Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 958: Showdown (2)

" are the son of the God of War, Dongcheng News!" Maria had already spread her wings and retreated to look at Mu Hantian in disguise and horror.

"You really fit the setting of **." Mu Hantian began to look at Maria, her black wings. The ears are also different from before, with a pointy shape, and changed clothes.

"What are you doing?" Maria saw Mu Hantian's outstretched hand trying to activate magic, but unfortunately she was completely unable to use the power of magic.

"I'm just curious. It's the first time I've touched a demon so close." Mu Hantian touched Maria's ear and said.

Maria's anxiety calmed down the moment she was touched by Mu Hantian, she silently looked at Mu Hantian, not knowing what she was thinking.

"I thought it was just the same name, but I didn't expect..." Mio, who had been silent for a while, suddenly said.

"So...what do you want for dinner?"


"There's no reason. You are my sister. Although it's a bit strange, since Xun recognizes you as our family, I will protect you, understand?"

"But that's just the result of me using my Dream Demon's magic to manipulate his memory. What you should know is something that doesn't exist at all." Wanria said helplessly.

"Well, do you think your kind of magic will work for him?"


"Okay, since he recognizes you, then stay, I will protect you."

"I disagree!"

Mu Hantian turned his head, and Geng Xizi was now behind Mu Hantian with an unhappy expression.

"Geng Xizi, you..."

"Brother, they wanted you to leave just now. This is our home. If you want to leave, they will leave. Why let them stay!"

"Okay, stop talking."

"Brother! How can you look at outsiders!" Geng Xizi really wanted to cry at this time, but her brother didn't help him.

"Geng Xizi, since they are family members recognized by Xun, we shouldn't care about that."

"Let's not disturb you, you have already let us go, we can't bring you any danger." Mio said suddenly.

"Mio-sama...! Maria is a little anxious.

"Don't talk about Maria, this is my decision." Mio said firmly.

Looking at the determined Naruse Mio, Wanria knew that the matter was irreversible, so she nodded in agreement.

Seeing the Naruse sisters leaving, Mu Hantian felt that it was necessary for Dongcheng News to communicate with Geng Xizi, so he picked up the receiver of the home phone and pressed the number of Xun's mobile phone in the speed dial button.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

After a few seconds of dial tone, a familiar voice came from the handset.

Mu Hantian was about to speak when Geng Xizi snatched the phone away.

"Dad, what are you thinking about?"

Geng Xizi raised his own question. Although he wanted to speak calmly, there was still anger mixed in his voice.

"It's so fast... I've already discovered it. According to my expectations, it will be a little later." Xun Lian said nonchalantly without the slightest apology.

"Sure enough, you know that they are demons—when?" Geng Xizi asked in a calm tone, clutching the receiver tightly.

"I knew it from the beginning. About those two people, I knew it before I found them on the street."

"Found? What's going on...?" Geng Xizi frowned upon hearing Xun's words.

"However, those two must have thought it was a chance encounter. I received information about a secret movement in the 'Mountain Village' some time ago. It's been nearly five years since I left the mountain village with you. The possibility of coming to trouble now should be It’s not too big, so I decided to take a look at it and then… But things suddenly started to develop rapidly not long ago. The location is relatively close in the capital, so I also investigated who it is just to be cautious.”

"After all—it's a quasi-S-rank surveillance target identified by the elders."

"A prospective S-level surveillance target? Those two people?" Geng Xizi was shocked.

Geng Xizi and the others will rank them according to the threat level of the demons. The quasi-S rank is almost at the top of it. Further up, there are only S-class and special-S-class.

Demons are races that usually live in a different world called the Demon World, which is different from this world.

Of course, there are occasional people who come to this world to cause trouble, but these are all low-level demons. In principle, they will not leave their own world.

Taking this world as the stage, an unknown and long war is unfolding between the hero clan and the demon clan. But all of this came to an end when Geng Xizi was born-the generation of Xun and his father, who was his father, came to an end. The newly appointed Demon King ended the war with the Protoss and the Hero Clan, and withdrew the Demons from the human world.

