"Huh...I don't want to do it, but I can't do it. It's too rude to be a lady, but please forgive me for the reason of my work. I was expecting the silver to slap you after the evil eyes. It's time to separate, but now it seems that I can only take it out directly."

Although she was irritated by the "evil eyes of the fallen heaven" several times, she had lost her strength, but because Sariel's hand suddenly reached the button of her shirt, Emi's emergency signal surrounded her body in an instant, and she stared at her and shouted, "Wait, you what to do!"

"Gather sky silver directly from your body. Ahh, there won't be any perverted murder, so don't worry. If you think of it as a painless surgery using holy magic..."

"That's not the problem! Stop it! I'm going to kill you pervert!"

Emi shook her only free head, but Sariel didn't care at all, and carefully unbuttoned the shirt of the light uniform that Emi always wore from the neckline.

"What are you going to do to Miss You Zuo, you pervert!"

The accusing voice splashed towards Sariel's back. Suddenly, Sariel stopped moving and turned around.

"I also don't want to do things that make women censured, because this is also common among gentlemen in the heaven, but if my judgment is compared with the task of recycling Tianyin, I have to choose to prioritize the task."

"Too bad! Really bad! Why are angels so bad!"

Chiho's big eyes were filled with hatred, and she glared at Sariel.

"You know the angel next to the Demon King, right? It's Lucifer? I hope you don't hang out with that kind of guy."

"Even though Urushihara-san is an inconsiderate, bad person, at least he's not a pervert!"

"Got it, got it. Listen to your thoughts slowly when you get back to Ender Isla, and be a little quieter for me now."

"What! Do you want to take Chiho to Ender Isla?"

"Of course. For the sake of research, you can't take it home."

"Why do you have a natural expression... so don't touch me!"

"I'm a gentleman, and I'll try not to look at it, just be a little quieter. Basically, I don't like your petite size."

Sally said something that a man would never say.

"Kill you! Definitely kill you!"

Although Emi's anger gauge broke in an instant, she suddenly regained her rationality and spat at Sariel.

"How could someone take Chiho away! I'll make you regret what you did in that moment!"

"It's so noisy. Do you think I'd chop up a girl like this as a laboratory animal?"

Sally frowned unexpectedly.

"I also have a high opinion of her beauty. After the study is released, I can make her an angel and become my wife."

"I refuse even if I die!" Chiho bared her teeth and refused with all her strength.

"Really, you guys! You're still being treated gently, you know!"

With an expression full of anger, Salier released her hand from Emi's chest and lifted it into the air.

So, the sickle that came out of nowhere appeared. Following her anger, Sariel placed the head of the scythe on the chest of Emi's shirt, which was half-opened.

"Seriously, it's even allowed to give priority to the recycling of Sky Silver over Emilia's life! It's abhorrent that you'll get carried away with pity! It's okay to just chop you off like this!"

Seeing Sariel's serious anger, Chiho gasped, but Emi was not afraid.

"Then give it a try. Because even I don't know how Tianyin merges with my body. It's a pity to not see your sad expression when you kill me after Tianyin is also wiped out."

Emi insisted on provocation, and Sariel stuttered angrily.

"Then, it's okay to deal with the little girl here first."

Sariel placed the scythe in front of Emi and turned her purple eyes towards Chiho.

"A human daughter who is close to demons. If you teleport to Ender Isla and investigate this body, you may be able to save humans who are suffering from the influence of demons."

Because of those words, Chiho's face turned pale. She could only stare at Sariel with resolute eyes, but the reliable Emi was restrained, and she was just a high school girl with no special abilities. If she was thrown into the unknown world alone, she would not be able to do anything.

"If you dare to touch Chiho with one finger, you will regret it."

Sariel laughed while looking back at Emi.

"It's okay to talk big from the beginning, what can you do now?"

Emi looked at the hateful Sariel with dark pupils,

"It's not me."


"I mean, if you shoot at that child, the Demon King will not be silent."

"You mean Demon King?"

Sariel laughed more like a laugh than a surprise: "I thought you would say something, but you said the devil? Is the brave Emilia praying for the devil's help? Sure enough, you and the devil are fighting together. relationship?"

"It's not like that. Didn't you notice when you set up shop in front of McGraw?"

Emi said resolutely, "This child is McGraw's store clerk, and the Demon King is McGraw's acting store manager. Time is responsible. If a staff member is in crisis, it's the boss's job to protect her."

"Are you out of your mind, Emilia? Do you really think that the Demon Lord is bound by the truth of such a human world? Even if the Demon Lord really appears, what can he do to me, the archangel who is the opponent? "

"It's not that he is bound, that guy always abides by this principle in his own way. That is the A-level clerk in the store in front of McGraw Hatagaya Station, who is in charge of the time and is called Mu Hantian."

"Miss Youzuo..."

Emi asked Chiho for permission with her eyes.

Chiho's eyes were wet and she nodded vigorously.

"It's a masterpiece! The so-called demon king trusted by the brave, hehe, then we must invite the demon king who shouldn't have human thoughts to appear. It's just that the demon king can't fly, right now, it should be the sledgehammer of Bell's body and iron light. Press it into powder."

"I have a question about this."

Emi looked at Chiho again.

"Have you thought about why Chiho was brought along?"

"Bell obeys me. Is there anything else besides being a hostage to make you obey? It would be troublesome to be notified to the police, so that's why I brought all my luggage without leaving any traces."

Emi gave a wry smile because of Sariel's words.

"Then, should Bell take Chiho to a place I can't see? It's more effective as a hostage. Anyway, if you don't make me feel uneasy about Chiho's safety, the meaning of a hostage will be weakened. That child is not Humans who do meaningless acts, and..."

"Just give me a lesson for discipline. Don't worry at all. Since I'm an archangel, the priests of the Dafa God Church shouldn't disobey me."

The height of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building is 243 meters. At this height, the building group will become very strong due to the influence of the turbulent airflow.

The moment when the extraordinarily strong wind blew Emi's long hair and fluttered in the wind,

"I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation."

It was a strong wind mixed with the roof, and the man's voice accurately entered the ears of the three people present.

It was there for the attic part of the plane, and a man who was totally inappropriate for a helicopter stood there.


Chiho smiled with tears in her eyes in surprise and joy.

"Mr. Han Tian!"

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