Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 959: go home

Naruse Mio and Maria who were kicked out of the Tojo family came to the park on the high platform together.

On the day I went shopping with Mu Hantian on a bicycle, we watched the sunset together in the park.

——It has been thirty minutes since I came here. Mio kept silently staring at the lights on the street.

Beautiful night view. The lights of buildings, the lights of cars and trams, look like colorful lights. Mio thought, if the stars in the sky can be overlooked, this is probably the feeling.

"Mio-sama, even though Oni-chan has promised to protect us, why are you leaving?" Maria asked in confusion.

"Maria, don't involve him in our affairs, and it's not like you don't know, the enemy we will face. Even if it is the God of War Dongcheng News, it is impossible to protect us all the time." Mio bit her lip in pain. , silently closed his eyes.

"Since Mio-sama has said so, let's find someone else." Maria looked at the suffering Naruse Mio for a while and continued.

"No. Maria... don't do this method of deceiving others, let's leave." Mio shook his head.

"Although, I want to get a stronghold of our own without involving other people as much as possible... But I still can't accept deceiving people for this."

Not without money. Mio's dead adoptive parents left behind a lot of savings and inheritance. But it is the most ideal single-family villa as a stronghold. If you choose a location with dense residents like an apartment, it may involve other residents.

However, Mio is still a minor and has no relatives. And Maria is still a child from the outside. Not to mention buying a house like this, even renting it can’t do it.

Although Maria can use magic to manipulate memory, if she wants to buy a house as a minor and live a life that does not make the real estate company and nearby residents suspicious, she must manipulate the memories of countless people. And also consider making various relationships fit with each other. The magic of memory manipulation is not that omnipotent. Therefore, Mio and Maria adopted such a troublesome method.

"Understood... If Mio-sama thinks this is better. But... no matter what happens, Maria will be with Mio-sama." Looking at Mio's appearance, Maria swallowed what she wanted to say. in the stomach.

"Mio-sama..." Maria whispered to the silent Mio.

"Sorry... let's put things aside for now, let's think about where we live tonight."

Maria suddenly shook her head slightly. Then, in a somewhat stern voice, he said, "No—it seems that there are other things to do before then."

Hearing this, Mio also noticed the surrounding situation.

Suddenly, the park became eerily quiet. Unnatural silence. Mio immediately understood what this meant. In the past six months, she has mastered quite a lot of knowledge in this area.

"Magic to drive away humans..."

Not used by Mio or Maria. Well, there is only one answer.

"Please be careful...there are enemies."

Maria stared ahead. At this time, the shadow in the direction of the line of sight moved.

Emerging from the darkness are three terrifying shadows. The shadow slowly changed shape. A 'Shadow' of the **** of death, wrapped in black cloth and holding a long-handled scythe. The other two monsters turned into winged lions - Manticore.

(ps: Manticore): a legendary creature with a red lion body, human face, human ears and blue eyes, three rows of sharp teeth on the upper and lower jaws, and a deadly tail like a scorpion. Stingers, which can be fired in any direction.)

Undoubtedly, it is the devil. It is very likely that it is the subordinate of the current Demon King. They released a strong murderous aura towards this side. This murderous aura clearly indicated their existence and purpose. therefore……

"Hmph... I didn't expect you to come to the door yourself!" Mio stared at the three 'enemies' on the opposite side with provocative eyes.

The barely squeezed voice trembled slightly. Not out of fear, but out of anger.

"Absolutely unforgivable... The hatred between father and mother... and deliberately driving humans away... Well, let's have a good fight!"

As she said that, a red flame-like light emerged from Mio's body. His magic power was released.

Originally, the light emitted by the demons in this world was black that made people feel negative.

The wave of magic power released by the enemy in front of him was pitch black that was darker than the night.

In contrast, moderate demons like Maria and Mio's father, Wilbert, glowed blue. That is the light that declares the masculinity of the demons who have been freed from the idea of ​​revenge against the gods, and will change according to the psychology of the user. Mio vowed to avenge her dead parents and chose to fight against the demons.

After being able to freely use magic power under Maria's teaching, the light was neither black nor blue, but a vermilion brighter than blood. The color of the flames that seemed to burn the unforgivable enemy to the ground.

"Come on, I'll definitely cut you to pieces!"

Shadow and the two Manticores pressed towards Mio and the others at the same time. For their joint action,

"go to hell!"

Mio's attack magic was activated. Accompanied by flashing explosions. Lightning magic struck from above.

However, in the dust raised by the attack, two figures passed through. It's Manticore. Because it is an agile monster, it avoided the attack of thunder.

Although he didn't know where the guy with the scythe was, Mio could only focus on the two monsters rushing towards him.

"Mio-sama, leave it to me next."

Maria next to her kicked her feet on the ground and rushed forward, blocking Manticore's path.

The Manticores seemed to plan to take out Maria first, separated from left and right, and took a pinch attack on her. One attacked Maria with his teeth and the other with his claws. Simultaneous attack from above and from the side. Maria had to step back to avoid it.

"Ahahaha, how stupid!"

While smiling, Maria jumped forward. The target is Manticore, who is attacking with his teeth on the left. When approaching within reach,

"Please let me have a good time, okay?"

Saying that, he swung his right fist towards the monster's huge head.

Unlike Mio, Maria is not good at attack magic. Instead, she is better at melee combat.

Manticore, who punched Maria in the middle, slammed into the ground with an extremely violent momentum. The impact created a crater-like opening in the ground. Manticore had stopped moving. The body has also been deformed. Maria looked down at the wreckage and snorted contemptuously.

"Is that all it takes... it's really boring."

Then, look at the new target.

However, the monster attacking Maria from the right suddenly changed direction and charged towards Mio. Mio stood motionless. The raised claws swung down at Mio.

Chong——! With a metallic sound, the claws bounced off. It was a transparent barrier that appeared in front of Mio to prevent the ferocious beast from attacking. Mio's right palm turned to Manticore,

"That's it—let's start over after dying a hundred times."

While speaking quietly, Mio's red ball of light hit Manticore. After the explosion - there was not even dust left.

"Mio-sama, you are not injured!"

"No," Mio replied with a nod to Maria's call in the distance.

"Maria, we have to get out of here quickly."

The enemy has been killed, and the magic to drive away humans will naturally be ineffective. The ground became a mess under the attack of Mio and Maria. If anyone passing by sees this, they will call the police.

But before that.

Mio took one last look at the night scene. The scenery that should have been seen with that young man.

Hence the leak.


When she turned around when she heard the screaming voice, 'Kage' was already standing in front of Mio. The enemy that should have been killed by the original lightning strike magic. His hand was glowing with magical black light. but……

"Roar...!" The black shadow let out a roar, and then was cut off in the middle.

"You are too careless."

"Brother..." After seeing who was coming, Mio was a little surprised.

"Although I'm late, let's go home. Geng Xizi has already forgiven you. You don't have to run away, I will protect you." Mu Hantian pulled up Mio, who was still in a daze, and moved towards them Go to the former home. Maria glanced at the two of them, smiled, and followed.

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