Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 964: It's an exam

The dialogue between Mu Hantian and Youxi eventually maintained a parallel line.

No matter what Mu Hantian said, Yuxi couldn't accept it. And no matter how Yuxi persuaded him, Mu Hantian had no intention of changing his mind. By the time they walked out of the coffee shop the sun had completely set, and a crescent moon hung in the air. Mu Hantian and Youxi walked down the road like other people busy going home.

"I don't know if they like it or not, but girls should be fine." Mu Hantian softly underestimated the cake he bought.

"What's the matter, Youxi?" Mu Hantian raised his head only to find that Youxi had left his side for some distance.

"Sure enough, big brother. Fight with me. If you lose, give up Naruse Mio and let the village handle it. With your strength, you can't defeat the current Demon Lord faction. Fight with me, I won't lose if I lose. I will intervene in your actions." Yuki drew her weapon.

Then, Clang, a harsh voice sounded. In an instant, Yuxi's embodied spirit knife has been swung out, and the spirit knife is covered with armor from Yuxi's hand to her elbow. What Yuki unleashes with the spiritual sword that is invisible to ordinary people's eyes is an invisible slashing blade.

"So the one who doesn't understand is you, Youxi." Mu Hantian shook his head helplessly and activated the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword' to block the blow.

that is……!

Mu Hantian seemed to have discovered something, and without saying a word, directly slashed towards Youxi with the 'Black Furnace Demon Sword'.

But Youxi found that she was wrong, Mu Hantian's sword was slashed behind her.

As soon as Yuki looked back, she saw that the blow split something in the void.

"It turned out to be a demon. It should have been attracted by the power of the Demon King inherited by Naruse Mio." Yuki said lightly.

"Youxi, if you really attacked you just now, you wouldn't hide, would you?" Mu Hantian frowned.

"I believe that big brother will not do this." Yuxi replied seriously.

"Indeed, I won't kill people for no reason. That's it, I'm going back to cook, goodbye Yuki."

Yuxi quickly put away the light and the spirit knife, looked at Mu Hantian's back and said, "If the surrounding situation is endangered because of Naruse Mio's existence - Yamamura will quickly turn her into a target of destruction. In the far future. I hope the big brother doesn't get involved."

"I won't let this happen."


Inside the Seizaka Academy, the bell for the fourth get out of class rang.

Mio sighed in her window seat.

It's time for lunch...

Soon, he said to himself in his heart. After Friday today, tomorrow is Saturday when the school is off. Thinking of this, I feel a little better.

"Hantian, let's go to dinner together." Mio saw Takigawa walking towards Mu Hantian and greeted him.

"Well, wait a moment." Mu Hantian nodded, stuffed the textbook and notebook into the desk, and stood up.

"I'm going to eat there today."

"Go to the cafeteria, today's dishes are very rich."

The two of them walked out of the classroom while discussing.

On the second day of the transfer, not only the class, but most of the boys in the school became Mu Hantian's enemies. Mio is partly responsible for becoming like that, so I'm a little concerned. However, it seems to have made friends successfully.

But... the problem is.

Mio turned his attention to another reason why Mu Hantian was isolated. Mio was sitting in the first row seat by the window. The girl sitting there was looking at the back of Mu Hantian who was walking outside the classroom.

A beautiful girl whose whole body is covered in icy air. He Geng Kiko is the heroic girl of childhood sweetheart - Yuki Nonaka.

With a cold expression on his face that could not be seen, he also left the classroom.

Yesterday, I heard that Mu Hantian and Youxi didn't get along at the coffee shop.

Probably that's the reason. The sudden change also caused confusion among the people around who didn't know the inside story.

It's because of me, right.

To protect Mio's Mu Hantian and Yuxi, let Mu Hantian stop getting involved with Mio.

painful. When Mio suddenly turned his eyes to the desk

"Narase, let's go to dinner together." "If you don't hurry, there will be no seats."

A bright voice was calling out to him. therefore,

"Well, this is coming?"

Mio decided not to think about it any further, and slowly stood up from her seat.


It's time for school in the afternoon.

"We go home."


Mio nodded and just stood up from the seat,

"Nonaka and Hantian, can you come here?" Sakazaki, the head teacher, stopped the two of them.

"What's the matter? Teacher." Mu Hantian turned around and asked.

"Sorry, I want you two to help me with my summer homework." Sakazaki replied with a hearty smile.

"Why, why are you looking for Hantian? Isn't this kind of thing the class leader Noaka... classmate's job?" Mio made an opinion.

"That's true, but because Han Tian came from a transfer school, his summer homework was waived. It would be fair to the other students to help out like this," Sakazaki replied.

"Then why don't you let Geng Xizi help?"

"Uh, but classmate Geng Xizi has already left." Sakazaki said.

"What!" Mio exclaimed angrily. How dare you run first, do you want to be like this?

"Then come to the staff room later." After saying this, Sakazaki left the classroom.

"What a pity, Han Tian. It would be a big mistake to think of being alone."

"It's nothing, I didn't transfer schools because I didn't do my summer homework."

To Takichuan's joke, Mu Hantian could only helplessly shake his head.

Then he looked at Mio: "Mio, I think Geng Xizi should be waiting at the door. You can go home with her, you don't have to wait for me."

"I'm fine by myself." Yuxi said in a cold voice. "This is my job. There is no need to help Hantian."

Mio felt the same way. This kind of chores was originally the job of the monitor. but……

"Okay, it's decided like this, I'll help. If Yuki is alone, I'll be busy until late, so I don't worry. So Mio, you can go back with Geng Xizi."

"I see. Brother, you have to come back early." Mio said with a slight smile.

"Don't worry, Yuxi and I can finish this soon." Mu Hantian patted Mio's shoulder with a smile, then patted her hair before letting her go.

Right, that thing...

Looking at the back of Mio leaving, Mu Hantian suddenly remembered a plot, she seemed to be in the health room.

"Youxi, I have something to do. You go to the staff room by yourself." After speaking, Mu Hantian rushed out of the classroom. His goal was very clear, that is, the health room.

When I came to the health room, for some reason the teacher in charge of health care was not there. The health committee was also absent, and the beds were all vacant. Not a single one.

After thinking about it, Mu Hantian decided to sit down and wait. After about three minutes...crack, the door of the infirmary suddenly opened.

"This classmate, what are you doing here?" A woman in a white coat stood at the door and looked at Mu Hantian. Since Mu Hantian lowered his head, she did not see Mu Hantian's appearance.

"Come on." Mu Hantian raised his head and said lightly.

"It's you!" After the visitor saw Mu Hantian clearly, he was shocked.

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