"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!", and shouted loudly.

Aiming at the person who seemed to have just stopped the bicycle, Suzuno decisively swung down the sledgehammer. With the roar, the road shattered, as if it blew up the people there. but……

"It's dangerous, you idiot! What should I do if I die!"

Just a few centimeters away from the sledgehammer was Mu Hantian who threw his **** and shouted at Suzuno.


Mu Hantian's face tensed as he looked at what became a sledgehammer and was squashed like dried squid.



"It's dangerous, don't you know!"


"Suzuno, you big idiot! What have you done! You clearly agreed with me, why do you still do such a thing!"



Suzuno didn't care, and aimed at Mu Hantian's forehead and slammed the sledgehammer.

Mu Hantian hurriedly avoided, the sledgehammer swept past a few centimeters from the tip of his nose again, and he couldn't help shedding cold sweat.

"Hey, wait, pause!"

"Shut up."

"Damn, listen to me a little..."

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!"


Mu Hantian turned his back to escape the sledgehammer that was mercilessly swung with all his strength.

"Wait, Demon King Satan!"

"I don't have time to play with you, and now I have to rush to save people." Mu Hantian tried his best to escape, trying to distance himself from Suzuno.

"Don't try to run!" Suzuno chased after him.

"Damn, there's no other way, I can only knock you down first."

Mu Hantian took out the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword' and immediately rushed towards Suzuno's chest.

"What! Damn..."

Suzuno wanted to bend down to avoid the swung sword, but Mu Hantian stabbed Suzuno's face with the sword, so Suzuno backed away in a panic.

Suzuno was amazed by Mu Hantian's superb sword skills, and finally caught it with the back of the sledgehammer and opened the tip of the sword, trying to greet him with all his strength with the hammer raised above his head...


Still not smashed by a piece of paper, Mu Hantian strode back.

It wasn't a simple jump, it was a jump higher and faster than the one foot stepping on a street lamp, Suzuno's eyes widened in astonishment.

"I'm sorry, I can only knock you down here." After speaking, Mu Hantian started to approach Suzuno quickly, wanting to kill him with one hit.

"Damn..." Suzuno looked at Mu Hantian who was approaching, and slammed the sledgehammer in front of him.

"Sorry, you guessed wrong."

"What..." Suzuno wanted to turn back, but the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword' was on her neck at the moment.

"Because you want to beat me upright and struttingly bring Emi back, so you called me on Chie's phone. You want me to beat an opponent that you can't resist."

Mu Hantian put down his sword, raised his hand towards the distant sky, no, pointed to the top of the government building.

"This... I noticed..."

The golden sledgehammer in Suzuno's hand disappeared, and she knelt down beside Mu Hantian.

"That's, simple reasoning. I'm sure you wouldn't do such a thing."

From the cuff of Suzuno's yukata, there was a pink flip phone that Mu Hantian had also seen, with a pendant imitating McGraw's menu hanging on it. It was Chiho's cell phone.

"And I don't think the guy who could simply kidnap Emi would let the phone ring for ninety-nine seconds while watching Chiho leisurely. If so, it must be a call from someone who can do that."

"The angel... is here."

Suzuno grabbed Mu Hantian's hand.

"I see. If it is a human of Ender Isla, it cannot be resisted. But why? Angels come to this world?"

"Said it was to retrieve Emilia's holy sword."

"Well? Isn't it to defeat me?" Mu Hantian was a little confused. In a story like this, I, the Demon King, are still alive, but the angel wants to retrieve the holy sword from the brave, what the **** is going on?

"The reason is unclear... It is something that cannot be held by humans..."

"Well, if it's just here to deal with things that belong there, why is Xiaoqianhui, Xiaoqian she..."

After a little hesitation, Suzuno said, "It is a precious sample. As a research material... Investigate the mind and body of humans who still admire the identity of the Demon King..."

At this moment, Suzuno couldn't help but raised her head.

Because Mu Hantian's voice was filled with a cold anger that he had never felt before. "Suzuno."


"Tell me who is this perverted psychopath with a vicious nature."

"Eh... bad nature... eh?"

Mu Hantian grabbed the bewildered Suzuno by the shoulders and shouted, "Tell me the name of the hateful angel who scared my most important clerk and wanted to kidnap her! Hurry up!"

"It's Sha... Lord Sariel." Suzuno answered honestly because of her aggressive aura.

"The 'Evil Eyes of the Fallen'? It turns out that Emi should have lost."

"Know... do you know?"

Ling Nai was surprised because Mu Hantian had said the power possessed by the archangel at once.

Mu Hantian said: "I knew something from the past. Damn. Is it the guy who seduced women? I get it, Sarujiang March!"

Mu Hantian finally connected the arrogant and unreasonable dwarf store manager with this situation.

"do you want to go?"

"Of course it is. The lovely junior is waiting for me in fear!"

"It's really messed up! The closer Lord Salier is to the moon, the stronger his power! How could you possibly be against Lord Salier on that roof..."

"How do you know if you don't try it! And I can't escape."

Mu Hantian used such calm words to stop Suzuno, who was getting more and more excited.

"The store clerk in the time zone I'm in charge of is in danger and has management responsibility. Xiao Qian is an important store clerk I should protect. Sariel is chasing Emi, and fundamentally I have a responsibility. I don't Shamelessly put the blame on his subordinates and ran away."

Suzuno was stunned by the words she had never thought of before.

"Here, I can't do what I should do, how can I do it. So I'm going! The worst thing is that I can't defeat Sariel, so it's okay to run away with Xiao Qian!"

Mu Hantian roared angrily and ran out abruptly.

"Wait for me, Xiao Qian!"

Mu Hantian dashed and jumped into the government hall. Suzuno was stunned for a moment and then immediately recovered, looking up at the roof.

Because Sariel closed the space, he wouldn't be questioned by others, but the elevator didn't move, and reaching the roof would consume more energy.

"Why, why, even though he is a demon king, he still wants to say such things." Suzuno sighed up to the sky.

"You who say that...why are you the Demon King?"

Then she picked up Chiho's phone and stood up slowly.

"Because the Demon King said that, even I can't be ashamed anymore."

Suzuno wiped away the accumulated tears and took a deep breath to calm her heart. Don't get the wrong person to protect. Do not lose sight of the justice that should be upheld.

This is something that I have been admonishing in my heart as the first executive officer of the Heresy Interrogation Council and as a priest. Didn't he come to a distant world, Japan, just for this reason?

Suzuno raised her face, tightly grasped the hairpin that fell on the ground, and flew towards the night sky with the government building behind her back.

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