon Lord and stay by his side even though they know that the Demon Lord is a Demon Lord. What kind of influence can the Demon Lord's power have on human beings? There is research value."

Emi cast her eyes. While the same is true of Sariel's cruel words, but beyond that, the content is even more unbelievable.

Emi wrinkled her nose and brows, but at this moment, Sariel aimed at Emi and fired the "Evil Eyes of the Fallen"


Emi groaned. Although there is no physical damage, it seems to be nauseating because of the uncomfortable feeling after being irradiated.

"The holy sword should not be in the hands of humans. Before returning the holy sword to the humans of Ender Isla, I must retrieve it myself. This is the opinion of the entire heaven."


Emi almost fainted when she was illuminated by the extraordinarily shining light of Sariel.

"Sure enough, it still doesn't work... oh?"

After interrupting the irradiation, Sariel, who was acting as a thinker, approached the edge of the apron and looked down from the roof 243 meters above the ground as if he had realized something, and smiled wryly when he noticed something.

"Oh, oh, it seems like a feather bug is mixed in."

Because of those words, Suzuno raised her face as if she had been flicked, and Emi also raised her head weakly.

"Mr. Han Tian..."

Chiho, who was in a coma, shouted this name unexpectedly.

"I don't know why I was able to enter the enclosed space, but shouldn't I be welcome when I finally came. Bell."

Suddenly being called, Suzuno trembled.

"It doesn't look like an obstructive subordinate. If the current Demon King is to be defeated, even with my power, I can completely defeat him."

Suzuno glanced at Emi in panic, but lowered her head to hide her expression, which was hidden by her hair.

"go quickly."

Although her face was pale, Suzuno listened to his words as if giving up something, and approached the edge of the roof. After all, whether it is in the Heresy Inquisition or the Order of the Order, Sariel is worshipped as a symbolic angel.

A voice came from the back with a negative determination.

"That's fine."

Suzuno took a deep breath and stood still.

"Destroy the hero and the demon king with the holy sword in another world, and Ender Isla will restore peace as if nothing had happened. Wouldn't that be great?"

The trembling under her feet was due to the strong wind, Suzuno said to herself. If you don't say that, you'll admit it. Acknowledging that he is, in the end, still the underling of the darkness who makes the dark side of the church work.

"Anything to worry about? As a symbolic angel of the Ordering Council, I will guarantee the legitimacy of your actions. Go ahead. If I say a few good words, there will be no one in the church who will condemn you."

Salier spoke proudly towards Suzuno's back.

"Basically, it's been like this from the beginning, right? It's just a slight change in the schedule. The holy sword hero who disappeared somewhere, his myth will be passed on forever among human beings, and Ender who enjoys eliminating the threat of the demon king. Peace in Isla. It can be said that neither I nor Bell came for this aftermath. There is no need to show the audience the chaos behind the scenes." Sariel seemed to be saying no big deal.

"Miss Suzuno..."

This sound shattered the paper fortress that Suzuno had built in her heart.

"Chiho, Your Highness."

Chiho, who was bound and lying on his side, looked at Suzuno while weeping.

"why why……"

Unable to look at her, Suzuno leaped into the air. Because of the wind pressure, the yukata fluttered randomly in the wind, and Suzuno pressed her right hand to her hair and pulled out the cross-shaped hairpin.

The untied hair spread like jet-black wings against the wind, and the hairpin began to shine.

"Wu body iron light."

What followed was a glowing golden sledgehammer, a symbol of the "Death Scythe Bell" that was used in the brutal trial of the Inquisition for Heresy.

Suzuno with a sledgehammer approached the ground like a shooting star.

"Please... please help me... already..."

The silver water droplets flowing out of the pupils spread out in the air by the wind.

"I don't want to sacrifice anyone!"

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