"I said don't watch it!"

Hui Mei blushed and hid her chest, then turned her back to Mu Hantian and hurriedly re-buttoned her shirt.

"Isn't it your fault that you're in a daze! I'm just warning you in a gentlemanly way! It's not that things get smaller just by looking at them, quack quack!"

It wasn't Emi who threw two shoes, but Bell, who was holding the sledgehammer, who swung the hammer at Mu Hantian's extremely rude words.

"What do you two want to do!"

"Because I can't turn a deaf ear, accidentally..."

Bell said calmly, and put the sledgehammer on his shoulders again.

"That...that, I finally got rid of the pervert, everyone, stop arguing..." Chiho whispered from the barrier of the holy law.



Emi and Bell looked at Chiho subtly and coldly for some reason.

Why did the two of them dare not look directly at themselves, why did they look at the vicinity of my ****, etc. Chiho thought about it a lot,

"That... a little... I'm sorry."

Then quit honestly.

Emi knew that Bell cared about the same things as herself, and now she felt a strange sense of intimacy.

Mu Hantian, who was stared at by the two women,

"Ah—that's enough, why do I have to save you! Just grab Xiao Qian and run away."

Pretending to be ignorant of his gaffes, he spoke out loud.

And then with self-defeating momentum

"GATE, open!"

In front of his eyes suddenly opened a gate that could allow a person to pass through.

"Wait, wait! You, do you want to go back..."

Emi, who was surprised by Mu Hantian's easy opening of the gate in front of her, couldn't help but want to stop it.

"How come, don't think about it."

As Mu Hantian said, he pinched the fallen sari leaves and threw them into the gate as if McGraw's **** was thrown into the trash can.


"Demon King! What are you doing..."

"Mr. Han Tian!?"

The way the Archangel handled it was too excessive, and even everyone who was the victim let out a groan.

"I didn't want to kill him, and he still has his power. If he is lucky, he will drift to a place where someone lives. From there, I don't know if I can return to Ender Isla."

Saying that, Mu Hantian shrugged.

"GATE is closed! Sesame is closed! What is this..."

As usual, he uttered a spell that he never thought could be used as a spell, and closed the open gate neatly.

Because of the disappearance of the caster, the barrier of the enclosed space seemed to disappear, and the noise of the night sky in Shinjuku slowly returned. Taking the noise of the city as the BGM, Mu Hantian turned to the stunned Emi and the others.

"There's no way, it's just going to get in the way. Even so, it's very troublesome to deal with, so it's the best way to do it."

"Why, he's not a big garbage..."

"I still don't want to kill the archangel and start a full-scale war with the heavens. In this case, it has already formed a situation where Sariel fails to go back even if he wants to go back, so apart from the evaluation of that guy's work, it will end successfully. ."

Although it cannot be refuted, is this a problem that can be solved so hastily. Both Emi and Bell opened their mouths but didn't say a second word.

"Ah, yes. Emi!"

"What, what are you doing..."

Mu Hantian glanced at the junior high school girl who had been looking at him in the barrier of holy law.

"I can always send Xiao Qian home this time. Xiao Qian's mother is very worried."

It was neither Chiho nor Emi who was surprised by these words, but Bell, who looked up at Mu Hantian with the eyes of a creature in a real different world.

There was only one person, Chiho said with a smug smile on her face,

"Sure enough, Mr. Han Tian is a good person."

"Don't send me a good person card." Mu Hantian shook his hand.

"Okay, Bell, let's go."

Holding Belle's yukata by the back collar and hoisting her, Mu Hantian flew away as if running away.


"Suzume, Suzu, Suzuno-san!"

Chiho, who opened the door of the Demon King's Castle, noticed the figure of Suzuno who was already there, and shouted.

"What are you doing in a place like this!"

"Welcome, Ms. Sasaki. Well, I just tried to make black tea fruit cake with a rice cooker. If you can, how do you feel?"

"I'm bothering Mr. Ashiya! I'm so happy to have it!...Ah no!"

Chiho ran to the Demon King's Castle noisily. There, Suzuno stretched out the chopsticks holding the food towards Mu Hantian across the light kotatsu.

Although I couldn't see "Ah—", but seeing the food being stretched out to Mu Hantian's cheeks, it seemed that there was no tacit understanding between the two sides.

Chiho inserted between Mu Hantian and Suzuno, sheltering Mu Hantian from behind and staring at Suzuno.

"What are you going to do. Please don't get in my way."

"You are what you want to do! Mr. Hantian too, why are you so passive!"

"Ah—that... mainly because Suzuno's recipes are delicious."

"Miss Suzuno is Mr. Hantian's enemy! Why did you enter Mr. Hantian's house in a grand manner and do such enviable things to Mr. Hantian..."

"Sasaki Chiho——he told the truth."

"Mr. Urushihara, please be quiet!"

Chiho, who shouted at Urushihara's interjection to silence her, stared straight at Suzuno.

"As you said, I'm basically the enemy of the Demon King."

