Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 963: Conversation with Yuki

"Yo, Han Tian. You're alone again."

"It's Takichuan." Mu Hantian greeted the visitor. Alas, I am completely isolated in this school now.

"I didn't expect you to be Princess Mio's future righteous brother, or Princess Yuki's fiancé... As soon as you came, you planted the flag on the two proud idols of our school. What kind of overlord position is this? "

"Princess...? Those two are called that."

"Yeah. So I think the other students in the class and the seniors are your enemies. You know, they are very popular in our school, and they seem to have a lot of ardent fans."

Saying that, Takikawa shrugged and smiled, and continued, "A man's jealousy is unexpectedly deeper than a woman's, and to be honest, it lasts a long time, right?"

"I see. It's no wonder that when I walked out of the classroom to drink water, the boys in other classes stared at him with hostile eyes. When I went to the bathroom, I felt murderous there."

"Haha, you really..."

"You think I think, how do I know that Mio and Yuki will pinch them." And I don't even know that one of those two will actually be Yuki.

"Is that so?" Takikawa looked at Mu Hantian with doubts.

"Of course, who would like to be isolated by the whole school." Mu Hantian said angrily.

"makes sense."

"By the way, Takichuan, I want to ask... You said that the fans of those two people are very fanatical. Has there ever been a problem caused by being entangled by those people?" Mu Hantian asked.

"What are you referring to, for example?" Takikawa asked.

"For example, being forced by someone...or, because of his popularity, other girls are jealous and play pranks on them." Mu Hantian thought for a while and said.

"How is that possible. Besides, whoever wants to sneak away, other fans won't let it go. Girls also know that Naruse and Nonaka are very popular. They must know that if they play pranks, other boys will make trouble for them, so they are in school. There is still no problem with them." Takigawa recalled and said.

"Really? Then I'll be at ease."

"Now is not the time to feel at ease. You should be more dangerous. Before, a second-year high school boy who wanted to sneak away was taught a lesson by a few high school seniors... In this way, aren't you the most dangerous yourself?" Takikawa said with a smile.

"Sa, who knows about such a thing?" Mu Hantian smiled, not caring about Takichuan's topic at all.

"You are really free and easy, no wonder you can become Princess Mio's favorite person, don't worry, if you die, I will collect your body for you." Takikawa said with a smile.

"Hey, why am I dying? It's too strange, isn't it?" Mu Hantian complained.

"Think about how many fanatical fans Princess Mio and the others have, and there are some outstanding ones, so you should be able to see your death. As for me, they shouldn't trouble me, after all, I'm just a small person, and I run Soon. If something happens, I will leave you." Takikawa replied with a smile.

"Hey, wait a minute, this script is wrong, shouldn't you show your loyalty and deal with them together with me?" Mu Hantian was speechless.

"Who told you, we've only known each other for a day, it's already good to be able to collect the corpse for you, isn't it?" Takikawa said seriously.

"You're right, but I'm speechless."

"Okay, where are you going to eat today?" Takigawa asked.

"Let's go to the cafeteria today. It's not bad to visit the cafeteria here."

"Okay, then let's go to the cafeteria."


After school.

Mio, who had been silent since she left the classroom, finally spoke up when she left the student entrance.

"Brother, is what Yuki said true?" Mio seemed to have used a lot of courage to ask.


"It's what Yuki said about marrying you with my sister." Mio said with a flushed face, as if thinking of something, her face flushed red.

"This matter, how should I say it, because of an accident, I agreed unexpectedly. I thought they were just joking."

"Then what should we do?" Mio's expression changed.

"What are you worrying about, you are my most important sister, there is absolutely no need to worry about these things." Mu Hantian naturally knew Mio's worries and was afraid that he would abandon them.

"Besides, people are creatures that need mutual support to go on, and it's Mio and you who are with me."

"Who wants to support each other with you, you idiot, I'll go back first." Mio turned her head and said forcefully, but the blush on her face proved that her mood was not so calm.

"Hantian, can you come with me? Just the two of us." Youxi suddenly appeared, blocking Mu Hantian's way.

"Eh?...Okay, Geng Kiko, go home with Mio."

"Understood brother." Geng Xizi responded and ran after Mio.


Mu Hantian accepted Yuxi's request that only the two of them talk.

Mu Hantian and Youxi came to the coffee shop in front of the subway station. All was well until being led to the inner seat, but

"That, Youxi. This isn't the bar, you... Forget it, just talk about it if you have something to do." It was a table that could seat four people, but for some unknown reason, Yuxi sat down beside Mu Hantian.

Mu Hantian didn't care about these things, what's not to be satisfied with a beautiful girl willing to sit next to you, the soft touch of her smooth skin, and the sweet smell of the girl's scent from Yuxi.

However, Yuxi looked at the menu in her hand nonchalantly and the two simply ordered some drinks. After moistening her throat with the drink, Yuxi said, "Thank you for coming here with me."

"It's nothing, it's just that you've changed a lot, Yuki."

The first thing that comes to mind is amazing beauty. The little girl in Mu Hantian's memory was also relatively young, but now she seems to be more mature than her actual age.

"Really?" Yuki asked.

"Well, it has changed a lot. If you don't say it, I won't recognize it at all."

"Really, but it has been eight years, and we have changed a lot." Yuki seemed to be sighing.

"Okay, now let's get back to the point. What are you trying to say, Yuki?"

To Mu Hantian's question, Youxi did not answer immediately, the smile on her face changed back to her original cold expressionless expression.

"It's about Naruse Mio." After a moment of silence, Yuki said seriously.

"Big brother, don't have anything to do with her, she is very dangerous." Yuxi said flatly.

"That's it, I already knew about it."

"So you already know? Then why..."

"There is no reason, I have my own decision, and Geng Xizi will not agree." Mu Hantian's tone contained an unquestionable answer.

"Why, do you want to continue to be with her?" Yuxi was puzzled.

"My business is up to me, remember, Yuki."

"Is this your answer?" Youxi looked at Mu Hantian with no joy or sorrow.

"It's the answer that I discussed with Geng Xizi and Xun. We have decided to protect them."

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