Therefore, the demons who came to this human world afterward were all wandering demons, and they were all low-level E- or D-level surveillance or destruction objects. but,

"Those two, quasi-S rank..." Geng Xizi whispered in a still unbelievable tone.

"To be precise, the S-class surveillance target is only Mio. Maria was only guarded because she was by her side."

"Then what is Mio's identity?"

"Mio, she is the future Demon King."

"But the Demon King has always been a man... and now is..."

Wilbert——This is the name of the current Demon Lord who is famous for being a moderate, who expelled the demons from the human world.

"The Demon Lord Wilbert is dead - about a year ago, it seems."


The shock of the facts being told makes Geng Xizi suddenly unable to fully accept it.

"This kind of thing, completely..."

"Because our relationship with the 'Mountain Village' has been completely cut off. I only learned about it recently."

Xun continued: "I told you - if it doesn't work, you will have that nightmare again."

"But... so it's Mio who will succeed the Demon King?"

"No. It seems that other high-ranking demons are ruling the demon world in place of the former Wilbert. I heard that they are quite radical hawks... These guys are eyeing Mio. She is Wilbert's only daughter, Will. When Bert died, all the power passed to her."

"I probably know the whole story...but, why did Dad accept those two people?"

"Didn't I say I did some research too?"

At this time, although he still used the same brisk tone as before, Xun's words were already mixed with seriousness.

"The moderate Wilbert has many enemies in the demon world. For these people, the only daughter of the demon king they hate is the best hostage. Wilbert himself should know this best. Therefore, The daughter was sent to the human world when she was born, and her subordinates were sent to pretend to be parents and raised secretly as human beings..."

"But the irony is that after Wilbert's death—his great power was inherited by Naruse Mio, who lived elsewhere to stay away from fighting. He has been living the life of an ordinary girl, a kid in junior high school at the time. It's not hard to imagine what will happen after that."

"And... there is such a thing!" Geng Xizi's words seemed to be forced out.

"The reason why the demons and our family can use supernatural powers is because they know the principles outside the human world. Half a year ago, that child was an ordinary person who knew nothing about it. Now I am afraid I know a little about the use of power. Well, but the power of the Demon King she inherited should still be in an unawakened state. Because of this, the people in Yamamura did not target her for destruction, but only for monitoring."

"After Wilbert's death, the power of the Moderate faction is rapidly disappearing. The best proof is that Maria is the only one who guards. Unfortunately, only those two people can't fight against the people of the current Demon Lord faction. Just leave it like that. Either way, sooner or later they both will lose their lives."

"So, you deliberately pretended to be deceived..."

Geng Xizi sighed, and then shouted into the receiver: "Dad **** - you should have said this earlier!"

"Sorry. I initially decided to put you on an equal footing with those two."

Xun said with a smile: "They concealed the identity of the demons, and we also concealed the identity of the brave clan. If only one party knows the other party's situation, the other party will think that he has been deceived, and thus cannot establish a relationship of trust. But if the two sides hide from each other, it is not difficult to understand each other, right? Since the deception is mutual, there is still room for your relationship to be repaired - I know everything and I will be the villain. "

"So, your work this time is also a lie?"

"Well, that's true. I'm sorry, but there's something I need to investigate anyway - I have to go to the Demon World."

" it okay?"

"Well, don't worry. I can't tell you the details yet, just a guy to contact. If everything goes well, maybe there won't be another guy with Mio's idea."

"Understood... I'll leave the matter over there to you. My brother and I will find a way to resolve the matter over here."

"Then please. By the way, what happened to those two? It looks like this—"

Although Xun was still talking, Geng Xizi had hung up the phone heavily.

"You already know it, Geng Xizi."

"Brother you..."

"Well, I just feel that they are not ordinary people. Forget it, all I have to do now is to find them, that's right."

"Brothers I know, after I find them, I will apologize."

"Let's go then."

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