However, Suzuno sat upright with a calm expression.

"However, the Demon King didn't plan to do this just now, but it's a fact that he was taken care of. That's why he cooked the sublimated food deliciously, pretended to let them eat it as a gift, and secretly accumulated harmful substances in the Demon King's body. As for material things..."

"I don't know what I mean at all! Mr. Ashiya! Is it okay to say that!"

"Ashiya understands Sasaki-san's feelings deeply. But..."

Saying that, Ashiya squinted at Urushihara and handed out college notes.

"Thanks to Lucifer's unplanned shopping, our finances were inexplicably spent. Even I was heartbroken..."

Looking at the latest page of Ashiya's college notes with the handwritten 'Demon King City Family Finance Book', there is written 'Card Debt: 40,000 Yuan User, Painted Idiot'

"Forty thousand yuan...what did Mr. Qi idiot buy?"

"Don't call me a jerk! Ashiya is very angry, but without that you might have been taken to Ender Isla by Sariel! Thank me now!"

"But this is Mr. Hantian's money."

"Also, that's the price of the transmitter secretly packed in Emilia's bag."


Chiho visibly frowned because of Ashiya's whisper.

"I can't understand!" Urushihara didn't seem to reflect at all, and angrily insisted on the legitimacy of spending.

"Thanks to it, I will spend more money this month... So I had to accept Christine's assassination in the name of food aid..."

"Please don't save to the point of shortening your life expectancy!" Chiho banged the family financial book on the table.

"Basically, Suzuno-san is still Suzuno-san! Why do you stay in the enemy's position so grandly and leisurely!"

"This is of course to preserve my justice."

Suzuno looked at Chiho with a meaningful smile that had never been revealed until now.

"Of course I want to crusade the Demon King, but what I want to do most is to bring Emilia back and reform the corrupt church organization. As the foundation of truth and human belief, the church is to maintain a sacred place. But Emilia If you don’t defeat the Demon Lord, you won’t come back, right? That’s why Emilia can defeat the Demon Lord at any time when she has this idea, and completely weaken the opponent.”

Suzuno was too dignified to be cheerful, and Chiho was stunned.

"Enough! I think Mr. Hantian can't do anything to say such things!"

"I will cook Mr. Hantian's meal! Please don't worry, Miss Suzuno. Please find a job and work before you become a poor man."

"I can't obey. Besides, this is the job I should do, and now the Demon King is incapacitated is a perfect opportunity!"

"Are you serious? Saying this kind of nonsense is actually trying to make Mr. Hantian eat your food!"

"Oh? Can you accept it in this way? I actually have admiration for the Demon King, and the heart shape of the bento is also a red peach that symbolizes the Holy Grail. If I don't use this to harm the Demon King, but to show my love to the Demon King, can you accept it?"

"Who would accept it? What a show of love! I misunderstood the festival food as the representative bento in Japan, and even if I said it, I knew it was a lie!"

"what is it then?"

"Please don't pretend you don't know! Hey, Mr. Hantian! There's no need to accept alms from the enemy! I'll let my mother teach me, and then cook a lot of food!"

"In this way, the Demon King seems to be very popular, which is incredible." Urushihara murmured in surprise as he propped his elbows on the computer table.

"That! My Highness Chiho and I..."

"Whose meal are you going to eat!"

Being forced by Suzuno and Chiho, Mu Hantian muttered weakly as if he was bored from the bottom of his heart.

"Please... at least let me have a leisurely breakfast..."

But Mu Hantian's wish was beaten to pieces in the next instant.

With the roar and its powerful momentum, the door of the Demon King City was kicked open, and everyone looked over there in surprise.

there is,


Yusa Emi, who might transform into a half-blood angel with anger.

Emi, who entered the Demon King's Castle with the aura of stepping through the floor while bathing in the morning light, was holding something like a small box in her hand.

Seeing this, Urushihara frowned and leaned against the wall as if trying to escape.

"What are you going to do to put this kind of thing in my bag!"

It was the transmitter that was used to determine the location of Emi and the others that had just become a topic of conversation.

"Ah, that is, that..."

"What are your plans for me, a girl, to install a messenger to investigate my location! You abominable fallen angel! Your perverted behavior is absolutely unforgivable!"

Although Urushi was frightened by Emi's anger, everyone else had returned to the way they were before Emi appeared.

"Hey, Ashiya stop Emilia!"

"It is none of my business."

"No, it does matter, quite! Hey, please Bell!"

"If Emilia takes care of everyone here, this will solve one thing."

"Say something disturbing! Please Chiho Sasaki! Stop Emilia!"

"Miss You Zuo! Please punish him properly!"

"Unthankful! Go to hell! Calm down Emilia! There's a very deep reason for that!"

"Excuses are useless! If you want to die happily, cut your belly decisively!"

"It's ridiculous!"

"Please...let me have breakfast in peace..."

Mu Hantian's muttering of grief was completely overshadowed by the experience of the death battle that was starting now.

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