Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 949: Don't underestimate people

"Sorry, I'm late."

"Don't look this way!" Emi shouted loudly.

"That's the first sentence."

"That's surprising."

Sally closed the mouth that she couldn't help opening, took the scythe from Emi's chest, and turned to Mu Hantian.

"Did you beat Bell?"

"That's right." Mu Hantian said in his heart, not finding it interesting.

"Although it's not very clear... But it doesn't seem to be hurt. It's hard to believe even in front of me now."

"Really? It really annoys me to be praised by your pervert."

"What did you say-"

Sariel's tone became slightly serious.

"It seems that a lot of people are embarrassed by you, well, no one will say it." Lightly spit out a meaningful sentence, Mu Hantian looked at Chiho and Emi again.

"That's why I said don't look here!"

Ignoring Hui Mei's indifferent protest, Mu Hantian stared at Sally from the front.

"Well, to be honest, it doesn't matter what happens in your heaven. What I can't forgive is hurting my buddies in the shop, especially you **** who gave Xiaoqian terrifying memories."

"Mr. Hantian!" Chiho shouted.

"Right, so-called work, it's work before you go home!"

"Mr. Hantian?" A completely different line from what she had been expecting flew out, and Chiho was stunned.

"The so-called manager must be responsible for the safety of the shop assistants at work! My important shop assistant is involved in the boring affairs of Ender Isla. It's unforgivable."

"Mr. Han Tian..."

This time, the voice called Mu Hantian showed a very depressed color.

"As the acting store manager, I also have the responsibility for the safety of the clerk at work! If I have to say, Xiao Qian is my important subordinate! I will not abandon my subordinates."

"Ha." Chiho lowered her head in disappointment while holding back her tears.

"It's hard for me to understand what you're talking about. I just know..."

Sariel's purple pupils shone sharply.

"It's quite stupid of you to interfere with my mission with such a fragile posture."

Golden sun flames poured out from Sariel's body, and the holy magic energy released by the strong wind caused Emi, who was tied beside her, to close her eyes. "

"I want to save them, so I want to knock you down!" After speaking, he swung out a sword.

Sally's body began to flash light and thunder, blocking the incoming sword energy.

"It's now, Underworld God - Blade of Wind!"

"W-what, that sword!"

Sally was slightly stunned by the terrifying sword energy that struck.

"Bang bang bang..."

"Damn, I'm too careless, no, it should be said that I was deceived by you, your magic power is not lost at all." Sally Ye shouted, a little panic.

"Whatever you say, I'm too lazy to explain."

"There's no one who just leaves His Highness Chiho and the others to attack at will! You fool!"

With long hair fluttering in the wind, holding a golden sledgehammer, it flew like a shooting star from the sky in the direction of Shinjuku Station.


Looking sideways at Sariel's hateful face, Suzuno, no, Kristen Bell landed next to Chiho and made a barrier of holy spirit surrounding herself and Chiho.

"Are you all right?"

"Yes... Ah, Suzu, Suzuno-san!"

Chiho shrank her body suddenly because she had witnessed the moment when Bell hit Emi, but her eyes widened when she saw the phone that was handed over.

"Sorry. I'll explain the situation later, now..."

Saying that, Bell's pupils looked at Mu Hantian who was confronting Sally.

"Please let me use someone important to His Highness Chiho."

"Bell! Are you dazed!" Suzuno said resolutely while protecting Chiho from behind.

"Forcing a false peace on people, causing chaos in another world, and betraying those who should be protected and those who pursue their faith, is this really the justice shown by God? This kind of justice full of hypocrisy must not be turned a blind eye!"

"Do you even want to use the Demon King for this! It looks great, but it's a filthy justice that is similar to a bloodthirsty demon!"

"Shut up! At least the Demon King I saw was definitely not someone who violated justice."

"Oh, oh, I always think I'm very popular."

Mu Hantian was listening to the profound debate.

"But really, the heroes and angels are more like bad guys recently. I live innocently and honestly every day."

Mu Hantian took a small step forward.

It was just that Sally Ye, who was so alert to Mu Hantian, stopped arguing and jumped high to distance himself.

"Do you think you can run away?" Mu Hantian mocked Sally's actions and waved a sword energy again.


The barrier where Chiho was standing was blown away and was about to fall off the tarmac.

"Mr. Han Tian! Please be careful!"

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I'll pay attention. Hey, Shorty Sariel, I'll give you two options now!"

Mu Hantian proudly looked down at Sally from a height.

"Are you running back with your tail on, or I'll beat you to settle the account, then, which one do you choose?"


The angel holding the sickle spread out huge pure white wings and stared at Mu Hantian.

"Demon King! I will hit you and complete my goal!"

Sariel flew up in an instant, condensing holy magic with his back to the moon.

"A devil like you is not enough to be afraid of!"

Sariel's wings shone like two crescent moons in the night sky.


The beam of moonlight avoided Emi, Chiho, and Bell, and just sniped at Mu Hantian precisely. Even if he was excited, he did not forget the purpose and the principle of not taking action against women.

"Don't underestimate my power."

Mu Hantian clenched the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword', aimed at the incoming attack, and slashed out with one sword.

"What, what...!"

"I thought how strong the so-called angel is, but the result is really disappointing!"

Mu Hantian laughed loudly at Sally Ye, who made an unexpected shout.

"You have overestimated your own strength. Do you want me to tell you the true face of your strength? How did the 'Evil Eye of the Fallen' become stronger? You have never fought an opponent other than using holy magic energy."

As Mu Hantian said that, he began to approach Sally.


Sally hurriedly launched attacks, trying to stop Mu Hantian from approaching.

"If your energy uses holy magic energy as an opponent, you can claim to be invincible. But if you encounter enemies other than that, you are just a frog in the bottom of the well."

"Buying your chicken wings will only lower the evaluation of Qiande Chicken."

"What...!" Sally hurriedly turned around.

"It's over." Towards his neck, Mu Hantian slammed down with the hilt of his sword.


Because Sariel lost consciousness, the purple cross that bound Emi disappeared, and Emi fell to the apron.

Sally slammed to the ground, while Mu Hantian firmly caught Emi, who had lost her energy and physical strength, and was unable to resist.

"Hey, how's it going, Emi."


Emi, who was gasping for breath, was hugged and turned back to Mu Hantian with a melancholy expression.

"Do you know a little bit about the favor I received from below?"

Emi, who immediately remembered what was said, frowned and hummed as if she was biting her dissatisfaction with her teeth.

"Because there is no way, you have to understand."

Mu Hantian smiled wryly and quietly put Emi on the ground and said, "Hey, Emi, ahead."


Mu Hantian tapped on his chest towards Emi, who was humming **** her shoulders as if to endure something.

"Front, button up, front, ah!"

After a moment's pause, Emi, who realized what was said, couldn't help but threw the boat shoes she was wearing at Mu Hantian.

"Damn, as for such kindness and revenge?"

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